The Humanity of One Great Person Supercedes and Outdistances the Intent of Every Terrorist in the World Combined!


Aug 6, 2006
I'm not sure people who opened their hearts to displaced Jewish refugees during WWII would respect you either.

Those refugees weren't suicide bombers or 'peaceful' Jews trying to change our culture and way of life. They were honest, humble God-fearing people who had lost everything to evil simply wanted a chance at a better life and had no problems assimilating.

But, but, but....Muslims are just like everyone else. NO THEY ARE NOT! Read the Koran and the teachings of Muhammed. It is a violent, evil, intolerant, submissive ideology.

It's time the world woke up and treated Muslims the way Muslims treat everyone else:


Everything is black and white with you. Are you a bot or something. You have absolutely no idea who these refugees are, none. Everything you post is an assumption. And then you try to put words in my mouth. And now YOU want to teach ME about Islam - wow that's rich! As if.....

You also seem to forget that most Jews are liberal and that doesn't mean liberal as the curseword you imply or left on every issue. And speaking of issues why are you always changing the subject? This thread isn't about refugees, 11 other threads are already! This thread is a tribute to an awesome human being showing how he is going to manage coping for himself and his son for the rest of their lives!

But since you brought up the refugee issue again let me ask you this - If a terrorist is determined to enter the US and kill us is waiting in line for 2 years and undegoing what will be the most stringent screening ever the best way to do it? Or are there easier ways? Think Joey!

Aug 6, 2006
You could practice what you preach and forgive him.

Are you really this lazy? Where in either video does he forgive his wife's killers? What he says to and about the Shit they are holds more substance then every post you've ever made combined!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Are you really this lazy? Where in either video does he forgive his wife's killers? What he says to and about the Shit they are holds more substance then every post you've ever made combined!
Sorry Zippy. I’m not a forgiving kind of guy. If someone fucks with you or your family and you want to forgive him that’s your prerogative.

If that were to happen to me or my family I’d be inclined to pull a Marsellus Wallace on his ass.

To each his own.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sorry Zippy. I’m not a forgiving kind of guy. If someone fucks with you or your family and you want to forgive him that’s your prerogative.

If that were to happen to me or my family I’d be inclined to pull a Marsellus Wallace on his ass.

To each his own.

Even dogs can separate friend from foe. Liberals? Not so much.


Germany in a state of SIEGE: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood's changing

  • Thousands of economic migrants are posing as refugees to reach Europe
  • David Cameron said this week that Europe must said failed asylum claimants back to their countries
  • Demands for Germany's 'open doors and windows' policy to be scrapped
  • Women said rape and child abuse were rife in Giessen's refugee camp

Read more:
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Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Everything is black and white with you. Are you a bot or something. You have absolutely no idea who these refugees are, none. Everything you post is an assumption. And then you try to put words in my mouth. And now YOU want to teach ME about Islam - wow that's rich! As if.....

You also seem to forget that most Jews are liberal and that doesn't mean liberal as the curseword you imply or left on every issue. And speaking of issues why are you always changing the subject? This thread isn't about refugees, 11 other threads are already! This thread is a tribute to an awesome human being showing how he is going to manage coping for himself and his son for the rest of their lives!

But since you brought up the refugee issue again let me ask you this - If a terrorist is determined to enter the US and kill us is waiting in line for 2 years and undegoing what will be the most stringent screening ever the best way to do it? Or are there easier ways? Think Joey!

I think therefore I am.


Still thinking...

Thinking some more...

I'm thinking Muslims hate Jews more they hate anyone else.

I'm thinking you're losing it.

Aug 6, 2006
Sorry Zippy. I’m not a forgiving kind of guy. If someone fucks with you or your family and you want to forgive him that’s your prerogative.

If that were to happen to me or my family I’d be inclined to pull a Marsellus Wallace on his ass.

To each his own.

I didn't preach forgiveness. You have your little stock replies and barbs but you neither watched the videos or responded to the words I used to entitle this thread.

The best this man can do since the killers are all dead is to not live a life of despair and to try as hard as possible to retain some normalcy for his growing son, who he wants happiness and not misery for. He slaughtered the terrorists and their ignorance again with his words, which unfortunately is the best he can do as their bodies are cold.

I don't disagree with what you said above. It's just like what Joe wrote, something for a different topic.

Aug 6, 2006
I think therefore I am.


Still thinking...

Thinking some more...

I'm thinking Muslims hate Jews more they hate anyone else.

I'm thinking you're losing it.

I'm thinking you're too lazy to think about the post you just epically failed to respond to.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I didn't preach forgiveness. You have your little stock replies and barbs but you neither watched the videos or responded to the words I used to entitle this thread.

The best this man can do since the killers are all dead is to not live a life of despair and to try as hard as possible to retain some normalcy for his growing son, who he wants happiness and not misery for. He slaughtered the terrorists and their ignorance again with his words, which unfortunately is the best he can do as their bodies are cold.

I don't disagree with what you said above. It's just like what Joe wrote, something for a different topic.
I forgive you Zippy.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm thinking you're too lazy to think about the post you just epically failed to respond to.

I forgive you Scott.


Aug 6, 2006
Sheriff Joe and Donald Trump are the only two people I know who have never been wrong.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I've been very wrong in the NFL this year......but for the most part, I'm gonna be right.....not all the time but compared to guys like Willie, Russ and Dave.....well, there is no comparison.

Aug 6, 2006
This thread was derailed, like most threads in here. I guess I should have expected that.

There are posters here who have difficulty communicating. I don't consider myself one of them. I have a decent command of the English language, especially when compared to most in this toilet.

There are posters here who are rigid and inflexible. Others are stuck in the past. I'm not one of those guys either.

I didn't make this thread to forgive scum who kill innocent people for allah. They should rot in hell with their poppa Osama and their grandaddy Arafat.

I didn't make this thread to convince people that the US and Europe should open their doors to people who are coming here to kill us. Let us find them and kill them first.

I made this thread because I saw a man stand strong in the face of an unimaginable loss.

I made this thread to show that one of us good people is a stronger force than all of their evil combined.

I made this thread to show a man who will not have his way of life threatened by evil people attacking innocents because they want to return to a time of darkness. No, our hero will go on and live his life as a life of good, a life of celebration, as will we.

I made this thread to show that good triumphs over evil.

If you failed to grasp why I made this thread I'm not the one with a problem. I wish you all peace of mind.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference on Wednesday

“Militant Islam must be identified, condemned and fought,” he declared. “The only way to defeat this is the way Nazism was defeated; first, you defeat then you de-Nazify. That's the order. That's the priority. And it must be now a common agenda to defeat the forces of militant Islam and not to compromise with this.”

Aug 6, 2006
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference on Wednesday

“Militant Islam must be identified, condemned and fought,” he declared. “The only way to defeat this is the way Nazism was defeated; first, you defeat then you de-Nazify. That's the order. That's the priority. And it must be now a common agenda to defeat the forces of militant Islam and not to compromise with this.”

No Shit Sherlock!
And nothing to do with this thread.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Scott, I apologize for derailing your thread. I admit I didn't watch the video. I just started chiming in as I was reading comments in this thread. Forgive me father for I have sinned.

Honestly, I'm as sick of head-up-their-ass liberal hypocrisy as I am of Islam. The Charlie Hebo attacks (and his subsequent 'retirement') in Paris should have been enough of a wake up call and call to arms: these evil savages have no respect for our values and way of life and will accept nothing short of submission to their intolerant totalitarian medieval ideology. The same liberals who lecture us ad nauseam about Islam being a "peaceful religion" and have no problem desecrating a cross, somehow become terrified at the thought of doing the same to Mohammed? That would suggest an 'imbalance' 'imbalance' we should level, and I do mean level in the literal sense.

Islam is not some abstract boogeyman that may change our way of life, it already is! And liberals with their rancid hypocrisy and political correct bullshit are appeasing it!

Yes, GOOD does triumph over evil, but only when the GOOD are unafraid.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


On Friday night you stole the life of an exceptional being, the love of my life, the mother of my son, but you won't have my hatred.
I don't know who you are and I don't want to know - you are dead souls. If this God for which you kill indiscriminately made us in his own image, every bullet in the body of my wife will have been a wound in his heart.
So no, I don't give you the gift of hating you. You are asking for it but responding to hatred with anger would be giving in to the same ignorance that made you what you are.
You want me to be afraid, to view my fellow countrymen with mistrust, to sacrifice my freedom for security.You have lost.
I saw her this morning. Finally, after many nights and days of waiting. She was just as beautiful as when she left on Friday night, just as beautiful as when I fell hopelessly in love over 12 years ago.
Of course I'm devastated with grief, I admit this small victory, but it will be short-lived. I know she will accompany us every day and that we will find ourselves in this paradise of free souls to which you'll never have access.
We are two, my son and I, but we are stronger than all the armies of the world.
I don't have any more time to devote to you, I have to join Melvil who is waking up from his nap. He is barely 17-months-old. He will eat his meals as usual, and then we are going to play as usual, and for his whole life this little boy will threaten you by being happy and free. Because no, you will not have his hatred either.


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