i like how the niners can just not back marks so easily now when 2 seasons ago he could kill their leader and nothing at all was done. It was pretty much said Pope/marks ran 9ers then. Also like how Sons are just killing everyone in sight based on Gemma telling Jax she saw the asian dude at Tara's house or whatever....
Shit makes no sense.
It is basically an hr long Fast and Furious at this point.
Just nothing makes sense. Sons spent 2 seasons trying to get away from guns/violence and now they just wanna kill everyone in sight because Lin maybe killed Jax wife. Jax being able to shake hands, talk with Lin doesn't go with his character at all. If he really believed Lin killed his wife he would go nuts on him.
The whole show is just really poorly written right now.
One thing about the ep that was dumb and I'll rant on....Walter Goggins as the tranny or w/e. It was sorta funny the first time but it just isn't anymore. To have that character in serious scenes makes no sense.
Ok he hit it out of the park that 1st episode, let it go...
I was so sure that Jax was in on the Gemma lie just because it was so absurd how it went down. I mean Jax and Gemma talked in car on the way back from jail and never mentioned seeing the chinese, not to mention that 10 days had went past and she never bothered to mention seeing this chinese guy on the day Tara was killed and then all the sudden she remembers.
On top of that they dont even let the guy talk, Ill get over it but this part of the writing is the worst EVER.
Also Walter goggins looks so pretty in drag, :niceass:i have to keep reminding myself that shes a dude.
lol last nights ep was pretty absurd...Like 15 crooked cops just taking Lin's whole crew down and they were gonna murder them in the middle of the street. Also where did the Mayans go? Just disappeared from the storyline completely.
The ending was pretty cool but no way Juice is the 1 to kill Gemma