JC, that's irrelevant. I advocate the best interests of everyone who wants freedom to gamble.
Actually it is relevant for the simple reason that your income wouldn't be tied to a Barack Obama economy, meaning all the destructive Marxist crap he is proposing is pure entertainment/theory for you and thus wouldn't impact on your lifestyle or well-being in the least.
No wonder you're willing to take the blind plunge and vote for "your boy" -- damn the consequences and to hell with your country!!
[/i]JFK was more conservative than John McCain. :sad3:
This too is true. JFK would be a right wing neocon extremist today. Never mind John McCain, he was more conservative than W.
I'd take JFK in a heartbeat.
We're just going to have to hope for the best over the next fours years, then go back to the starting line. At least the old man will be more proactive in our war on terror, and he'll nominate more conservative judges, but thats about it.
He's not too shabby on fiscal responsibility and will VETO more wasteful pork spending bills than Bush ever did. He's also promising to tackle entitlements, though with the Democrat Congress I have no idea how he plans on doing that.
4 years of relative peace and tranquility -- gridlock -- and then we have to listen to Willie shilling for Mike Huckabee 24/7 all over again!
Total and Tiz, You guys are so hung up on your perceived apocalypse that you can’t recognize when a poster is ragging on another poster. I’m curious, either of you live through the Carter administration as an adult? I’m not trying to be a wise ass I’m truly curious.