The Fade died, we're all being forced to adjust until Lang starts making the picks again. You might remember when this happened back in the baseball season. I'm sure the fade will start up again some time in the future.
The fade is down money for the last 3 months. Like I said it's more like it's on vacation. When Lang starts making the picks again and the money management goes out the window, then the fade will be successful again. At the current rate even if he starts losing its gonna take months just to get back to even.:lol:
The fade is up money in every fucking sport Lang bets.
The fade is down money for the last 3 months. Like I said it's more like it's on vacation. When Lang starts making the picks again and the money management goes out the window, then the fade will be successful again. At the current rate even if he starts losing its gonna take months just to get back to even.