what is the formula for basketball
His formula is easy to figure out. I've done it and going to share it with everyone here.
Take the derivative of both teams:
1. <!-- MP EQPH( --><SCRIPT id=mpeq0001s1> MPSetEqnAttrs('eq0001','',3,[[131,26,9,-1,-1],[174,34,13,-1,-1],[216,43,16,-1,-1],[195,39,14,-1,-1],[260,51,19,-1,-1],[326,63,23,-2,-2],[544,105,39,-3,-3]])</SCRIPT>
<NOBR>Then divide by 20</NOBR>
Add 3 for the away team.
Minus 3 for the home team.
<NOBR>If the number is >5 then it's a play</NOBR>
<NOBR>If the number is <5 then it's not a play.</NOBR>