No lying, no trolling, no making up quotes - everything is true.
Keep punching the shit out of that pillow believing you're some heavyweight champ.
others have called you out for the same bullshit
lies, twist, distort. It's the right wing way!!
"Bombshell birther news within 6 months, impeachment"--- Sheriff Joe ( December 2013)
lmao. Still waiting!!! Another sheriff roof lie!!
I don't recall the exact quote, but vtard claims to be this "tough guy" jock who works out multiple hours a day (while simultaneously posting here???) and how anyone "dare not mess with him" or he'll kick their asses! Yes, just like Pavian, vtard has gotten himself into moronic pissing contests like this with total strangers on the Internet. Not with me but others.
Remember when Pavian bragged what an amazing hockey player he was... until someone posted his real stats?
This is funnier.
You don't recall the exact quote??? Just put your own words into the quote like usual.
Of course none of this dare mess with me stuff has ever happened. Joe being Joe.....just making shit up out of the clear purple flowers sky.
Every quote I post I back with links. Then when I post the link and bust you (again!) you play the "out of context" card like the lying chicken shit coward you are - just like Hussein. Birds of a feather...
Wait.. so you're NOT this workout king with this macho bullshit persona (how could you be? you're HERE all day and night!) who has "challenged" - yes, physically challenged! - total strangers on the Internet? Umm, okay.
Ho hum, another poker fraud vtard double-lie.
Just think vtard, all your life everyone mocked you for being such a self-aggrandizing loser. From now on you just tell'em you were the fastest sperm to go to the womb!
So, looks like the FBI groomed another mentally ill person to do a shooting.Another one in St Louis at a school yesterday
MASS SHOOTER IDENTIFIED in St. Louis School Shooting – Deshawn Harris posted Threat on Social Media and Numerous Photos with Guns
October 24, 2022, 8:32pmby Jim Hoft