I hear you Yucks. But point being. Tenn backers gave UCLA ZERO chance in this game. You included. Not one. You never said "if there's a few turnovers or a blocked punt maybe ucla has a chance" You completely ruled out a team for no reason other than the fucking conference they play in and who they return as starters. No offense, but that is bettors ignorance at it's best.
It was a tough close game and in all honesty it could have gone either way. Good Luck next week partner :toast:
UCLA should not have had a chance to win the game. They were simply outclassed, outmatched out gunned but simply under coached.
There is not a single aspect of the game that was in UCLA's favor.
You talk about UCLA defense, you gotta be kidding me. The defense was tired huffing and puffing and were were lauging at them 4 minutes into the second quarter.
But because fulmer is so stupid and couldnt see this, he threw them a life line.
He decided that game plan was to run on first down for about 4-6 yards and then throw on second and third..All day all night.
I dont care how retarded your defense is, that shit is way too easy to defend.
For crying out loud that moron Lou holtz said the exact same thing at half time.
Why the hell are you throwing the ball 40+ times against a defense you have on their heels giving up over 4 yards a carry?
Its nothing more than a simple screw job pulled on UT backers by the one of the worst coaches in all of the ncaa you who hides behind stellar talent all year long.
Can you imagine that in this whole game UT didnt throw a single slant pass, or quick out or anything designed to beat a blitz?
NOt even one!!!! This is not complex football stuff.
So please dont lecture us on not having given a UCLA a chance.They had no chance. Give me another game like this and i will take the team returning 17 players, a vet o-line (but never again a coach as stupid a fulmer.) NEVER AGAIN!!!!