It's too bad more of these kids don't go the Andrew Luck route. A player who saw about 40 different defenses and defensive schemes by the time his college career was over. It made his transition to the NFL much easier. He was able to make an impact right away without having to carry around a clipboard for 2 or 3 years. Johnny Football is also leaving early. But at least he's seen two years of the best defenses a college player will face. Winston isn't learning a lot from a dozen 59-3 blowouts a season. I think it's going to make his NFL transistion much harder if he declares after his sophomore year. Even as talented as Cam Newton is, I saw him miss a lot of outlet receivers against SF that an otherwise more seasoned college QB would have hit. Winston needs more reps, and more competitive games like had had against Auburn. Ellis Johnson had a month to prepare for him with a very average at best SEC defense. Just think what these NFL coordinators will throw at him. And with much more talent. It's no coincidence that all of these QB's in the playoffs were seasoned college QB's who completed their 4 year college careers like Peyton Manning, Brady, Brees, Kappernick, Russell Wilson played for two different Division 1 college programs. These guys were well prepared and had seen many different defenses thrown at them by the time they came to the NFL. Most started almost right away, and were successful almost from the start. I don't see nearly as much of that happening with these 2 year college QB's.