Socialism on display in Venezuela


Mar 6, 2019
Higher taxes
$ 15 minimum wage
Gun control
Preventing the free practice of religion (well Christianity anyhow)
Student loans

Are all acts of nationalizing our economy. They all give more power and more control to the federal government, which defies the intent of the founding fathers
This quite possibly is the dumbest posts I’ve seen in awhile. Equating gun control and minimum wages to socialism? I’m shocked at how uninformed a Republican can be

Sep 21, 2004
Higher taxes
$ 15 minimum wage
Gun control
Preventing the free practice of religion (well Christianity anyhow)
Student loans

Are all acts of nationalizing our economy. They all give more power and more control to the federal government, which defies the intent of the founding fathers
Well said Willie,100% correct on all

Sep 21, 2001
Only Vit would keep talking when he has the dick in his mouth - even Dafinch shuts the eff and abandons the thread

Mar 6, 2019
Lol. You guys actually agree that gun control is an act of a socialist mindset?
Kinda hard to have a discussion with people who clearly don’t even know what socialism is
Jan 12, 2019
Seriously, if you think Medicare or Medicaid are "soundly run" you might want to get off of here and so some reading. (Medicare is going insolvent and anyone above the poverty line purchases supplemental insurance. And, the number of providers who take Medicaid is shrinking. Probably because they're so awesome).

If you think Medicaid, essentially a reimbursement program to for-profit health care providers, means health care is in any way "nationalized" you need to stop talking about the topic and get a clue.

Left wingers are legends in their own minds which is always cute though.

Jan 12, 2019
Lol. You guys actually agree that gun control is an act of a socialist mindset?
Kinda hard to have a discussion with people who clearly don’t even know what socialism is

You are an incorrect person.

how is that BAS?

see the rules are different for me than others so please clean his clock

Mar 6, 2019
Lol. I see you don’t like having rational discussions? Typical of someone who fantasizes about torture and murder I suppose
Jan 12, 2019
Lol. I see you don’t like having rational discussions? Typical of someone who fantasizes about torture and murder I suppose

This is a left rin site unless yoy give BAS winning picks.

i have statistics on my side pal.

but keep thinking we are all equal

talk to me when there is a black qb that is even average

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Attractive slut, no?

This is like watching a CNN video or having a liberal comment on politics. Here she is quoting Pompeo and the CIA puppet Guaido. Totally oblivious to reality.

It's like watching a video of a woman from Iraq requesting Bush to invade Iraq so she can liberated. Tons of Venezuelans hate Maduro but she has no idea what is going on. It's like watching fucking videos of people supporting Kirchner or Macri when they fucking sold off the country and the fuckign IMF is ass-raping Argentina and their currency is going to absolute shit.

But this also a problem of rolltide. They don't understand international **ry and have no idea wtf is going on. They are educated by fake movies like Schindler's list and think that's history.

Dumb pair of tits.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
This chick got a nice car and has a $2,000 fridge in her kitchen, lolz. And she looks like she's never worked a day in her life.

Better to watch videos by Venezuelan youtubers in several different South American countries that are selling arepas on the street.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Kind of disgusting watch this bitch's videos commenting on Venezuela when she's going back and forth between Miami and Caracas and she's never worked a day in her life.

It's like watching a video of Hillary Clinton talking about the minimum salary and what you can buy with it... it's a fucking joke.

Finally saw a comment asking how she's living like a king amidst all the massive inflation -- 'es hija de papi'. Lolz.

Does have a nice rack, though.

I really think liberals in the US who suck dicks on the regular should not comment on Venezuela.... especially the liberal moron in this thread.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Now, I know we got the liberals who gulping down those cocks...

But let's talk about those American conservatives. First, they know better than the brainwashed liberals. So I'll give them that.

However, this comment is directed at conservative rolltide.

Notice the famous obelisk in Caracas in her video.

Freeze it at 1:58.

Study the layout of the obelisk in Washington, DC, the "oval" office, the owl... and on and on.

Study up, rolltide.

Oct 12, 2008
Ray Dalio runs the largest hedge fund in USA. He is a ROI Fuckin Machine. While investors in the SPY lost just under 5% for 2018 , this dude CRUSHED the market returning a whopping 12% . (2018 saw the first 20% correction since the housing crisis in 2008)

(for those unaware the US debt ceiling expired on Mar 1, and , well, no one cared :). USA is running a trillion dollar deficit and Mr Trump is planning on a $2 trillion dollar infrastucture bill with the Dems on board(should keep the market humming)- who will pay for this you ask....who cares......)

Dalio recently ;

Modern Monetary Theory may be the future of US economic theory.

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, says something like Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), the controversial economic theory championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, could actually happen. The billionaire hedge-fund manager detailed his comments in a wide-ranging essay posted on LinkedIn.
Dalio states that one element of MMT, the effective printing of money by governments, will be "inevitable" during the next recession. He argues this is because monetary policy and fiscal policy alone will not be able to pull the economy out of the next downturn.
Dalio also predicts the US will also have 0% interest rates in the future as the country follows the path of Japan and Europe. Ocasio-Cortez has proposed MMT as one way to fund her proposed Green New Deal.

The essential idea of MMT is that governments can fund an extraordinary expansion of programs without harming the economy. Dalio says MMT-based proposals could happen, but he also noted there were many different ways to deploy the "printed" funds, with Ocasio-Cortez's proposals just one possibility.
"These tools have the power to do real good but they also can do real harm if not used responsibly," Dalio wrote. "So the governance and decision rights would need to be carefully engineered."
Dalio commented that some MMT-based proposals advocated by Ocasio-Cortez might make sense. For example, he voiced his support of guaranteed jobs in a recession, but argued that the way this was implemented would be critical.
In contrast, many investment luminaries, such as Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn, have panned MMT as a dangerous idea, citing fears of inflation.
The theory was also strongly rebuked by Fed Chairman Jay Powell in his testimony to Congress. "The idea that deficits don't matter for countries that can borrow in their own currency I think is just wrong," the Fed chair said
Ocasio-Cortez drafted the Green New Deal, a non-binding resolution that was submitted to the House, to "achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers."
Other proposals floated by Ocasio-Cortez's office included guaranteed jobs, higher education and an economy "free of monopolies." These specific proposals did not make their way into the final text of the Green New Deal resolution.
Still, conservatives pounced on the announcements, with President Donald Trump slamming the policies as a "socialist nightmare."Despite this outcry, Dalio said MMT or other similar proposals might actually be the future should the economy fall into a recession.
"In other words, they are policies that provide printed money to spenders with incentives for them to spend it," Dalio said. "These sorts of policies will undoubtedly be politically controversial for both central banks and governments."
While sounding extreme, the idea of printing money is not so different from the Fed's policy of "quantitative easing" during the financial crisis. At least according to former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.
"So, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It's much more akin to printing money than it is to borrowing," Bernanke said in an interview with 60 Minutes.
One element of MMT that Dalio explicitly disagreed with was the idea that inflation was driven primarily by the pricing power of corporations. He said inflation was instead largely driven by the supply and demand of labor and commodities.
He also warned that, to the extent possible, decision-making around these issues should be left to the "highly skilled" and not those politically motivated.@):mad: He cited World War II and the interwar years as examples of where ideas similar to MMT were successfully implemented.



New member
Jan 11, 2015
Bankers.... Zionists. End of story.

Getting back to that rich Venezuelan chick b/c of her tits.

3:31 nice rack.


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