Not confirmed that is what actually happened, it's just rumors, but it's a lose-lose situation.
He goes to trial and if he walks... More riots.
He goes to trial and is sentenced... Loss of another son/father/husband who won't be there for his family
Can't win here. But I believe he was just doing his job based on the ZERO prior incidents he has had in the past, and I feel he didn't decide at that moment "Hey, I'm going to kill this guy just for the fun of it"... It doesn't fit his past with what has been found out about him and his diligence to do his job well in the bad area he was assigned.
Sad thing is, even if he is 100% innocent, I believe he will be sentenced just to appease the masses
A St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter says that Ferguson, Missouri, police confirm that more than a dozen witnesses to the shooting of teenager Michael Brown have backed up the account of the incident offered by the officer who killed the teenager.
By the way, people are digging for the deceased's juvie record. It won't be pretty.
Why are u white bastards looking for his criminal history? the fact that he's been arrested umpteen times - assaulted 5 officers - broken into 7 homes - was charged with attempted murder - raped 4 girls - all of that is irrelevant - that's what Al says so that's what it must be
live video here.Maybe we can see the start of a riot.