Sorry Patriots, but you aren't best ever


Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
The problem is who or what team is the best ever is totally subjective

To me, that's not the problem, that's what makes it a valuable discussion. So long as it is well thought out. The salary cap makes it harder to put together a great team, but sports talent can increase greatly over decades. The Steelers had a large number of 250-pound linemen

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
He should..

Thanks, wil..

Still have a copy of the game. I remember there was a lot of hype about Payton scoring in the two weeks leading up to the game. The Pats stacked the line all game to make sure Payton wasn't going to score. I know Ditka regrets the decision now, the decision that was far worse was McMahon getting hurt the next year and Ditka's decision to start Flutie in the playoff game. It really divided the team and they never made it back to the SB until last year. Football is the one game you can never assume anything.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

By problem I mean a subjective argument can never really be settled. You may be convinced that the 43 Bears are the best team ever and I might choose the 62 Packers but there is no way to ever proove which team was better which makes the argument subjective and impossible to settle definitively.

Sure comparing eras makes for interesting discussion but it will never proove which team (out of two for example) was really better in any case - the only thing that could do that would be for them to play each other during their best seasons, natrually an impossibility when comparing eras.

I am sure there are a few posters here who would be happy to claim that The Colts, Chargers, and Packers etc are really a better team than the Patriots this year because that is their prerogative. This week the argument of who is better The New York Giants or The New England Patriots will be proven the only place it can be - on a football field for 60 minutes (at least)..


New member
Oct 11, 2004
when people try and put a score to teams that played 20+ years apart it makes me laugh. If anybody thinks the '85 bears would beat this years Pats your drunk. You do realize that the fridge was literally almost the biggest player in the NFL in 1985. By todays standards he would be about 5 pounds heavier and 4 inches shorter than the average lineman size. There is no chance the '85 bears could handle the size and speed of todays athletes.

But for arguments sake lets say the players were even in size and speed. Even Mike Ditka said that his '85 team with that great defense would have big problems trying to defend the '07 pats. He said they would just spread us out and we couldn't have done much to stop them. Thats coming from the coach of the team.

New member
Apr 21, 2002
I'm the biggest Niner fan ever, but there is no way I'd put a team above the Pats this year if they win the SB.

Sep 21, 2004
if the pats go 19-0 they are the best team ever...if you even try to debate your ignorant...9er teams or dallas whoever else... that went 14-2 or some you NOT see the TWO losses...or the Bears 1LOSS?? how can you say thats great? if they were so great why did they lose a game or 2? bottom line is pats are 18-0 and took a LOT of teams best shots (balt/philly) and unlike those other teams who lost a game or 2 they were mentally tough enough in those games where their opponent was playing THEIR SB, they still managed to overcome and grab a WIN...thats greatness DEFINED in my book...

this team has NOT lost a game, obliterated every record in the books in the process beat how many teams from this years playoffs (dallas/sd twice)/Indy/NYG (and would be again in the SB) washington/Pitts and maybe another im forgetting...oh ya the then flavor of the month Jags...

gimmie a break....19-0 and people still gonna put a team with 2 losses above them LMFAO...

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
if the pats go 19-0 they are the best team ever...if you even try to debate your ignorant...9er teams or dallas whoever else... that went 14-2 or some you NOT see the TWO losses...or the Bears 1LOSS?? how can you say thats great? if they were so great why did they lose a game or 2? bottom line is pats are 18-0 and took a LOT of teams best shots (balt/philly) and unlike those other teams who lost a game or 2 they were mentally tough enough in those games where their opponent was playing THEIR SB, they still managed to overcome and grab a WIN...thats greatness DEFINED in my book...

this team has NOT lost a game, obliterated every record in the books in the process beat how many teams from this years playoffs (dallas/sd twice)/Indy/NYG (and would be again in the SB) washington/Pitts and maybe another im forgetting...

gimmie a break....19-0 and people still gonna put a team with 2 losses above them LMFAO...

with fans like this, it's amazing there are any fans of the pats outside of the new england area.

maybe they are the best ever, maybe not. it's certainly not definitive.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

I don't think actual rationally thinking non partisan football fans who neither root for or against any team when it comes to discussing who is the best ever will disagree with you.

What generally happens in these kind of arguments is built in prejudices (I say that in a good sense) come into play. Bears fans are going to argue the 85 Bears are better, Dolphins fans the 72 Dolphins etc. etc. and of course the Patriot's success over the last several years have spawned a new group of anti-Patriot fans who will automatically argue for any other contender in the running before conceding the Patriots are the best ever should they win on Sunday.

I am sure there are plenty posters here who are able to put personal preferences aside and discuss the subject on merit alone though. Most likely some will emerge next week should the Patriots win.

Last edited:

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
i hate the pats, but there is no question that they are the greatest team ever-assuming they win this weekend. There is absolutely no comparison to this era of football to any other era. Faster, bigger, stronger, and more complex schemes..with 3x as many coaches on the sideline. this offense would steam roll any all star D assembled from the 70s-mid 90s. There had never been so much parity in the last few years in NFL up to this year...and now the pats are making a mockery of everyone else.

people write stupid articles just to turn a head or two.

Sep 21, 2004
royboy...with fans like me??? what i find funny is before this year began it was generally accepted the 72 phins were the creme de la creme so to that another MIGHT join the ranks its not as worthy? the 72 phins have always been THE talk as soon as some team jumps out 8-0+++

new england is sitting on 18-0 and now they are calling 9er teams and dallas teams better than them and the 72phins LOL...

id have the same stance if it was any other nfl team going for 19-0...its just not that im a patriots fan, it could be the jets for all i a numbers guy ive always been a #s guy and undefeated is simple BETTER than 1 loss or 2....simple as that...esp in a sport where the games are exponentally (sp?) more meaningfull than in say baseballl....
Oct 26, 2003
if the pats go 19-0 they are the best team ever...if you even try to debate your ignorant...9er teams or dallas whoever else... that went 14-2 or some you NOT see the TWO losses...or the Bears 1LOSS?? how can you say thats great? if they were so great why did they lose a game or 2? bottom line is pats are 18-0 and took a LOT of teams best shots (balt/philly) and unlike those other teams who lost a game or 2 they were mentally tough enough in those games where their opponent was playing THEIR SB, they still managed to overcome and grab a WIN...thats greatness DEFINED in my book...

this team has NOT lost a game, obliterated every record in the books in the process beat how many teams from this years playoffs (dallas/sd twice)/Indy/NYG (and would be again in the SB) washington/Pitts and maybe another im forgetting...oh ya the then flavor of the month Jags...

gimmie a break....19-0 and people still gonna put a team with 2 losses above them LMFAO... call people ignorant because they don't accept your point of view? Go dress up in your Moss jersey and enjoy the game...viewpoints such as yours is why I do not care for the Pats...they are going to accomplish something great and deserve to be called one of the greatest teams of all time, but you are way out of line...:drink:
Oct 26, 2003
Some preachers here trying to convert some of us non-believers...I think that players from the 70's , 80's, and 90,s were a lot smarter than the players of today with tons more class and leadership...sometimes the bigger and stronger players don't win...

Sep 21, 2004
class (just look at how the patriots conduct themselves in interviews LOL) leadership (best coach in nfl history argueably) and smarter players of the 60's-90's have nothing to do with the arguement dude...

my arguement is SIMPLE if a team wins 19 games you cannot rank a team with 2 losses ahead of them, ive already posted their resume...if you want to argue 72 vs 07 fine...but every other team has lost at least 1 game...

i hope we win on sunday bc im gonna start the thread as soon as i get back from az....who is better than the 07' pats...and im gonna rebutt EVERY FUCKING REPLY...and you wont be able to argue it....

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
Tokens call people ignorant because they don't accept your point of view? Go dress up in your Moss jersey and enjoy the game...viewpoints such as yours is why I do not care for the Pats...they are going to accomplish something great and deserve to be called one of the greatest teams of all time, but you are way out of line...:drink:


and the argument that the '72 dolphins were considered the best of all time by everyone is incorrect. amazing season, but many have stated the 85 bears, or a team from the steeler, 49er or dallas dynasties were actually a better team. it's a good argument for all the teams and fans.

if rex ryan hadn't called a to before brady was stopped on 4th down in the ravens game and the pats had one loss, would they be any less of a great team? not in my opinion, they would still be recognized as one of the best ever, the zero losses is an amazing achievement but doesn't automatically put them at the very top of every list.

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
class (just look at how the patriots conduct themselves in interviews LOL) leadership (best coach in nfl history argueably) and smarter players of the 60's-90's have nothing to do with the arguement dude...

my arguement is SIMPLE if a team wins 19 games you cannot rank a team with 2 losses ahead of them, ive already posted their resume...if you want to argue 72 vs 07 fine...but every other team has lost at least 1 game...

i hope we win on sunday bc im gonna start the thread as soon as i get back from az....who is better than the 07' pats...and im gonna rebutt EVERY FUCKING REPLY...and you wont be able to argue it....

lmao, seriously... who the fuck do you think you are?

i can't stand people who think whatever they say happens to be fact... get over yourself guy

Sep 21, 2004
want to know how this article if full of shit LMFAO....

2. 1992 Dallas Cowboys: This was the first of Jimmy Johnson's back-to-back Super Bowl teams. Yes, they lost three games during the regular season,

3 regular season losses LMFAO....ya lets put them at #1 for christs sake...

goodnight fellas LOL....
Oct 26, 2003
class (just look at how the patriots conduct themselves in interviews LOL) leadership (best coach in nfl history argueably) and smarter players of the 60's-90's have nothing to do with the arguement dude...

my arguement is SIMPLE if a team wins 19 games you cannot rank a team with 2 losses ahead of them, ive already posted their resume...if you want to argue 72 vs 07 fine...but every other team has lost at least 1 game...

i hope we win on sunday bc im gonna start the thread as soon as i get back from az....who is better than the 07' pats...and im gonna rebutt EVERY FUCKING REPLY...and you wont be able to argue it....

You might as well start now tuff guy...85 Bears..better
70's Steelers...better
Montana's 49er's...better
Have a good time in Arizona!!:drink:

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