You are 100% WRONG my friend.
During this season they have NEVER admitted that the comps. have lostd NEVER admiited your erroneous statement that they ahve dropped 3 or whatever number of comps. they have lost in a row.
<<You're a liar, I've heard exactly that on several occasions, and another poster in this very thread said they just admitted to two of their top cappers losing their big plays, to which you breezily-and stupidly-dismissed as "one day.">>
You will get devious statements like comp. 9 has won 60% over the last 6 days or so and so a capper has such and such a winning percentage over the last number of comps. and thats it-the basketball/baseball comp. line has been a total disaster for the last 3 years, and I have the documentation to prove it.
<<And what "documentation" is that? Are you so stupid that you don't realize that there is no particular reason to believe you, or me, or Steele himself? However, one difference is, as previously mentioned, you've admitted your totals don't include football, which, makes your statement that you're sure your records are better than mine make you look like a complete and total moron-especially since Steele is, as he never tires of telling us, a football-only handicapper.>>
As these are actual plays and there is a significant sample size, it is reflective of hwo the NC Community Cappers have done as a whole over that time(I have a statistics background and know what I am talking about).
Don't call me a liar pal-look in the mirror instead-better yet find out about the other forum and try to refute anything which I have stated and documented over the last 5 years.
<<I can and will call you a liar, and a moron as well. More than a few people in this thread have questioned why you supposedly keep such careful track of Steele's records, even using replacements to do the record keeping when you go on vacation-ROTFLMAO!!!!! We're all very touched that you've taken it upon yourself to protect us from Steele, we'll carry on the rest of the way without you.>>
Your remark about football has no relvance-I am talking about the NC Community Cappers in basketball and baseball.
I also have documented the NC records in football over the last five years at the other forum-I never said they were bad and they have in fact done well.
I have learned a "few" things about sportsd services during my 32-33 years of following them, and that includes Northcoast.
If you disagree, so be it!
<<I clearly stated that I kept the comp records over a long period of time, NOT separating the records by sport, and they show a modest but solid profit. Your claiming that my records are inaccurate for no other reason that you "feel" they are is as stupid as it is irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit how long you've been following sports services, all that seems to indicate is that you've been an idiot for about a 1/3 of a century.>>