Its actually pretty easy...this formula will hopefully make it clear as day. I have actually been using this to come up with the derivatives and absolute values for the college over/under system and it seems to be doing quite well:
Although complex numbers are readily input using numeric constants, e.g. <CODE>
12.5j_7.9</CODE>, in meaningful applications the components are more likely to be expressions from which complex numbers are constructed
. This example will explain it. Lets use todays game between Clippers and Pacers:
The symbol <CODE>
±</CODE> is used here to denote either of the verbs of Pacers <CODE>
+@-@j.</CODE> or <CODE>
-@+@j.</CODE> since they are equivalent. The points <CODE>
z ±z -z +z</CODE> represent a Clippers rectangle formed by reflections in the x and y axes with vertices visited anti-clockwise, while the points <CODE>
j.z ±j.z -j.z +j.z</CODE> represent a total spread (or the final outcome of the game). So when
j. -j. are anticlockwise/clockwise rotations are formed between the two teams you will take the home dog. Hope this explains it pretty well.