Willie when will you learn, you have to use terms like wing nut, fringe, or lunatic to get your point across. Never mind, those are words they use when they can't get their point across or have no point at all accept to attack the messenger. They look like geniuses when they discuss politics with their low information buddies and can't stand it when what they say gets a reality check on the forum. Oh yes, wing nut, fringe, lunatic, now I feel better.
Hey Russ. I consider you a sane guy, separate from the Zit's, Willies, Caspers, Dave's of the world of the Poli forum. You just like to play connect the dots, but I don't consider you a hard core Cult member who can speak no evil of fellow Cult members. That's why I'm surprised you haven't showed your disgust at Dave being pro terrorist and approving of sending Poison in the mail to Politicians. You were the one person firmly entrenched on that side that I thought would show disgust.