- After 8 years of falsely claiming the President was born elsewhere, conservatives get behind a guy who was born elsewhere. #YouCruzYouLose
- After 8 years of falsely claiming the President was born elsewhere, conservatives get behind a guy who was born elsewhere. #YouCruzYouLose
God I hope he wins the GOP nomination. It's gonna be a $h!tshow. Bring on Palin for his running mate.![]()
Only chance Cruz has is to find someone to balance him out, so he wont look as bad... Palin IS NOT the answer lmao
Only people I can see helping him as a running mate would be Condeleza Rice, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Nikki Haley or Rand Paul
That's the only way I could vote for him... cause I sure in the hell wont vote for him if one of those aren't his running mates. And I am not voting for Hillary either...
Looks like another election day where I might have something better to do then cast my vote
Only chance Cruz has is to find someone to balance him out, so he wont look as bad... Palin IS NOT the answer lmao
Only people I can see helping him as a running mate would be Condeleza Rice, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Nikki Haley or Rand Paul
That's the only way I could vote for him... cause I sure in the hell wont vote for him if one of those aren't his running mates. And I am not voting for Hillary either...
Looks like another election day where I might have something better to do then cast my vote
"Pretending" he has no chance???ointer: Well dumbass, if you REALLY TRULY believe that, then you should have no problem accepting the bet RIGHT NOW, no revisiting necessary. But you already know that you don't even remotely believe what you wrote, because no one sane could. Then again, it's you, so maybe you do, so how about taking the bet RIGHT NOW?
The truth is the only party that fears Cruz, that are "terrified" of Cruz is his own, that his craziness might tarnish their actual candidate.
Did you let vtard borrow your user name and password?
I just gave you several reasons Cruz might not win the nomination, and they have nothing to do with how well the American public would receive him. He's battling two opponents. I'm not betting on him winning the presidency today.
However, I'm more than happy to go after the other part of the bet. Let's say Ted Cruz wins the nomination. Want to give me him +20 points versus whoever he runs against? How does $2k strike you on that one? Just think of all the WWE PPVs you could buy with that kind of money. Hell, you might even be able to afford a bus ticket to Wrestlemania!
Let me know, son.
There was no other part of the bet. The only bet I offered was that Ted Cruz would NOT be the POTUS on Jan 21st, 2017. You finally show some brains by running away from that bet as fast as Lying Ace runs from bets, because Obviously you don't believe he has any chance. Smart kid, finally.
In other words, you were talking out of your ass with the 20-point false bravado. Nice punt, retard.
Feel free to show me where I ever said Cruz is a lock for 2017. I didn't. Again, I listed reasons he may not win the nomination completely separate from his popularity with voters...reasons large enough to potentially derail his bid. How exactly could it be in any way unclear to you why I wouldn't bet that?
Dumb fuck...do you actually read what I post, or just auto-paste lame pre-written responses?
I made it very clear that Cruz will face plenty of opposition from not only dimocraps, but possibly just as much from his own party since many of his stances don't align with the establishment R's. You're asking me to basically bet on a team where its own coach is deliberately calling crappy plays because he's trying to throw the game. The fact remains that the country wants something different than the same old stale political horseshit.
If Ted wins the nomination, we'll revisit the bet. All of them, in fact. I'd gladly back Ted +20 over any one of your candidates for as much as you like.
Dimocraps are terrified of Ted, so they're pretending he has no chance to make themselves feel better. He is everything you hate: a conservative, Constitutionalist, and a minority.
3rd or 4th or 5th party dude. You can't complain if you pass.