Some PESKY facts about Mass shootings....dumb ass liberals enter here for your daily knockout.


Apr 14, 2006
Islam is not a race.

Apr 14, 2006
Its not a false narrative. I noticed you left a few guys out though. We know Muslim extremists are dangerous and evil......that doesn't mean they are the only group. You can't just point to some and leave others out.

Wow, still defending them. Ok, heres the fucking math. You are about 800X more likely to be killed by a Muslim on a shooting rampage than a right wing extremist.

Is that better? Do you get it?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Wow, still defending them. Ok, heres the fucking math. You are about 800X more likely to be killed by a Muslim on a shooting rampage than a right wing extremist.

Is that better? Do you get it?

Defending who? I just told you muslin extremists are evil and dangerous. You republicans comprehend stuff like retards.

Dec 7, 2013
Its not a false narrative. I noticed you left a few guys out though. We know Muslim extremists are dangerous and evil......that doesn't mean they are the only group. You can't just point to some and leave others out.

Come on Vit, you are making it sound like the majority of the shootings are committed by old, white, angry, right wing radicals. You keep mentioning Dear and Houser. As horrific as those two crimes were, Dear killed 3 and Houser 2. Roof killed 9 and the bastard deserves whatever is coming his way.

DHS numbers attribute some of the killings I mentioned as work place violence. With them keeping score no wonder the odds are stacked for killings to be committed by a right wing radical group.
Oct 30, 2006
I wonder if the US # is with or without the 40,000,000 Illegal Aliens....?

Apr 14, 2006
It doesnt matter road, they will play the Semantics game just like they do when they claim Obama has "deported" more illegals than Bush. They word smith whatever they want to make it look like they are not fucking ass clowns.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Disarm the citizens, let in the Muslims and criminals, overload the welfare system, cause civil unrest...all according to plan.

You had to give up all your weapons and now you are being forced to go to the Muslim church that was built across from your house, and all your money was taken from you and given to terrorists? No wonder you hate Obama so much

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Wow, still defending them. Ok, heres the fucking math. You are about 800X more likely to be killed by a Muslim on a shooting rampage than a right wing extremist.

Is that better? Do you get it?

Ha ha, the poker fraud will NEVER get it.

vtard is worse than Baghdad Bob. Everyone knows Baghdad Bob only said the things he said because he had a job to do.

But vtard...he actually believes every word he posts - for real. face)(*^%

"2nd Amendment means muskets only"

"Gun control works"...or "we have to do SOMETHING!"

"resisting arrest for blacks is a way to survive"

"Americans need welfare"

"It's called progress!" (a reference to eroding American culture)

"Allen West is racist" :ok:

"Bush created the ISIS"

Oh yeah, and everyone's favorite:


(As if this broke clown EVER won a single debate or made a valid point. Yep, the kid with a masters degree has to use 5th grade vernacular to prove "how smart he is" :):))

Duhhhfinch may be dumber but not by much.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Ha ha, the poker fraud will NEVER get it.

vtard is worse than Baghdad Bob. Everyone knows Baghdad Bob only said the things he said because he had a job to do.

But vtard...he actually believes every word he posts - for real. face)(*^%

"2nd Amendment means muskets only"

"Gun control works"...or "we have to do SOMETHING!"

"resisting arrest for blacks is a way to survive"

"Americans need welfare"

"It's called progress!" (a reference to eroding American culture)

"Allen West is racist" :ok:

"Bush created the ISIS"

Oh yeah, and everyone's favorite:


(As if this broke clown EVER won a single debate or made a valid point. Yep, the kid with a masters degree has to use 5th grade vernacular to prove "how smart he is" :):))

Duhhhfinch may be dumber but not by much.

Making up quotes again. Other posters have asked you to stop doing that as well. Republican tradition.

Sheriff Houser doing his thing

"Oakland lost 3-9". Yeah, you're a sports a bettor.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
vtard has a conversation with his English prof...

Prof: I'm failing you.

Vtard: Why?

Prof: Because you told me, "I don't need to research"...those are YOUR words. That type of lazy attitude will get you nowhere in life!

Vtard: But...

Prof: Just get out you stupid bum. I don't care what the hell you do with your pathetic life...go tell strangers you have a masters degree, won millions playing poker and are the knockout king because you believe you win every debate....make up whatever outlandish bullshit you want if it makes you feel good, just get the fuck out of my office!

Vtard: Duh, Ok...

New member
Oct 29, 2010
vtard has a conversation with his English prof...

Prof: I'm failing you.

Vtard: Why?

Prof: Because you told me, "I don't need to research"...those are YOUR words. That type of lazy attitude will get you nowhere in life!

Vtard: But...

Prof: Just get out you stupid bum. I don't care what the hell you do with your pathetic life...go tell strangers you have a masters degree, won millions playing poker and are the knockout king because you believe you win every debate....make up whatever outlandish bullshit you want if it makes you feel good, just get the fuck out of my office!

Vtard: Duh, Ok...

Going to that English masters lie again? Tripling up on the research lie as well.

Please stay in Canada. You have been a clown here for a decade under both names while lying about being a ghost.

Its the fringe conservative way!!

" I didn't predict Fred Thompson, I was rooting for him"

lmao....but I wasn't Joe C. Guy can't get his lies straight. Stay out of those movie theaters Houser

Apr 14, 2006
Going to that English masters lie again? Tripling up on the research lie as well.

Please stay in Canada. You have been a clown here for a decade under both names while lying about being a ghost.

Its the fringe conservative way!!

" I didn't predict Fred Thompson, I was rooting for him"

lmao....but I wasn't Joe C. Guy can't get his lies straight. Stay out of those movie theaters Houser

Maybe you should call him Farook

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Republican tradition"

Don't we wish!

Don't we wish our nominee in 2012 had given Hussein the Sheriff Joe vtard treatment: shoved his ACTUAL QUOTES and bullshit so far up his ass, with the GOPe running those ads 24/7 that Democrats would have been lucky to win a single state!

You said ALL those things and more...and now you're too much of a fucking liar and pussy to OWN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Hey stupid, have you noticed Gas Man has "KNOCKOUT KING" as his sig now? (Yes, the kid with a masters uses phrases like "BOOM KNOCKOUT" thinking he's winning converts! :):))

Psst, everyone just laughs at what a fucking clown you are.

And yes, I know you won't quit and will double down on your imbecility to your very last breath: the morning you log in to this forum and realize you're the new Pavian.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"Republican tradition"

Don't we wish!

Don't we wish our nominee in 2012 had given Hussein the Sheriff Joe vtard treatment: shoved his ACTUAL QUOTES and bullshit so far up his ass, with the GOPe running those ads 24/7 that Democrats would have been lucky to win a single state!

You said ALL those things and more...and now you're too much of a fucking liar and pussy to OWN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Hey stupid, have you noticed Gas Man has "KNOCKOUT KING" as his sig now? (Yes, the kid with a masters uses phrases like "BOOM KNOCKOUT" thinking he's winning converts! :):))

Psst, everyone just laughs at what a fucking clown you are.

And yes, I know you won't quit and will double down on your imbecility to your very last breath: the morning you log in to this forum and realize you're the new Pavian.

It's hysterical that you think I care what fringe wackos think of me.

Anybody that gives himself a nickname is a loser......gasman has taken so many right hook from me that's he has life long damage. You're the only guy that's taken more punishment.

You have been a joke here for a decade. A drugged out, hedge cutter even own you.

Keep making up conservative tradition.

Fred Dalton Thompson a prediction BFL laughs at.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's hysterical that you think I care what fringe wackos think of me.

Anybody that gives himself a nickname is a loser......gasman has taken so many right hook from me that's he has life long damage. You're the only guy that's taken more punishment.

You have been a joke here for a decade. A drugged out, hedge cutter even own you.

Keep making up conservative tradition.

Fred Dalton Thompson a prediction BFL laughs at.

Yeah, the stuff you post is so hilariously dumb that when someone shoves YOUR OWN QUOTES in your face ('debating' a guy as ignorant as you is futile) you actually run like the coward everyone knows you are and pretend you didn't say them. :missingte

"I don't need to research!"

"You didn't build that! Someone else made that happen!"


New member
Oct 29, 2010
My God you are one dumb mother fucker. Nobody researches stuff they have the answers to already. There is a reason why nobody jumps on board with your fake quotes.

this is why other posters have asked you to stop lying and making up quotes.

Sheriff Houser is doing his thing

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"I'm like this amazing fit jock and work out 3 hours everyday or something!"


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