BEER Yes, maybe a dozen times trying to 'get a taste for it' and it never took. I much preefered
LIQOUR cuz it gets you there kwikker. Loved it so much I developed cantstopitis, so I haven't had a drink in 11 years this past Feb.
POT/ Pffffffffft...what?
CRACK/ Yes, plenty. Per the questions/references above, 'crack' is simply cocaine that has been crystalized with an inert agent like baking soda, so that you can put a flame to it and smoke it. (regular cocaine powder will burn too fast to create smoke which can be inhaled). Smoking is a preferable form of delivery since it allows the coke to hit the brain in about 7-10 seconds, instead of 5-15 minutes when snorted thru the nose.
BUT, that instant gratification creates a very strong impulse to redose, even though subsequent hits cannot possibly affect the brain in the same way as the first bump. The compulsion to redose translates into excessive use, excessive $$ thanks to Prohibition pricing, and pretty much being disabled from normal life until you stop for at least 8-12 hours. I needed help from others to stop using crack and haven't used it in over eight years.
HEROIN/ Never, but have tried a variety of opiates. Doesn't do much for me...I don't like being so inactive.
ECSTASY Oh yes. An excellent drug when you know what strength you are actually getting and can properly regulate dosage. However, it's not very effective when used more than once every few months, since the drug causes your brain to release its full supply of serotonin over just a few hours. And it takes the body anywhere from 7-21 days to replenish the supply. Using X more often than every few months thus creates a constant low level of serotonin in your system, and result for most people is being a bit more depressed than normal.
CRYSTAL METH...Yeah. I like stimulants, but the problem with meth is that it amps you up to high speed and you can't turn it off for 8-12 hours. It makes me too uncomfortable. Oh, 'crystal meth', 'ice', 'crank' etc are all just different versions of homemade methamphetaine.
ETHER - Yes, also Nitrous Oxide recreationally, but in both cases, the pleasant effect is short lived and difficult to control without getting overdosed and puking from oxygen deprivation.
REDS..I'm accustomed to knowing 'reds' as another form of amphetamine. See above.
QUALUDES, BARBS...Same beast, different name. Yes I've used, but again, find it a drag to be so slowed down. Past use (prior to 1994) was usually combined with alcohol, so I pretty much was disabled and passed out within a few hours. NOt exactly a 'party'.
MESCALINE, MUSHROOMS, PEYOTE, LSD..Again, Oh Yes. My preference, but they aren't easy to come by for a 40something white guy. Though I've met a lot of college students in past few years doing drug policy activism, so it's getting better.
NICOTINE...No. Why would I want to do that? Most addictive and most destructive drug available.