So The SHRINK and the General head for the bash???

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Wont' there be 1-2 more mod positions added?

In my honest, truthful, opionon, I seriously believe that future mod positions should be left up to RX Members in a voting system........

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Froggy, I only got about a third of the way thru your post, and had to give it up (made me a bit dizzy). However, at this point I will fall back on my earlier statement; WHATEVER.


New member
Sep 27, 2004
Hache Man said:
Wont' there be 1-2 more mod positions added?

In my honest, truthful, opionon, I seriously believe that future mod positions should be left up to RX Members in a voting system........
I believe there should be peace and love in the whole world too! And we should all be rich!:dancefool
Sep 21, 2004
wil, I would be a little dizzy also, going from just another poster to head moderator of the RX. Your rapid ascension is truly noteworthy. I am sure most of the books will be trembling from fear and respect when you call. Short and sweet for people with short attention spans, wil.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

This post is dedicated to Jimmy, a lifer lurker. Jimmy :toast:

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Hache Man said: you don't agree Capt?
Why shouldn't members have a say so?
A lot of should bes in this world that we will never see Hache. I agree with you but I doubt the powers that be will agree!:toast:
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
A lot of should bes in this world that we will never see Hache. I agree with you but I doubt the powers that be will agree!:toast:

You're probably right CC, but I truly believe there are many of us here who have a very good judge of character/etc...........

Platinum is bought not earned
Sep 21, 2003
Darryl, until someone from the rx and comes in here and says the shrink has reneged on his word, I think its very unfair to call him unethical. I would think that if the owners of the rx thought they had been screwed over they would be at all out war right now with him in these forums. Why is it that the ones you feel have been wronged, have been so cordial? Why do you have a bigger problem with the shrink leaving than those that he has supposedly screwed over? I don't understand it? I know its hard to see some time from way up in the moral highgrounds but you might want to use binoculars and get a better look at this one. You seem like a pretty sharp guy, but I think you have this one all wrong. But thats my opinion.
Sep 21, 2004
degenerategambler said:
Darryl, until someone from the rx and comes in here and says the shrink has reneged on his word, I think its very unfair to call him unethical. I would think that if the owners of the rx thought they had been screwed over they would be at all out war right now with him in these forums. Why is it that the ones you feel have been wronged, have been so cordial? Why do you have a bigger problem with the shrink leaving than those that he has supposedly screwed over? I don't understand it? I know its hard to see some time from way up in the moral highgrounds but you might want to use binoculars and get a better look at this one. You seem like a pretty sharp guy, but I think you have this one all wrong. But thats my opinion.

This is sad, because degenerategambler and AP both have valid points. I am not sure anyone said The SHRINK broke his word. However that being said, like most resignation agreements, both parties usually sign a mutual agreement of nondisclosure. So they could have a huge problem with The SHRINK/SHEPHERD leaving, and could say nothing per terms of the agreement. I am not sure AP is really way up in the moral high ground. I am pretty low on the moral scale and I find it questionable. I can see where many less jaded than myself would find the actions offensive. Nice post though, a flipside to the argument. I am somewhere in the middle ground of the ethics judgement. That is a toughie without all of the facts made public.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
However, you raise a valid point about a moral dilemma. You are a loyal RX member, and it appears The SHRINK really stuck it to the ownership. Do you just bail on the RX, and follow the shepard, or can I call him King again?, to the new kingdom, condoning his obvious lack of loyalty and fair play, not to mention questionable ethics? If you do you are just endorsing that type of behavior, an in effect stamp of approval. Or do you stick it out here, and watch the defections increase and the quality decrease? Or do you straddle the fence, playing at both? I think a person with principals has quite the quandry here.

Very good questions and I'm really not sure what I will do...just play it by ear I guess. If the new site tries to be cheesy and spews BS touting crappy sites encouraging square play etc. I will probably chime in with some cups of mathematical wake-up coffee just to see what kind of heat I'll get, if any.

If it delivers the real goods like the Rx then I might make a few troll posts like "gee, this site reminds me of how another one used to be...I wonder why that is!?" I'd point to the stated goal of "His new site will target low-limit recreational players rather than the kind of sharp players that call the Rx home." and point out any contradictions I see.

Sportsbooks have only succeeded in keeping away sharps by artificial means, ie. limiting them (or just having low limits), booting them, or BS-ing them (and everyone else) by dealing dual lines.

How does a forum keep sharps away!? Only way is denying access or booting as far as I can see. Will that go over well in this industry? Somehow I doubt it. There are lots of sharpies out there, hard to boot them all, and they are needed because the others would like to learn from them, so the newbies will have something to say as well.

In any case something's got to give. The total number of posters will not double all of a sudden on August 1, nor will the quantity of posting double per poster. Time spent on the new site by a poster is time not spent on the Rx. And I don't buy that a large population of posters is waiting to come to the internet who would somehow not want to come to the Rx because it's too intelligent for them.

Interesting times are ahead, that much is for certain. I'll be eagerly waiting to see the developments.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
degenerategambler said:
Darryl, until someone from the rx and comes in here and says the shrink has reneged on his word, I think its very unfair to call him unethical. I would think that if the owners of the rx thought they had been screwed over they would be at all out war right now with him in these forums. Why is it that the ones you feel have been wronged, have been so cordial? Why do you have a bigger problem with the shrink leaving than those that he has supposedly screwed over? I don't understand it? I know its hard to see some time from way up in the moral highgrounds but you might want to use binoculars and get a better look at this one. You seem like a pretty sharp guy, but I think you have this one all wrong. But thats my opinion.


Thank you for the candid remarks and questions. Debate is good IMO and helps us all learn...

First off I don't want to sound like I'm on any moral high ground. I am a sinner just like all of us and I truly, honestly don't want to judge anyone OVERALL as a human being for I have no right to do that, being just a human being myself.

My comments relate to this particular MOVE by the Shrink and if I stated otherwise and called him names it was probably out of anger and I regret it.

To answer your question I believe Rx ownership does not see the big picture properly. Like many mediocre bookies they think it will somehow run itself automatically and be a money machine. Right now there is still no evidence for them to believe otherwise and so there is no reason to fret, panic, or get upset. I see a very different picture. I see the Rx being very closely tied to the Shrink himself. He built it, it's his baby, and to a great extent it is HIM. When he builds another site that one will be him and so the natural consequence is that it will walk like the Rx, talk like the Rx and smell like the Rx. You can't jump out of your skin and be someone else at his age. And since there is a fairly stable number of site visitors out there, and the ones who are here now are precisely the ones attracted to his style of watchdog site, it stands to reason that a large number will defect once they realize that the MAN is what makes the site and not the software.

Having said that, I am prepared to look like a complete fool if I turn out to be wrong. I am basing all my comments on a vision I have which I believe is very likely to materialize. I believe my ability to grasp the big picture here is better than that of Rx ownership. Call me a pompous arsehole if you like, but time will tell if I'm right or wrong. If I'm right, I'm brilliant, and if I'm wrong, I will accept being branded a fool and will have learned my lesson to keep my mouth shut in the future.
Sep 21, 2004
Yes AP, my current catch phrase is time will tell. There are quite a bit of unrealistic expectations being bandied about. Good time for my vacation. But come Aug 1, there will be a new game in town, and there just are not that many spectators. Waiting on the sidelines? For what, the offshore supersite? I am cynical about this presumed rosy coexistence. In fact, I foresee some battles, as this might end up a war, like the sites have always been engaged in. As far as going for the Bodog Square search, now the comments about them being visionary fall into place. Well the Diogenes in me is still looking for the honest man. And if that is the idea, a forum for squares only, my cynicism grows by the minute. Again time will tell. This is a muted crises and everyone chooses the denial option.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Platinum is bought not earned
Sep 21, 2003
This is sad, because degenerategambler and AP both have valid points. I am not sure anyone said The SHRINK broke his word. However that being said, like most resignation agreements, both parties usually sign a mutual agreement of nondisclosure. So they could have a huge problem with The SHRINK/SHEPHERD leaving, and could say nothing per terms of the agreement. I am not sure AP is really way up in the moral high ground. I am pretty low on the moral scale and I find it questionable. I can see where many less jaded than myself would find the actions offensive. Nice post though, a flipside to the argument. I am somewhere in the middle ground of the ethics judgement. That is a toughie without all of the facts made public.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Many things are signed, some are implied, some are spoken, the point is no one from the rx is saying signed, implied or spoken has been broken(the rhyming is purely coincidental but cool). I don't believe for one second that if the shrink had screwed them over that there wouldn't be a completely different tone around here. Non disclosure wouldn't stop them from letting people know subtley that they had been screwed over, like not allowing him to post, making him unwelcome at the bash or having the mods flame him. This one is a non starter in my books.
Sep 21, 2004
DP, I will be your 100% co-fool on this position.

I see the Rx being very closely tied to the Shrink himself. He built it, it's his baby, and to a great extent it is HIM. When he builds another site that one will be him and so the natural consequence is that it will walk like the Rx, talk like the Rx and smell like the Rx. You can't jump out of your skin and be someone else at his age. And since there is a fairly stable number of site visitors out there, and the ones who are here now are precisely the ones attracted to his style of watchdog site, it stands to reason that a large number will defect once they realize that the MAN is what makes the site and not the software.

My sentiments exactly.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
degenerategambler said:
Many things are signed, some are implied, some are spoken, the point is no one from the rx is saying signed, implied or spoken has been broken(the rhyming is purely coincidental but cool). I don't believe for one second that if the shrink had screwed them over that there wouldn't be a completely different tone around here. Non disclosure wouldn't stop them from letting people know subtley that they had been screwed over, like not allowing him to post, making him unwelcome at the bash or having the mods flame him. This one is a non starter in my books.

Comeback in 3 or 4 months and see if the tone has changed. Time will tell.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Platinum is bought not earned
Sep 21, 2003
Darryl, fair enough, the rx should be gratefull that they have a poster who is as concerned about the sites future as you are and who takes offence to those he feels threatens it. They might be better served to take a more offensive approach themselves. OF, their tune may indeed change and maybe it should regardless of whether or not shrink has wronged them. If he is a competitor they would probably be well served to have a slightly different stance. I don't claim to know what the rx will look like tommorrow, never mind 3-4 months down the road. The only thing I claim to have a feel for is that based on what I have witnessed, calling the shrink immoral or unethical seems unjust.

New member
Jul 20, 2000
old freind or frog

you do not have to worry

I will have ken and generals back

and the same go's for all the rx mods(incl;including will's)

we are going to vegas to have a good time

just like the last two years

the people that dont go never understand this


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