Texans' Bob McNair apologizes for 'inmates' statement during owners meeting

Feb 6, 2007
There is no "system" holding blacks back.

You're an embarrassment.

Four decades dumbass.

Yeah there's no system.


Jul 4, 2012
If any race had four decades of suppressionl

Four decades?

Um, are you saying Blacks weren't suppressed from, say, 1650 to 1950?

Do you even know what "decades" means, genius?

You're a white, high-school educated moron screeching about black people on the Internet.
Feb 6, 2007
You have to think about quality of life. They don't have that shit like we do. Why? Lol it's not because they are too lazy to get off the couch.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Mob you should go and mow the lawn...lol

Aug 20, 2007
poor choice of words but I get the analogy... not sure why so many feel offended by it though. I thought football players were tougher than that.
Feb 6, 2007
Four decades?

Um, are you saying Blacks weren't suppressed from, say, 1650 to 1950?

Do you even know what "decades" means, genius?

You're a white, high-school educated moron screeching about black people on the Internet.

Lol @ 1650. When was the war on drugs?

Not before 1950 that is sure. I haven't once said one damn thing about before 1950 because I can't relate to that slavery stuff. You wont hear me saying anything about that because I don't have ancestors who went through that or anything like that. I only speak on what I know about.

May 27, 2007
Lol @ 1650. When was the war on drugs?

Not before 1950 that is sure. I haven't once said one damn thing about before 1950 because I can't relate to that slavery stuff. You wont hear me saying anything about that because I don't have ancestors who went through that or anything like that. I only speak on what I know about.

How can you relate to anything about the black discussion you so often indulge in? What do you know about the inner city?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You only tried to refute the CRACK part of my rebuttal to your claims... what about all the others?

Is there a war on drugs for white people on Meth? Since its being handled the same way? Unwed single mothers? Crime? etc....

Nov 4, 2009
You only tried to refute the CRACK part of my rebuttal to your claims... what about all the others?

Is there a war on drugs for white people on Meth? Since its being handled the same way? Unwed single mothers? Crime? etc....

Aw Jeez here comes another 8-Count for MobD. Once he returns from mowing the lawn. Yet another 10-8 Round.

You hit on The Necessary First Step. If we're gonna Progress towards Solution & away from sinking into this Tar Pit Priority #1 has to be addressing that issue of Black Children growing up without Fathers.

Whether White families have to adopt these kids abandoned by the Black Men who created them, Asian Families may be would be willing to Step Up as well.

First Step onto any path that has even any HOPE of Repair of this desperately broken situation is eradicating that complete absence of Positive & Stern Parental Influence on Black Children.

Until We fix that noting of a Lasting Positive nature is gonna get accomplished.
Feb 6, 2007
You only tried to refute the CRACK part of my rebuttal to your claims... what about all the others?

Is there a war on drugs for white people on Meth? Since its being handled the same way? Unwed single mothers? Crime? etc....

No there isn't. Why would there be? They never wanted prisons full of white people. Then blacks would start to take over......you wouldn't want that right? So what are you all upset about? I explained how the government schemed to set back blacks as much as they could with the declaration of the war on drugs. And it worked. So why are you all upset?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
No there isn't. Why would there be? They never wanted prisons full of white people. Then blacks would start to take over......you wouldn't want that right? So what are you all upset about? I explained how the government schemed to set back blacks as much as they could with the declaration of the war on drugs. And it worked. So why are you all upset?

So this is how you think the plan worked:

1. Place cocaine in black neighborhoods, and teach them how to make crack
2. At gunpoint force those poor victims to smoke crack
3. Then start filling the prisons with them to make furniture and license plates for $0,20 cents an hour
4. Once this is in place, these things will happen:
A: Black teenagers and men will start committing violent crimes and murder at higher rates than any other race
B: These same teenagers and men will all of a sudden feel the urge to make women and girls pregnant, then leave them
C: These same people in those communities will start to not want to succeed, nor will they want anyone else in the neighborhood to succeed.
D: With extra funding, these schools still see tremendous failures, so they need even more funding costing millions more
E: Extra funding and $Billions$ more will need to be spend on programs for at risk youth, training and childcare
F: In order to keep them in control and into blind slavery, we need to have 1 random officer, kill a random black person that made the officers life
feel in danger.
G: In order for them to still need to feel like a victim, we must give them black only clubs, awards, celebrations, political voices, colleges, etc...

And to summarize, and once this grad plan has been put into place.... We will be able to use these slaves and victims to work in the prisons making some furniture and other random shit for $0.20 on the dollar.

Does that sum up your theory?

Or is it more of you trying to give them some sort of excuse for playing the victim-hood card, and hanging onto that their great great great grandparents were slaves, so they deserve everything to be handed to them free, and nothing short of having a free pass at life, not taking any responsibility for their choices, and blaming everything on the "White Man" as their "Not my fault" mentality.


There are people who come here legally, barely able to speak the language, very little education, very little money, and within 1 or 2 generations they are in the middle class or higher.

Ill say it again, and THIS IS PROVEN... and you tell me how many of these 4 following rules they broke and WHOSE FAULT IS IT?

The 3 rules to not be permanently poor in the United states, and to be in the middle/upper class:

1. Finish school (Education gets you a better job)
2, Do not have children out of wedlock (Single parents are 27x more likely to live in poverty,)
3. Have a job (Self explanatory)
4. Do not commit a crime (again, self explanatory)

EVERY other race in America flourishes here except for native born 3 generational or more African-Americans. Why is that? Ethiopians come here and thrive, have a very tiny crime rate, and thrive. They are black.... so why isnt the system "racist" towards them? Same goes for those from Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad, Dominican Republic, Ghana... etc. ALL come here having less opportunities for education and job growth, yet succeed while making 30% more than native born African Americans http://www.blackenterprise.com/money/black-immigrants-in-u-s-earning-30-more-than-u-s-born-blacks/ ... WAIT but, but, but Systematic racism, but but white people, but but... Take your bullshit somewhere else... and NO, being a SJW will NOT get you laid. Saying you are a femininst, SJW or BLM supporter as a white person causes pussies to dry.

Find a valid arguement, its black CULTURE and thier own communities destroying them, not some nameless "White Man" and government conspiracy.

New member
Sep 9, 2007
So this is how you think the plan worked:

1. Place cocaine in black neighborhoods, and teach them how to make crack
2. At gunpoint force those poor victims to smoke crack
3. Then start filling the prisons with them to make furniture and license plates for $0,20 cents an hour
4. Once this is in place, these things will happen:
A: Black teenagers and men will start committing violent crimes and murder at higher rates than any other race
B: These same teenagers and men will all of a sudden feel the urge to make women and girls pregnant, then leave them
C: These same people in those communities will start to not want to succeed, nor will they want anyone else in the neighborhood to succeed.
D: With extra funding, these schools still see tremendous failures, so they need even more funding costing millions more
E: Extra funding and $Billions$ more will need to be spend on programs for at risk youth, training and childcare
F: In order to keep them in control and into blind slavery, we need to have 1 random officer, kill a random black person that made the officers life
feel in danger.
G: In order for them to still need to feel like a victim, we must give them black only clubs, awards, celebrations, political voices, colleges, etc...

And to summarize, and once this grad plan has been put into place.... We will be able to use these slaves and victims to work in the prisons making some furniture and other random shit for $0.20 on the dollar.

Does that sum up your theory?

Or is it more of you trying to give them some sort of excuse for playing the victim-hood card, and hanging onto that their great great great grandparents were slaves, so they deserve everything to be handed to them free, and nothing short of having a free pass at life, not taking any responsibility for their choices, and blaming everything on the "White Man" as their "Not my fault" mentality.


There are people who come here legally, barely able to speak the language, very little education, very little money, and within 1 or 2 generations they are in the middle class or higher.

Ill say it again, and THIS IS PROVEN... and you tell me how many of these 4 following rules they broke and WHOSE FAULT IS IT?

The 3 rules to not be permanently poor in the United states, and to be in the middle/upper class:

1. Finish school (Education gets you a better job)
2, Do not have children out of wedlock (Single parents are 27x more likely to live in poverty,)
3. Have a job (Self explanatory)
4. Do not commit a crime (again, self explanatory)

EVERY other race in America flourishes here except for native born 3 generational or more African-Americans. Why is that? Ethiopians come here and thrive, have a very tiny crime rate, and thrive. They are black.... so why isnt the system "racist" towards them? Same goes for those from Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad, Dominican Republic, Ghana... etc. ALL come here having less opportunities for education and job growth, yet succeed while making 30% more than native born African Americans http://www.blackenterprise.com/money/black-immigrants-in-u-s-earning-30-more-than-u-s-born-blacks/ ... WAIT but, but, but Systematic racism, but but white people, but but... Take your bullshit somewhere else... and NO, being a SJW will NOT get you laid. Saying you are a femininst, SJW or BLM supporter as a white person causes pussies to dry.

Find a valid arguement, its black CULTURE and thier own communities destroying them, not some nameless "White Man" and government conspiracy.

Goddamn, NFLtrends from the top rope...well thought out, and spot on...well done.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
So this is how you think the plan worked:

1. Place cocaine in black neighborhoods, and teach them how to make crack
2. At gunpoint force those poor victims to smoke crack
3. Then start filling the prisons with them to make furniture and license plates for $0,20 cents an hour
4. Once this is in place, these things will happen:
A: Black teenagers and men will start committing violent crimes and murder at higher rates than any other race
B: These same teenagers and men will all of a sudden feel the urge to make women and girls pregnant, then leave them
C: These same people in those communities will start to not want to succeed, nor will they want anyone else in the neighborhood to succeed.
D: With extra funding, these schools still see tremendous failures, so they need even more funding costing millions more
E: Extra funding and $Billions$ more will need to be spend on programs for at risk youth, training and childcare
F: In order to keep them in control and into blind slavery, we need to have 1 random officer, kill a random black person that made the officers life
feel in danger.
G: In order for them to still need to feel like a victim, we must give them black only clubs, awards, celebrations, political voices, colleges, etc...

And to summarize, and once this grad plan has been put into place.... We will be able to use these slaves and victims to work in the prisons making some furniture and other random shit for $0.20 on the dollar.

Does that sum up your theory?

Or is it more of you trying to give them some sort of excuse for playing the victim-hood card, and hanging onto that their great great great grandparents were slaves, so they deserve everything to be handed to them free, and nothing short of having a free pass at life, not taking any responsibility for their choices, and blaming everything on the "White Man" as their "Not my fault" mentality.


There are people who come here legally, barely able to speak the language, very little education, very little money, and within 1 or 2 generations they are in the middle class or higher.

Ill say it again, and THIS IS PROVEN... and you tell me how many of these 4 following rules they broke and WHOSE FAULT IS IT?

The 3 rules to not be permanently poor in the United states, and to be in the middle/upper class:

1. Finish school (Education gets you a better job)
2, Do not have children out of wedlock (Single parents are 27x more likely to live in poverty,)
3. Have a job (Self explanatory)
4. Do not commit a crime (again, self explanatory)

EVERY other race in America flourishes here except for native born 3 generational or more African-Americans. Why is that? Ethiopians come here and thrive, have a very tiny crime rate, and thrive. They are black.... so why isnt the system "racist" towards them? Same goes for those from Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad, Dominican Republic, Ghana... etc. ALL come here having less opportunities for education and job growth, yet succeed while making 30% more than native born African Americans http://www.blackenterprise.com/money/black-immigrants-in-u-s-earning-30-more-than-u-s-born-blacks/ ... WAIT but, but, but Systematic racism, but but white people, but but... Take your bullshit somewhere else... and NO, being a SJW will NOT get you laid. Saying you are a femininst, SJW or BLM supporter as a white person causes pussies to dry.

Find a valid arguement, its black CULTURE and thier own communities destroying them, not some nameless "White Man" and government conspiracy.

actually NFL, it's much easier than all of that

just pass LBJ's Great Society policies. The democratic war on poverty put poverty on steroids. Once poverty is the norm (in certain neighborhoods), all the social issues that accompany poverty become the new norm

Mob is wrong, it's not by design, it's not because of racism, it's because clueless career politicians think they know how to micromanage the world. At the end of the day, they fuck up EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH

And yes, I'm being serious, there's an absolute undeniable correlation between the [Great Society and the welfare state] AND [increasing poverty and the destruction of the fabric of the inner-city family].

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