War with Iran is inevitable - Israel cannot and will not let Iran get a nuclear weapon - how could they? Iran has already said they are going to wipe Israel off this earth - we are going to be sucked into this as Israel is our only true ally in the region - I personally think the 47 Senators were letting Iran know that they might think we have a President with a vagina but if they keep fucken around we are gonna let them know theyre fucken with the wrong niggas
War with Iran is inevitable - Israel cannot and will not let Iran get a nuclear weapon - how could they? Iran has already said they are going to wipe Israel off this earth - we are going to be sucked into this as Israel is our only true ally in the region - I personally think the 47 Senators were letting Iran know that they might think we have a President with a vagina but if they keep fucken around we are gonna let them know theyre fucken with the wrong niggas
Except it wasn't.
In 2009, when the people of Iran rose up against the Islamo-Nazis, the Kenyan stood by and did nothing. Actually, he did what he always promised - stood with radical Muslims when the political winds shifted in an ugly direction.
Now he's prepared to let the same Islamo-Nazis develop nukes selling Israel down the river?
Thousands will die because of this traitorous Muslim bastard, and that's the best case scenario.
What's the reason for writing this letter? Why not instead let the charade continue until Iran walks away from the table? There's no reason to tip our hand to these animals anyway. Guesser loves the cock.
Because Hussein's Iran deal is an act of surrender.
Joe, I GET IT. But Iran is in no hurry to sign any deal. They don't see any difference between Obama and the authors of this letter. All devils to those devils. Again, it's a charade. No reason to tip our hand. Iran will never honor a hudna.
Here's the letter Libtard Nation is losing its collective mind over:
Honestly, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Yeah, Vit's a hypocrite but that doesn't make what the 47 GOP Senators did justifiable. Treason is extreme and I won't go there but it is juvenile and it is embarrassing.
I disagree.
If it ends up sabotaging Hussein's Act of Surrender it was both effective and necessary.
Can you point out anything dishonest or inaccurate in the letter?
I believe the words I used were juvenile and embarrassing not inaccurate or dishonest.