The Clown Show Starts With the Biggest Clown- Cruz is In -Fun Begins


New member
Aug 28, 2012
You can't really believe this? Cruz doesn't terrify anyone. Your head must be so fucked up to think Cruz would stand a chance, Hilary landslide.

I agree, Cruz doesn't have it to make it to be the President, he would need a solid, yet hardly unknown running mate to get the attention off him, to even stand 1/2 a chance.

Sep 21, 2004
I just love how Ted Cruz unabashedly goes out of his way to be the anti-Obama in every way possible - from ditching the teleprompter to announcing his candidacy on the 5th year anniversary of the disaster that is Obamacare. He's literally promising to unravel everything Hussein and his 'progressive' commies fought for their entire lives, probably within weeks of being sworn in.

Cruz is one Republican who won't break a conservative Patriot's heart, and how many candidates can really say that?

Establishment GOP before 2014 elections: Give us the Senate and we promise to defund Obamacare and stop Hussein's illegal amnesty!

Ahh, Casper's in love again. It's cute. And this time it's a fellow Canadian, so maybe Teddy could visit the Canadian Purple Flower Patch when he's visiting home and get some. I hope Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter don't feel jilted. Your gullibility at falling for losers knows no bounds.
Within weeks of being sworn in????? What is weeks to infinity, since it ain't never happening. I'd offer you the same bet J Deuce ran as fast as he could away from, but it's worthless with you, because you'd just make another ghost the day after losing, or worse, just pull a Zit and blatantly violate the bets terms and continue to post as this Casper.

Sep 21, 2004
When they allow a fair and balanced election process, then 3rd parties and such are an option. But, as it is now, the elections are pretty much rigged by the media, big money, special interest, and lobbyists on who they want in office.

And staying home and not voting is any possible remedy? I don't disagree with your gripes, but I disagree with your solution, just accepting it, and not participating.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You're not accusing them of naked, Blatant Hypocrisy, are you?? :nohead:

This fraud you call 'president' was a Manchurian candidate planted and paid for by foreign money/interests with the purpose of intentionally destroying the United States and its Constitution with a failed ideology conducting failed social experiments. He wouldn't tell us who he was, lied about his beliefs and religion to get elected, sealed his college records, provided a phony birth certificate at a phony staged press conference with no questions allowed, and didn't even have a social security number that appeared to be his own...all the while looking America straight into the eye promising to be the most transparent administration in history.

Ted Cruz has already posted his birth certificate online, we know who he is, who his parents are, where he was born (Canada), his beliefs, what he stands for and what he's against, where his loyalties lie, and which God he worships.

If you want to know where Ted Cruz stands, read the Constitution and the Bible.

If you want to know where the unvetted Kenyan stands, read the Communist Manifesto, the Koran and Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Blatant hypocrisy? The contrast could not be more clear.

Sep 21, 2004
Speaking of Nate Silver and numbers, his site(not him) weighs in on the Current Reality of Ted Cruz's candidacy:

[h=1]Let’s Be Serious About Ted Cruz From The Start: He’s Too Extreme And Too Disliked To Win[/h] By Harry Enten
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s newly minted presidential campaign is the media equivalent of a juicy rib-eye that robbers use to distract a guard dog during a heist. He’ll get a ton of media attention, and he’ll get to spread his message — which may be all that Cruz is after — but Cruz almost certainly has no shot of winning the nomination, according to every indicator that predicts success in presidential primaries.
First, Cruz doesn’t have enough support from party bigwigs. To win the Republican or Democratic nomination, you need the backing of at least some of the party apparatus. At a minimum, your fellow party members shouldn’t hate you. Otherwise, you end up getting the Newt Gingrich 2012 treatment. That is, you get pounced on the moment you’re seen as a threat to win the nomination.
If we’re ever in a world where it looks like Cruz could win the nomination, you’ll very likely see such pouncing. You can read article after article about how Cruz has isolated himself in the Senate. It got so bad that he recently had to apologize to his Republican colleagues.
And the Cruz hatred doesn’t stop at the edges of the Senate cloakroom. Influential party actors dislike him, too. I can’t remember another Republican who united Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Jennifer Rubin and Thomas Sowell in opposition.
That isn’t to say that Cruz is universally hated in Washington. He has a fan base in the very conservative House GOP caucus. House Republicans have, in fact, been egging Cruz on. The problem for Cruz is that endorsements from this group are likely worth about one-third to one-half as much as those from major statewide officials. Representatives usually have very little statewide sway, and most Americans cannot even name their representative.
Second, Cruz has an electability problem. You can see this on two fronts: ideology and polling.
Cruz is likely far too extreme ideologically to win the nomination. The Republican party has a habit of nominating relatively moderate candidates (see John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012). That’s especially the case when the party has been out of the White House for more than one term. A Cruz nomination wouldn’t just break this streak; it would throw it off a 100-floor balcony and drop a piano on it.
Cruz is more conservative than every recent nominee, every other candidate who mounted a serious bid in 2012 and every plausible candidate running or potentially running in 2016. Let’s look at three ideological measures: DW-Nominate common-space scores (which are based on a candidate’s voting record in Congress), fundraising ratings (based on who donates to a candidate), and scores (based on public statements made by the candidate). As my colleague Nate Silver has previously noted, these measures aren’t perfect, but together, they give you a fairly good idea of where a candidate stands.

Cruz is the first or second most conservative candidate on all three scales for former nominees and all the candidates running in the 2016 campaign. There really isn’t much disagreement about where to put Cruz on the left-right spectrum, especially compared with someone like Rand Paul, whose libertarianism creates a public statements score far more liberal than the other indicators.
Indeed, Cruz’s average conservatism score wipes all the other candidates away. There is less ideological space between Michele Bachmann and Marco Rubio than there is between Bachmann and Cruz. Cruz, for instance, has managed to earn a 96 percent rating from the Club for Growth in his two years in Congress, while Bachmann earned only an 88 percent during the same period. Cruz’s public statements can also be categorized as far more conservative than those of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who San Francisco State University assistant political science professor Jason McDaniel argued was potentially too conservative to win the nomination.
And, importantly, the public doesn’t view Cruz as more moderate than he is; polling confirms Cruz’s electability problem.
Four national live interview polls taken since December have tested Cruz in a matchup against Hillary Clinton. In each one of these polls, Cruz has done the worst of any of the possible 2016 Republican nominees. In fact, he’s trailed by an average of 5 percentage points more than the average Republican tested: CNN/Opinion Research Corp (at 6 percentage points), Marist College (at 5 percentage points), Quinnipiac University (at 3 percentage points) and Selzer (at 5 percentage points).
This brings us to our third and final point: In addition to GOP politicians and the overall public, Cruz has been deemed unpresidential by Republican voters, too. In an average of the three live interview national primary preference polls taken over the past month, Cruz is in eighth place with just 5 percent. Can Cruz overcome this low percentage by being people’s second choice? I doubt it.

Last month, CBS News asked Republicans who they would consider for the Republican nomination. Here’s CBS’s chart of the results:

Cruz ended up with the second lowest “yes” rating and the third-lowest net rating (the percentage who said “yes” minus the percentage who said “no”) at +2 percentage points. The only candidates who had worse net ratings were Paul and Chris Christie, both of whom also have very little chance of winning the nomination. Marco Rubio, who is polling just ahead of Cruz at 6 percent nationally in horserace polls but is a serious contender for the nomination, has a much higher upside, with his “yes” percentage at 37 percent and net rating of +18 percentage points.
Importantly, Cruz’s numbers aren’t any better in Iowa, where he needs to do well. He’s also in eighth place there, at just 4 percent in the last three live interview polls. Cruz’s advisers have argued that he can cobble together enough social conservative and libertarian voters to win the nomination. First, very conservative voters account for only a third of all primary voters, so that seems like a flawed strategy. Second, it doesn’t even seem like Cruz is in a position to bring these groups together in very conservative Iowa.
According to a recent Quinnipiac poll in Iowa, Cruz is only seen favorably by 49 percent and 59 percent of voters who have a favorable view of social conservatives Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, respectively. Six other candidates have better favorable ratings among those who like Huckabee, while five other candidates have a better favorable rating among voters who like Santorum.
In the same poll, Cruz has a favorable rating of 58 percent among voters who had a favorable view of Paul. Again, four other candidates had a better favorable rating among Paul fans. Cruz simply isn’t in that good of a position to pick up the slew of these voters if Paul falters down the road.
Put it all together, and you can see why I’m skeptical of Cruz’s chances. He doesn’t have a flaw in his candidacy — he has many. Now, Cruz is going to win some votes, and dominating the GOP’s conservative wing — with press, prestige and money — would be incredibly valuable for Cruz. But we can see why the betting markets give the chronically bad Houston Astros a better chance of winning the American League pennant than Cruz of winning the Republican nomination.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
And staying home and not voting is any possible remedy? I don't disagree with your gripes, but I disagree with your solution, just accepting it, and not participating.

Ive got maybe 6 months to decide if I am going to run or not... if I do run, I expect everyone's support here... I have posts for everyone!!

Sheriff Joe - Will be my Ambassador to Tuvalu (least populated country in the world)
Vitterd - Secretary of Energy (For some reason, I picture he looks like the guy in that position right now, so the transition should be ok)
The Guesser - Secretary of Treasury (Guy likes money, and in no way am I putting AK in charge of our treasury!!)
Akphidelt - White House Press Secretary (guy can spin, and always starts and ends conversations with a laugh!! Can always find a way to make all my bad decisions look good)
Jdeuce - Secretary of Veterans Affairs (I think this guy can clean it up, he says things straight from the hip and doesn't care who he offends)
Scottcarter - Secretary of the Interior (Seems to be one of the funny, yet most level headed in this part of the forums)
FesteringZit - Ambassador to Russia (go get em!!! Takes one mad man to deal with another!!)
Defying and Betallsports (Director and Deputy Director of the Secret Service... we will have a MMA match and winner decides which position they take)

Give me your vote and campaign donations and I will find a spot for you!! (This is how presidential positions are mostly decided now days anyways lol)

Sep 21, 2004
This fraud you call 'president' was a Manchurian candidate planted and paid for by foreign money/interests with the purpose of intentionally destroying the United States and its Constitution with a failed ideology conducting failed social experiments. He wouldn't tell us who he was, lied about his beliefs and religion to get elected, sealed his college records, provided a phony birth certificate at a phony staged press conference with no questions allowed, and didn't even have a social security number that appeared to be his own...all the while looking America straight into the eye promising to be the most transparent administration in history.

Ted Cruz has already posted his birth certificate online, we know who he is, who his parents are, where he was born (Canada), his beliefs, what he stands for and what he's against, where his loyalties lie, and which God he worships.

If you want to know where Ted Cruz stands, read the Constitution and the Bible.

If you want to know where the unvetted Kenyan stands, read the Communist Manifesto, the Koran and Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Blatant hypocrisy? The contrast could not be more clear.

Your Blatant Hypocrisy could not be more clear, and your above nonsense has been successfully rebutted for years here and elsewhere, especially at, one stop shopping to debunk crackpots like you with FACTS. When is that Universe Shattering News about Obama's Birth coming again, Casper? And here you are, supporting a Foreigner, after years of railing against a proven American because you mistakenly think he's a foreigner. You are a joke. A sick, hypocritical joke, but a joke, nonetheless.
Speaking of Communists, who did Ted Cruz's Cuban father fight for, when he was in Cuba? Now if I was of your sick ilk, that would automatically make Ted Cruz a proven Communist.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Your Blatant Hypocrisy could not be more clear, and your above nonsense has been successfully rebutted for years here and elsewhere, especially at, one stop shopping to debunk crackpots like you with FACTS. When is that Universe Shattering News about Obama's Birth coming again, Casper? And here you are, supporting a Foreigner, after years of railing against a proven American because you mistakenly think he's a foreigner. You are a joke. A sick, hypocritical joke, but a joke, nonetheless.
Speaking of Communists, who did Ted Cruz's Cuban father fight for, when he was in Cuba? Now if I was of your sick ilk, that would automatically make Ted Cruz a proven Communist.

Go snopes yourself.

Here's hoping your anti-Cruz spam fest produces the same impressive results as your anti-Bibi spam fest.

Have at it, kiddo.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
All the Libs here have their work cut out for them. All this fervor against Cruz.

Just think, you’ll get to do all over again when Walker, Rubio and Paul announce. That should keep you busy for a year.

Then the Conservatives will get their chance to show distain when Jebediah gets in to the race.

All other Republicans who may decide to run are just pissing in the wind.

Meanwhile Granny Clinton will continue to tell everyone there is no there, there.

Once the smoke clears we’ll all vote the party line except for Trends who won’t back any candidate regardless of party.

I’ll say it now, I’ll be joining Trends if Jebediah gets the nod.

I can live with any of the other above mentioned Republicans.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Wow. Making your presidential announcement at liberty university. Where the biggest loon religious fool jerry Fallwell dwells. That guy is one sick fuck.

Aug 6, 2006
Ive got maybe 6 months to decide if I am going to run or not... if I do run, I expect everyone's support here... I have posts for everyone!!

Sheriff Joe - Will be my Ambassador to Tuvalu (least populated country in the world)
Vitterd - Secretary of Energy (For some reason, I picture he looks like the guy in that position right now, so the transition should be ok)
The Guesser - Secretary of Treasury (Guy likes money, and in no way am I putting AK in charge of our treasury!!)
Akphidelt - White House Press Secretary (guy can spin, and always starts and ends conversations with a laugh!! Can always find a way to make all my bad decisions look good)
Jdeuce - Secretary of Veterans Affairs (I think this guy can clean it up, he says things straight from the hip and doesn't care who he offends)
Scottcarter - Secretary of the Interior (Seems to be one of the funny, yet most level headed in this part of the forums)
FesteringZit - Ambassador to Russia (go get em!!! Takes one mad man to deal with another!!)
Defying and Betallsports (Director and Deputy Director of the Secret Service... we will have a MMA match and winner decides which position they take)

Give me your vote and campaign donations and I will find a spot for you!! (This is how presidential positions are mostly decided now days anyways lol)

What the Fuck am I gonna do, sit here and gamble?

Apr 8, 2009
Um, that isn't responsive to the 40 other items, idiot.

You do nothing but come on this Web site and lie all day. Every day.
You should be banned from the forum. It is almost impossible for you to post without insults and name-calling, and you don't seem to ever really add anything that's of much value.

Aug 6, 2006
I don't think this is an administration you want any part of. I'm gonna fuck an intern and do meth just to get fired

Aim higher. Fuck an intern, do meth, AND then convince NFL Trends not to fire you by screaming at him, "What difference does it make!"

Anyway I just signed on with NFL's campaign - Director of Bracketology!

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