Sheesh The usual around this site. I said I was in the wrong. I strongly disagree with the rule only because I just can't see any possible reason not to let the picks be made until Sunday morning. I ask a simple question about the reason why the deadline is the day before. Of course no answer. Just a snide remark. Would expect nothing else as no one is ever cordial on this site so why start now. Once again I'm fine with it. As ridiculous as I think it is. One way or the other I do enjoy these pools and appreciate you guys for running them. If I do mention ways that I feel they can be improved I will still post my thoughts. If they are ignored fair enough. Nothing wrong with trying lol
Cry me a river dude! You signed up, you read the rules, then it is your responsibility. Don't like them then don't play period. Tired of hearing people complain about times this times that. JOH and company put on a great contest year in an year out. I am happy to donate my funds to have that opportunity to play in and win in them.