So The SHRINK and the General head for the bash???


NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
Glad to see you back posting. I am not worried about SHRINK and General, this site will still be great. It is the posters that make this site so great, not only the mods. The RX will survive. And from what I have heard, the new site is not really forum based. It is more for stats and handicapping tools. Either way, I need you to contact me tonight at some point before the game. Please do not forget. Thanks.

Sep 21, 2004
I haven't taken The General and Shrink leaving very well either, but I think that Wil, Dante, Journey, Buc, and Fish deserve the chance to prove that they can help players with disputes just as good. Regardless of the circumstances here, it is still the best place, and I my own opinion the only place, to go to for help.

Good Luck RX Crew

New member
Feb 5, 2005
Shrink beat me out of $400 playing 8 ball at the last bash and that aint no lie. I will miss him if he's not there but so what.. Even the moron posters seem cool at the bash so I'm looking forward to it. Did I mention free food, booze and a free room? yea...I'll be there, ken or no ken.
Sep 21, 2004
spreadbeater said:
Glad to see you back posting. I am not worried about SHRINK and General, this site will still be great. It is the posters that make this site so great, not only the mods. The RX will survive. And from what I have heard, the new site is not really forum based. It is more for stats and handicapping tools. Either way, I need you to contact me tonight at some point before the game. Please do not forget. Thanks.


The upper left first category, posting forums. Without seeing it in action, I would say it is a new and improved RX. The founder left and refounded with improvements. I have had some great times here, no doubt. Met some wonderful people online and in person. Even naming my next POLLIWOG after a RXer I met through this site. This ain't my first rodeo, or forum. A huge downside for me is wil being head mod. I am not the kind of FROG that forgets being falsely accused of being a past poster. I strive to keep a honest image offshore, and still to this day have to deal with crap because of that. I prefer relationships over business, fool that I am. But I have a disasterous relationship with the new head mod. The whatever man. Just a personality conflict I guess. Won't be the first one of those I have had either. But personality conflicts aside, business is business. I tend to favor proven commodities. If I am apprehensive about what the RX has left it is strictly my opinion. Others may say, give them a chance. Not with my money. It is a shame it came down to this, as I was totally blindsided here, as were many others. Do you think I am just going to blindly follow The SHRINK and The General to thier new place after this? I am stuck between a rock and a very hard place, with an undesirable choice at hand. Remember what I said sb? This is a what can you do for me world. I'll check in later.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

New member
Sep 20, 2004

LOL, drooling contest sounds good too...

I know I'm a bit of a prude with this ethics thing. I curse at the world every time I fiddle with my keys because the only reason we need locks is because people can't be trusted. Still I sense that we're on the same side, just that you've accepted the inherent ruthless nature of business more than I have I guess. It's probably safe to say that the bigger the business the more ruthless and unethical it is...Microsoft = case in point.

Somehow I thought the Shrink was above that, though. I saw him as the little guy's man, a big brother, a father figure, and a sports betting robin hood of sorts. Now I see him in the same light as corporate raiders, barbarians at the gate, or Bill Gates. And whatever lines he feeds us is just propaganda to further his own financial ambitions. I feel like a fool for absorbing myself in his writings, for believing he was unselfishly looking out for me, with the benefit of the industry and the betting community as numero uno in his mind, and not himself.

The reason most others don't share my sentiments is that they don't care where they log in. If it's therx dot com or thenewplace dot com it's just one little edit in the favorites list. Who screws whom doesn't matter as long as the picks keep comin'. Well, I operate in a different's the dimension people can only see into when they think deeply for a long time undisturbed. They pretend it's not there but it is and it eats on their conscience every day, bit by bit, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. It even affects physical health, but that's another story.

I'm pretty sure, though, that the Shrink has a conscience and that it will eat at him in the months to come. He may even decide to quit his new venture when he sees it mysteriously resembling the Rx after most of the good posters migrate over there and this place starts having problems.

Time will tell whether I'm a brilliant Nostradamus II or just a bumbling fool having drooling contests with a Frog at the asylum.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I am not the kind of FROG that forgets being falsely accused of being a past poster. I strive to keep a honest image offshore, and still to this day have to deal with crap because of that. I prefer relationships over business, fool that I am. But I have a disasterous relationship with the new head mod. The whatever man. Just a personality conflict I guess

dude, let it go already.....

I had a dispute or two with WIL when I first signed up, but it is water under the Bridge, if it wasnt for the fact that YOU, YOURSELF, keep bringing it back up, it would be water under the BRIDGE.

New member
Oct 20, 2001
What a ridiculous thread. I can't believe I just read through this whole thing.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sport Savant, are you going to be at The Bash? I hope so.

David, I look forward to meeting you at The Nugget in August.


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Darryl Parsons said:
I'm pretty sure, though, that the Shrink has a conscience and that it will eat at him in the months to come. He may even decide to quit his new venture when he sees it mysteriously resembling the Rx after most of the good posters migrate over there and this place starts having problems.
I just love the optimism you have for the future of this place :movingeye

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I'm pretty sure, though, that the Shrink has a conscience and that it will eat at him in the months to come. He may even decide to quit his new venture when he sees it mysteriously resembling the Rx after most of the good posters migrate over there and this place starts having problems.

come on now, the almighty dollar speaks volumes.... SHRINK will love it as he sees all of us flock to the new site.
Sep 21, 2003
SportSavant said:
dude, let it go already.....

I had a dispute or two with WIL when I first signed up, but it is water under the Bridge, if it wasnt for the fact that YOU, YOURSELF, keep bringing it back up, it would be water under the BRIDGE.

SS, your new school,OF is old school.Big difference.You will forgive and forget. OF will fight back.You'll put water under the bridge,OF wont take a chance on drowning.OF will never "let it go".Thats just how he is.

Jan 20, 2000
OF - who the FUCK do you think you are? You mention IBM, when and where did you work for IBM - I have 100's of contacts within IBM ( and now Lenovo). I would love to know who you are.

The rest of your Bullshit posts prove you are a moron at best and more than likely a self important stuck up Prick with no clue. I've had my share of "disputes" with Mods and Posters here. I intelligent enough to realize that small people try and cast large shadows in Internet Posting Forums. I don't claim to be, and never will be, a "Big Time" gambler or High Roller.

In short :Countdown

I encourage you to attend The Bash - I would love to meet a Big Time High Roller like yourself - someone that has such complete understanding of the workings of this Site and the Gambling industry. Bring Steve Wynn if you can.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Sport Savant, are you going to be at The Bash? I hope so.

thanks for asking Wil,

so far it looks like a 90% YES that I am going, I have booked with GLENDA, the only thing left for me is to find a FLIGHT for a reasonable price.

I will also be bringing a Buddy who is a New member here (ClubmanCoop) & the two of us are bringing our Women along with us.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
SS - I really hope you make it. I am hoping to bring my wife as well, she is a real pistol, and should have a great time at The Nugget.


Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
did I read this quote in this thread?

"I intelligent enough"

Sep 21, 2004
Darryl Parsons said:

LOL, drooling contest sounds good too...

I know I'm a bit of a prude with this ethics thing. I curse at the world every time I fiddle with my keys because the only reason we need locks is because people can't be trusted. Still I sense that we're on the same side, just that you've accepted the inherent ruthless nature of business more than I have I guess. It's probably safe to say that the bigger the business the more ruthless and unethical it is...Microsoft = case in point.

Somehow I thought the Shrink was above that, though. I saw him as the little guy's man, a big brother, a father figure, and a sports betting robin hood of sorts. Now I see him in the same light as corporate raiders, barbarians at the gate, or Bill Gates. And whatever lines he feeds us is just propaganda to further his own financial ambitions. I feel like a fool for absorbing myself in his writings, for believing he was unselfishly looking out for me, with the benefit of the industry and the betting community as numero uno in his mind, and not himself.

The reason most others don't share my sentiments is that they don't care where they log in. If it's therx dot com or thenewplace dot com it's just one little edit in the favorites list. Who screws whom doesn't matter as long as the picks keep comin'. Well, I operate in a different's the dimension people can only see into when they think deeply for a long time undisturbed. They pretend it's not there but it is and it eats on their conscience every day, bit by bit, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. It even affects physical health, but that's another story.

I'm pretty sure, though, that the Shrink has a conscience and that it will eat at him in the months to come. He may even decide to quit his new venture when he sees it mysteriously resembling the Rx after most of the good posters migrate over there and this place starts having problems.

Time will tell whether I'm a brilliant Nostradamus II or just a bumbling fool having drooling contests with a Frog at the asylum.

Time to bumble along with FROG. I dispensed with the trust factor long ago. The SHRINK and a conscience do not belong on the same sentence. Shrewd businessmen get rid of that baggage to get to the top. Your crystal ball must have been supplied by the same gypsy, except yours has fantasy type endings. Remember that lame movie Pretty Woman, with gerbil carrying Richard Gere and Julia Roberts? You have the movie crystal ball, the one with happy endings. They get married and live happily ever after. I have the realistic book version. He drops the whore back off at the corner he picked her up. That is my version, draw your own parallels. However that being said, I could see the shepard gathering the flock at somewhere other than here. In fact, I would be willing to bet that. I would like an accurate post and hit count, before noncompetitive site, after noncompetitive site.

However, you raise a valid point about a moral dilemma. You are a loyal RX member, and it appears The SHRINK really stuck it to the ownership. Do you just bail on the RX, and follow the shepard, or can I call him King again?, to the new kingdom, condoning his obvious lack of loyalty and fair play, not to mention questionable ethics? If you do you are just endorsing that type of behavior, an in effect stamp of approval. Or do you stick it out here, and watch the defections increase and the quality decrease? Or do you straddle the fence, playing at both? I think a person with principals has quite the quandry here. Not that I even suggest to having those. But it sounds like you have not been corrupted to the core yet AP. An inner conflict, tearing at you. My honest take is this is a lose/lose. Damned if you do, damned if don't. At the asylum we have no worries. Three hots and a cot. Maybe some good drugs. Chlorpromazine, thorazine might make us always chipper. No more shock therapy. Hate to end up like one flew over the cuckoo's nest with an unneccessary lobotomy. Could not control my drool, or even knew if I won then. Tell you one thing, it is most assuredly thought provoking.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

Jan 20, 2000
Holysmoke said:
did I read this quote in this thread?

"I intelligent enough"


Yep, your are correct - my fingers can't keep up with my superior intellect.


Sep 21, 2004
Jarbo said:
OF - who the FUCK do you think you are? You mention IBM, when and where did you work for IBM - I have 100's of contacts within IBM ( and now Lenovo). I would love to know who you are.

The rest of your Bullshit posts prove you are a moron at best and more than likely a self important stuck up Prick with no clue. I've had my share of "disputes" with Mods and Posters here. I intelligent enough to realize that small people try and cast large shadows in Internet Posting Forums. I don't claim to be, and never will be, a "Big Time" gambler or High Roller.

In short :Countdown

I encourage you to attend The Bash - I would love to meet a Big Time High Roller like yourself - someone that has such complete understanding of the workings of this Site and the Gambling industry. Bring Steve Wynn if you can.

Thanks for the laughs.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:

I intelligent, that was sweet.

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