The Humanity of One Great Person Supercedes and Outdistances the Intent of Every Terrorist in the World Combined!


Aug 6, 2006
Scott, I apologize for derailing your thread. I admit I didn't watch the video. I just started chiming in as I was reading comments in this thread. Forgive me father for I have sinned.

Honestly, I'm as sick of head-up-their-ass liberal hypocrisy as I am of Islam. The Charlie Hebo attacks (and his subsequent 'retirement') in Paris should have been enough of a wake up call and call to arms: these evil savages have no respect for our values and way of life and will accept nothing short of submission to their intolerant totalitarian medieval ideology. The same liberals who lecture us ad nauseam about Islam being a "peaceful religion" and have no problem desecrating a cross, somehow become terrified at the thought of doing the same to Mohammed? That would suggest an 'imbalance' 'imbalance' we should level, and I do mean level in the literal sense.

Islam is not some abstract boogeyman that may change our way of life, it already is! And liberals with their rancid hypocrisy and political correct bullshit are appeasing it!

Yes, GOOD does triumph over evil, but only when the GOOD are unafraid.

I appreciate the time you took to write that Joe - all good. Thank you for realizing you misread my intent here. And I hope you understand now why I made the thread.

Joe, we've known each other through these forums for a long time. There are things we agree strongly about and others where we differ. I also see in you a longterm deep level of frustration. I don't know what difference you intend to make by way of this forum alone. It seems your activism and energy would best be served elsewhere. But I realize that's not for me to determine but for you alone. If you're using this place solely to vent and the posting helps you do that then it's a good thing. But while doing so if you're looking for every other poster to nod in agreement with everything you say what's the benefit of that?

Trust Joe that when there is a topic upon which we disagree -- and no way will there be any gap between us where it comes to premptively and aggressively fighting our enemies (even if in my own mind moderate Islam exists on Thursday and on Friday it's "Fuck Them All!) I want to speak only to what you've written, not at you. Know that it comes from a place of good and that my comments are carefully considered before I type them. Yep, I'm a thinker :) I am not here to tear anyone down. I actually winced the time I saw you and Judge get personal.

Things are changing in a positive direction Joe. Not for every issue that makes you frown. There are just some things where the currents are moving in a direction to which you're opposed. You're not going to win them all. The wrangling over guns and abortion for instance wilkl go on forever. But this Jihadi shit is going down. Slower than we'd like but for certain. What remains of the religion which you term a political movement afterward? It moderates or it dies. But I'm sorry to say that just like Israel-Palestine it won't be resolved in our lifetime.

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