Sunday 2/27/11 service plays chatter/comps/requests & gm strategy...


Sep 22, 2007
You are 100% WRONG my friend.
During this season they have NEVER admitted that the comps. have lostd NEVER admiited your erroneous statement that they ahve dropped 3 or whatever number of comps. they have lost in a row.

<<You're a liar, I've heard exactly that on several occasions, and another poster in this very thread said they just admitted to two of their top cappers losing their big plays, to which you breezily-and stupidly-dismissed as "one day.">>

You will get devious statements like comp. 9 has won 60% over the last 6 days or so and so a capper has such and such a winning percentage over the last number of comps. and thats it-the basketball/baseball comp. line has been a total disaster for the last 3 years, and I have the documentation to prove it.

<<And what "documentation" is that? Are you so stupid that you don't realize that there is no particular reason to believe you, or me, or Steele himself? However, one difference is, as previously mentioned, you've admitted your totals don't include football, which, makes your statement that you're sure your records are better than mine make you look like a complete and total moron-especially since Steele is, as he never tires of telling us, a football-only handicapper.>>

As these are actual plays and there is a significant sample size, it is reflective of hwo the NC Community Cappers have done as a whole over that time(I have a statistics background and know what I am talking about).
Don't call me a liar pal-look in the mirror instead-better yet find out about the other forum and try to refute anything which I have stated and documented over the last 5 years.

<<I can and will call you a liar, and a moron as well. More than a few people in this thread have questioned why you supposedly keep such careful track of Steele's records, even using replacements to do the record keeping when you go on vacation-ROTFLMAO!!!!! We're all very touched that you've taken it upon yourself to protect us from Steele, we'll carry on the rest of the way without you.>>

Your remark about football has no relvance-I am talking about the NC Community Cappers in basketball and baseball.
I also have documented the NC records in football over the last five years at the other forum-I never said they were bad and they have in fact done well.
I have learned a "few" things about sportsd services during my 32-33 years of following them, and that includes Northcoast.
If you disagree, so be it!

<<I clearly stated that I kept the comp records over a long period of time, NOT separating the records by sport, and they show a modest but solid profit. Your claiming that my records are inaccurate for no other reason that you "feel" they are is as stupid as it is irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit how long you've been following sports services, all that seems to indicate is that you've been an idiot for about a 1/3 of a century.>>

Nov 11, 2007
Ok I guess noone should use Northcoast. I respect that. I don't think they are that great myself.
The only thing is I think I could say the same for 90 % of the services that I'm familiar with.

No-I think you can use them in football especially with their 5 stars-they do well with them.
Actually, if you wanted to go consistently with one service in football, they will keep you in the game better than most others(not that you will get rich or anything).
Again my comments are directed at the baskeball/baseball comp. line and how they spin/manipulate everything including the comp. to give a totally false impression as to how the NC Community Cappers are doing as a whole and more importantly over time.
From THEIR business point of view, they do a great job-from my point of view as a potential client, they do a horrible and very deceptive job of presenting the entire truth about their record.

Nov 11, 2007
<<I clearly stated that I kept the comp records over a long period of time, NOT separating the records by sport, and they show a modest but solid profit. Your claiming that my records are inaccurate for no other reason that you "feel" they are is as stupid as it is irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit how long you've been following sports services, all that seems to indicate is that you've been an idiot for about a 1/3 of a century.>>

Look-I have a right to tell what I feel is the truth about the NC Community Cappers-in case you haven't noticed, that is an entirely separate entity from Phil Steele and the football comps.
I carefully get every one of the football comps. during the football season and recount the record at the end of the week and also its cumulative record-they are as accurate as are the basketball/baseball comps.
Why don't you go back to the beginning of this basketball season and tell me what you have for a comp. record-I have them 21 game under 500 going into today(76-97-3) and two bad losing seasons the two years before especially the year before last.
You can keep all the records you want as a whole and thats fine-I have a right to show the horrible basketball/baseball record and their unwillingness to admit to it.
ps I update the record with commentary at the other forum 365 days a year about the lies/spins/deceptions/half truths, omissions, etc.(or maybe 363 or 364 days if there is no comp.).

Sep 22, 2007
Look-I have a right to tell what I feel is the truth about the NC Community Cappers-in case you haven't noticed, that is an entirely separate entity from Phil Steele and the football comps.
I carefully get every one of the football comps. during the football season and recount the record at the end of the week and also its cumulative record-they are as accurate as are the basketball/baseball comps.
Why don't you go back to the beginning of this basketball season and tell me what you have for a comp. record-I have them 21 game under 500 going into today(76-97-3) and two bad losing seasons the two years before especially the year before last.
You can keep all the records you want as a whole and thats fine-I have a right to show the horrible basketball/baseball record and their unwillingness to admit to it.
ps I update the record with commentary at the other forum 365 days a year about the lies/spins/deceptions/half truths, omissions, etc.(or maybe 363 or 364 days if there is no comp.).

And I have the "right" to point out that you're a liar. You DON'T have documentation of his record; why is it documented? Because YOU are the one keeping the records? You said "I would be(sic) my last cent in any event that my accuracy for the NC Cappers are LOT closer to the truth than what you show." And, that proves exactly nothing.

Then you said "ps You aren't listening to the same comp. tapes as I am if you say that his assistants on the comp. line talk about losing comps." Once again, you're a liar, and another poster refuted your claim that he doesn't own up to big losing paid plays, as well. Your claim that you've spent half a decade tracking Steele's awful plays-even bringing in a substitute tracker on those days you can pry yourself away from the horror of his plays is hilarious, and you should be embarrassed to claim that in public-only you're too clueless to be embarrassed. I think we can all read between the lines and surmise that you've lost your ass cherry picking some of Steele's plays, continue to lose on them, and are bitter about so you're gonna blast him and make shit up until you get...satisfaction. And you continue to rail about the baseball and hoops plays, vaguely conceding that Steele has done well in football. Why don't you post your pristine and "documented" records on his football results that you so "carefully" get?

Nov 11, 2007
And I have the "right" to point out that you're a liar. You DON'T have documentation of his record; why is it documented? Because YOU are the one keeping the records? You said "I would be(sic) my last cent in any event that my accuracy for the NC Cappers are LOT closer to the truth than what you show." And, that proves exactly nothing.

Then you said "ps You aren't listening to the same comp. tapes as I am if you say that his assistants on the comp. line talk about losing comps." Once again, you're a liar, and another poster refuted your claim that he doesn't own up to big losing paid plays, as well. Your claim that you've spent half a decade tracking Steele's awful plays-even bringing in a substitute tracker on those days you can pry yourself away from the horror of his plays is hilarious, and you should be embarrassed to claim that in public-only you're too clueless to be embarrassed. I think we can all read between the lines and surmise that you've lost your ass cherry picking some of Steele's plays, continue to lose on them, and are bitter about so you're gonna blast him and make shit up until you get...satisfaction. And you continue to rail about the baseball and hoops plays, vaguely conceding that Steele has done well in football. Why don't you post your pristine and "documented" records on his football results that you so "carefully" get?

Listen buddy, unless/if you check the records and picks and my threads at the other forum, you have no basis on which to speak.
Each season with the basketball/baseball comps the record. starts off at 0-0.
Each day I call the comp. line ane get the picks.
At the end of the day, I check the scores and see if they won, lost, or pushed.
The next day I state how the comps. did and the overall record.
What are you stupid or something and can't see or understand that!!! Is that documentation cited above not good enough for you, duh!
I don't play the comps. unless I happen to like it and I don't fade them either.
My job is to state the comps., recap how they did the next day and then give the overall record along with some choice and deserved commentary when they lie, spin or otherwise try to deceive(which is often)to those who are listening.
Now get it into your thick skull once and for all, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FOOTBALL COMPS-I maintain separate threads for that and maintain the records in the same way I do with the basketball/baseball comps-I am talking, now listen carefully, about the BASKETBALL/BASEBALL COMPS!!!
ps you make some broad incorrect assumptions about losing my ass on his picks-first of all that would seem to indicate that the picks are not so hot after all.
Also, all I can say about your assumption about "losing my ass," is that I retired while in my fifties, and lets just say that I am EXTREMELY well off financially.

Nov 11, 2007
ps just to be sure we are on the same page, if you start off 0-0 and you win, that makes you 1-0.
If you then lose, it makes you 1-1.
If you lose another, it makes you 1-2, etc.
Seriously, I wonder if you know what documentation is!

Sep 22, 2007
Listen buddy, unless/if you check the records and picks and my threads at the other forum, you have no basis on which to speak.
Each season with the basketball/baseball comps the record. starts off at 0-0.
Each day I call the comp. line ane get the picks.
At the end of the day, I check the scores and see if they won, lost, or pushed.
The next day I state how the comps. did and the overall record.
What are you stupid or something and can't see or understand that!!! Is that documentation cited above not good enough for you, duh!
I don't play the comps. unless I happen to like it and I don't fade them either.
My job is to state the comps., recap how they did the next day and then give the overall record along with some choice and deserved commentary when they lie, spin or otherwise try to deceive(which is often)to those who are listening.
Now get it into your thick skull once and for all, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FOOTBALL COMPS-I maintain separate threads for that and maintain the records in the same way I do with the basketball/baseball comps-I am talking, now listen carefully, about the BASKETBALL/BASEBALL COMPS!!!
ps you make some broad incorrect assumptions about losing my ass on his picks-first of all that would seem to indicate that the picks are not so hot after all.
Also, all I can say about your assumption about "losing my ass," is that I retired while in my fifties, and lets just say that I am EXTREMELY well off financially.

How do you find your way home at night? So, you post plays at "another forum" that remains nameless? And, that means what to me, exactly? Why do you keep carefully avoiding saying what the record is in football? For that matter, why don't you tell us his plays from Monday, January 17th to Sunday, January 23rd? What was his record on his Early Bird Play of the Week, Mr. Meticulous Records? That should be easy enough, after all, it's your "job." And get THIS through your thick skull-you are a lying, fly infested sack of shit, first and foremost because you claim that Steele doesn't acknowledge losing days or losing streaks. Secondly, your claims about the comp record are an unadulterated lie. The odds that somebody could give hundreds of plays in football (which, being his primary sport and going for half a year, will make up at least half of the plays), baseball, basketball and hockey, go 55% overall, and stink as badly as you say in everything except football is virtually impossible. Although I don't keep separate records for the sports, I don't notice any significant dropoff from February to August, which would be the case if he sucked as badly as you say. Personally, I've seen that the records of many of the cappers in his stable have good records. Your reasons for keeping records for so long are laughable, and multiple people in this very thread of questioned your motives for doing so. I'll be awaiting those plays and the football record, Liar Boy.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing to consider for anyone reading this thread and as I hinted at before:
I have sent them a number of emails showing them my record for the NC Community Cappers for this season and for the last three seasons and asked them about why they never say anything about days when comps. lose and always try to give impression that everything is well with them.
I told them in so many words that if they really cared about their clients and not just themselves, they would tell folks how comps. have been doing and not just say when the comps. win.
DaFinch is dead wrong about this-during this current season, it has been almost non-existent to metnion the losing comps. and losing streaks-they would rather just mention a couple of cappers who have been winning for a few days, backload this(like folks were supposed to know in advance that these are the cappers they should have bee playing and not the other 15-17 who have been losing or breaking even at best) and tghen try to glorify these guys who ultimately will lose over the time like the rest.
The when someone else gets hot, the same process starts all over again.
It cannot be emphasized enough that since these basketball/baseball comps are actual plays, they are a TRUE reflection as to how they do/have done with their other paid plays.
Conversely, the 1-10 or 1-11 record with the 5*s of late with plays posted is telling and reflects what the comps. have done.
Let the buyer beware!!!

Nov 11, 2007
How do you find your way home at night? So, you post plays at "another forum" that remains nameless? And, that means what to me, exactly? Why do you keep carefully avoiding saying what the record is in football? For that matter, why don't you tell us his plays from Monday, January 17th to Sunday, January 23rd? What was his record on his Early Bird Play of the Week, Mr. Meticulous Records? That should be easy enough, after all, it's your "job." And get THIS through your thick skull-you are a lying, fly infested sack of shit, first and foremost because you claim that Steele doesn't acknowledge losing days or losing streaks. Secondly, your claims about the comp record are an unadulterated lie. The odds that somebody could give hundreds of plays in football (which, being his primary sport and going for half a year, will make up at least half of the plays), baseball, basketball and hockey, go 55% overall, and stink as badly as you say in everything except football is virtually impossible. Although I don't keep separate records for the sports, I don't notice any significant dropoff from February to August, which would be the case if he sucked as badly as you say. Personally, I've seen that the records of many of the cappers in his stable have good records. Your reasons for keeping records for so long are laughable, and multiple people in this very thread of questioned your motives for doing so. I'll be awaiting those plays and the football record, Liar Boy.

Boy you really are stupid aren't you! You still don't grasp what I am saying re: basketball vs. football comps or is your reading comprehension below what it should be.
Ask the moderator if I can mention the other forum and I will tell you the name-perhaps he will do it and you can see what I have done for well over 5 years(assuming you are smart enough to understand it).
ps The composite record for the football comps. is stated an documented in the football threads.
What does Phil Steele's Early Bird Play in football have to do with the comps. of the NC Community Line BASKETBALL/BASEBALL Cappers???
Take as course or two in stats. and you might understand why the updating of the comps/actual plays is so important.
ps Remember- I am retired and have plenty of time to do what I want-one of them is exposing cappers who don't tell it as it is like Northcoast(Sebastian is another target of mine).

New member
Feb 25, 2011
guys ...dont u both know that no one wins these arguments? savage is a well respected poster at the nameless forum that rhymes with atswalk in the svc monitoring..just sayin

Nov 11, 2007
I just went back in my threads over the last three years including his one and checked the basketball/baseball comps. records on the last day of the posting season.
At $1000 a bet($1100 for a loss), the comps. if played every day would have lost you $87300.
At $100 a bet($110) for a loss, you would have lost $8730.
If anything the deficit would be greater if the games were played to scale(3*, 4*, etc.), as there were a lot more losing comps. than winning ones.
I used the $1100/$1000 and $110/$100 for convenience.
I defy anyone to prove that these are not pretty accurate.

Sep 21, 2004
guys ...dont u both know that no one wins these arguments? savage is a well respected poster at the nameless forum that rhymes with atswalk in the svc monitoring..just sayin

....just talk which rhymes with walk
Been an entertaining cat fight; the savage1 from Massachusetts vs Dafinch from the Bronx, sort of like Red Sox vs Yankees.

Nov 11, 2007
....just talk which rhymes with walk
Been an entertaining cat fight; the savage1 from Massachusetts vs Dafinch from the Bronx, sort of like Red Sox vs Yankees.
And for the record I have been a Sox diehard since 1952. Go Sox!

Sep 22, 2007
Boy you really are stupid aren't you! You still don't grasp what I am saying re: basketball vs. football comps or is your reading comprehension below what it should be.
Ask the moderator if I can mention the other forum and I will tell you the name-perhaps he will do it and you can see what I have done for well over 5 years(assuming you are smart enough to understand it).
ps The composite record for the football comps. is stated an documented in the football threads.
What does Phil Steele's Early Bird Play in football have to do with the comps. of the NC Community Line BASKETBALL/BASEBALL Cappers???
Take as course or two in stats. and you might understand why the updating of the comps/actual plays is so important.
ps Remember- I am retired and have plenty of time to do what I want-one of them is exposing cappers who don't tell it as it is like Northcoast(Sebastian is another target of mine).

You don't think you're fooling anybody, do you? I'm not asking the moderator JACK! YOU'RE the nitwit who keeps flapping his gums about what great records you keep, why do I have to go running off to some other forum or thread? Copy and paste your great records, Liar Boy, post the plays from 1/17/11 to 1/23/11. Why do you keep avoiding that issue? Could it be that you don't have records at all? Naaaaaaaah! And you dinosaur sized brain can't figure out that the Early Bird Special is a significant portion of his football record, and his football record is a significant part of his overall comp record. But you wouldn't know that because you don't know his comp record, at the very instant you're running your mouth about his overall comp. You're a liar, plain and simple-and an uneducated one, to boot: "Take as course or two in stats" Wtf does THAT mean? Where did you get your diploma from a Crackerjack box?

Sep 22, 2007
Listen buddy, unless/if you check the records and picks and my threads at the other forum, you have no basis on which to speak.
Each season with the basketball/baseball comps the record. starts off at 0-0.
Each day I call the comp. line ane get the picks.
At the end of the day, I check the scores and see if they won, lost, or pushed.
The next day I state how the comps. did and the overall record.
What are you stupid or something and can't see or understand that!!! Is that documentation cited above not good enough for you, duh!
I don't play the comps. unless I happen to like it and I don't fade them either.
My job is to state the comps., recap how they did the next day and then give the overall record along with some choice and deserved commentary when they lie, spin or otherwise try to deceive(which is often)to those who are listening.
Now get it into your thick skull once and for all, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FOOTBALL COMPS-I maintain separate threads for that and maintain the records in the same way I do with the basketball/baseball comps-I am talking, now listen carefully, about the BASKETBALL/BASEBALL COMPS!!!
ps you make some broad incorrect assumptions about losing my ass on his picks-first of all that would seem to indicate that the picks are not so hot after all.
Also, all I can say about your assumption about "losing my ass," is that I retired while in my fifties, and lets just say that I am EXTREMELY well off financially.

I just noticed that, in addition to desperately trying to change the subject of why you won't provide the football comp record of Steele, or his plays from a recent period, you pulled one of the most pathetic moves there is: bragging on an anonymous internet forum. You're EXTREMELY well off financially, huh, Sparky? Of COURSE you are, and, let me guess, you bang three different broads a night, ALL night, satisfying them all, on your yacht, while during the day you add to your immense fortune by hitting 75% in sports, right?:lol:^!::missingte:nono5::laugh::bigfinger:nohead:

Nov 11, 2007
You don't think you're fooling anybody, do you? I'm not asking the moderator JACK! YOU'RE the nitwit who keeps flapping his gums about what great records you keep, why do I have to go running off to some other forum or thread? Copy and paste your great records, Liar Boy, post the plays from 1/17/11 to 1/23/11. Why do you keep avoiding that issue? Could it be that you don't have records at all? Naaaaaaaah! And you dinosaur sized brain can't figure out that the Early Bird Special is a significant portion of his football record, and his football record is a significant part of his overall comp record. But you wouldn't know that because you don't know his comp record, at the very instant you're running your mouth about his overall comp. You're a liar, plain and simple-and an uneducated one, to boot: "Take as course or two in stats" Wtf does THAT mean? Where did you get your diploma from a Crackerjack box?

The bottom line moron is that you are too scared to check the other thread because deep down inside you know what I have documented is true about the basketball/baseball comps.
Would you care to bet 10k, 20k, 50K, 100K or any amount of your choosing that I have maintained the records of NC football and basketball/baseball comps for five years, and what I stated for the last three years is not accurate?
If you won't, then you are just a scared rabbit because I have the documentation to prove what I say is true.
Where is YOUR "documentation", bigmouth?
Again you are too stupid that there is big difference between Phil Steele and his football comps. and the NC Community Cappers, which is the topic of this conversation!

For the record, I have a MA in economics from UMass and a strong minor in statistics.

Sep 22, 2007
The bottom line moron is that you are too scared to check the other thread because deep down inside you know what I have documented is true about the basketball/baseball comps.
Would you care to bet 10k, 20k, 50K, 100K or any amount of your choosing that I have maintained the records of NC football and basketball/baseball comps for five years, and what I stated for the last three years is not accurate?
If you won't, then you are just a scared rabbit because I have the documentation to prove what I say is true.
Where is YOUR "documentation", bigmouth?
Again you are too stupid that there is big difference between Phil Steele and his football comps. and the NC Community Cappers, which is the topic of this conversation!

For the record, I have a MA in economics from UMass and a strong minor in statistics.

The only one who is "scared" is YOU: you know, presumably, precisely where your babblings are. And, you could go right to them and show that, at the very least, you've kept records. But you keep refusing to do so, in a deflection attempt that is as transparent as it is pathetic. Show Steele's plays from the time period mentioned, Liar Boy. Put up or shut up. You are a liar, as backed by another poster within this very thread, with your ridiculous claim that Steele does not acknowledge losing plays. You also have a strong penchant for making statements that are difficult to prove, if they can be proven at all, for example: you're saying that there is some unnamed forum that has your alleged posts of Steele's plays for every day on which he has given a play(easily 99%) for the last five years? Why do I doubt that? And, in the unlikely event that information DID exist, there is the teensy weensy little flaw that the plays shown would be as given by YOU, and I wouldn't trust you as far as I could bowl you, because, as already indicated here (not the least reason for which is your curious refusal to post even one week of said plays, let alone 5 years), you are a lying sack of shit. Minor is statistics? VERY minor, Liar Boy. You probably don't know which has less juice, a straight bet or a 3 team parlay, lol.

Nov 11, 2007
The only one who is "scared" is YOU: you know, presumably, precisely where your babblings are. And, you could go right to them and show that, at the very least, you've kept records. But you keep refusing to do so, in a deflection attempt that is as transparent as it is pathetic. Show Steele's plays from the time period mentioned, Liar Boy. Put up or shut up. You are a liar, as backed by another poster within this very thread, with your ridiculous claim that Steele does not acknowledge losing plays. You also have a strong penchant for making statements that are difficult to prove, if they can be proven at all, for example: you're saying that there is some unnamed forum that has your alleged posts of Steele's plays for every day on which he has given a play(easily 99%) for the last five years? Why do I doubt that? And, in the unlikely event that information DID exist, there is the teensy weensy little flaw that the plays shown would be as given by YOU, and I wouldn't trust you as far as I could bowl you, because, as already indicated here (not the least reason for which is your curious refusal to post even one week of said plays, let alone 5 years), you are a lying sack of shit. Minor is statistics? VERY minor, Liar Boy. You probably don't know which has less juice, a straight bet or a 3 team parlay, lol.

Hey pal-I called your bluff and you don't have the balls to take me up on the challenge I offered.
I post the plays each day along with commentary about the day before, and I don't need to prove anything to you-I offered a monetary challenge of your choosing-you chickened out because you don't have the balls to put your money where you mouth is and don't have the documentation of five years as I do to disprove what I have said and documented about their record and the manner in which they present their record. The forum has been posted where my threads can be found-you know where it is but are trying to cop out.
You are a spineless/low life POS, who can't refute the facts.
If/when you can refute what I have said/proven, you will have some credibility-I have the documentation to back up what I say/
You obviously do not and cannot refute what i have carefully documented over the last three years.
Arguing/debating with you is like taking candy from a baby.
ps I am neither going to read nor answer anything else you may say-I have made my case unlike you.
If/when you go to the other forum and refute what I have documented, you may gain some credibility.
I have better things to do than to argue with lowlife/stupid uneducated twerps like you!

Sep 22, 2007

Hey pal-I called your bluff and you don't have the balls to take me up on the challenge I offered.
I post the plays each day along with commentary about the day before, and I don't need to prove anything to you-I offered a monetary challenge of your choosing-you chickened out because you don't have the balls to put your money where you mouth is and don't have the documentation of five years as I do to disprove what I have said and documented about their record and the manner in which they present their record. The forum has been posted where my threads can be found-you know where it is but are trying to cop out.
You are a spineless/low life POS, who can't refute the facts.
If/when you can refute what I have said/proven, you will have some credibility-I have the documentation to back up what I say/
You obviously do not and cannot refute what i have carefully documented over the last three years.
Arguing/debating with you is like taking candy from a baby.
ps I am neither going to read nor answer anything else you may say-I have made my case unlike you.
If/when you go to the other forum and refute what I have documented, you may gain some credibility.
I have better things to do than to argue with lowlife/stupid uneducated twerps like you!

First of all, you show yourself to be a liar, once again: the forum has been posted where you have these plays? Really? Where is that? You're not talking about people are talking about so-and-so rhymes with so-and-so, are you? I have no idea what forum they're talking about, if you are, but the bottom lot "fact" is, nothing has been posted in THIS thread, which is the only thread I'm interested in. You completely ignored my observation that you don't have any forum where 5 years of plays are posted, you can't even produce one week, let alone 5 years. You also ignored the fact that it would YOUR word about the plays were, which is a joke, which even YOU realize, as you refuse to post even a week's plays, for reasons which are crystal clear. Then, you're making 50 grand bets, ROTFLMAO!! When you lose, whatta you gonna do, mail me a check? Stick with what you do best, you lying, brain dead old fart, flitting around to numerous sports forums bragging about how rich and well educated you are, as you greedily scarf down the dog food your meager SS check buys.:laugh::finger:<:)<:):madasshol:fckmad::tongue2:

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