These posts make me realize how good I've got it.
My nearest neighbor is almost a half mile away.
I live in gods country
damn you live in the woods?
We called the cops 3-4 times a week because of illegal activity at the end of our dead end street. drugs, prostitution, murder. last house on the end so we saw it all. One time these two dudes were taking turns with a shovel digging something in the woods. We called the cops told them what we saw, they came out and arrested one dude. We called again and told them there's two guys and the other is in the woods hiding...mother fuckers aint listen. Cop drives off never searches shit and the dude stumbles out and walks away.
Seen another dude get shot and then get his leg run over, he crawled in my neighbors truck and chilled until the cops came. Real life shit happens every day people don't hear nothing. Cops get paid to show up and leave, no one succeeds