So..the Pulse bombing was a hate crime eh?


Sep 21, 2004
When I say way better screening, I do mean highly restrictive as well.

Skilled labor, highly professional in their craft, strong family history that we can trace back. Probably a lot of other stuff I haven't thought of, not an expert on the vetting process.

Not 23 year old Syrian dudes from a war torn area. Yeah, many of them want a better life but the odds are just not in our favor unfortunately.
As long as there are no restrictions based on Religion, which is decidedly Un American, and against everything we stand for as a Nation, I'm fine with heavy screening, and better vetting.

Jul 14, 2007
As long as there are no restrictions based on Religion, which is decidedly Un American, and against everything we stand for as a Nation, I'm fine with heavy screening, and better vetting.

What if you significantly decrease the number of people from "problem countries", is that religious based if the problem countries are Muslim countries?

Like I said, not all Muslim backgrounds are created equal. There is a difference between growing up in war torn Syria and being an Indian doctor. My heart goes out to those growing up in Syria right now but it isn't very practical for the US to take them in.

Aug 6, 2006
The "do nothing" argument because they will find another way is silly imo. Why try to stop anything anyone does then?

Because I want to hit them back, and hit them first, at the core of their ideology. Fight the enemy, not his ever changing weapon of choice. Destroy his ideology through overwhelming force, and education. American children need to know who we are fighting, and why we are better than them.

Yes, we are a civilized nation. But we have to stop fighting the ideology of barbarism with platitudes. We have to coin it. And destroy it. Teach our children 21st century modernity trumps (no pun intended) 7th century barbarism. This starts with our CIC!

THEN, when that is all done we can start debating how to reduce common gun crimes again. First comes ideology. Through ideology intent to kill forms. Then the weapon by which to kill is chosen. We have to start fighting back at the top first. Dead jihadis can't get AR-15s.
Oct 30, 2006
You will never get a dyed-in-the-wool Bernie Sanders leftist like The Guesser to ever admit Islam even may be the problem because Progressives and Islamists are more like kindred spirits.

To Progressives, Islamists are fellow-traveling comrades who share with them a hatred for capitalism, individualism/responsibility, Israel/Judaism, and Christianity.

To Islamists, progressives are useful idiots.
Useful idiots ....Right on target....Bravo...

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Because I want to hit them back, and hit them first, at the core of their ideology. Fight the enemy, not his ever changing weapon of choice. Destroy his ideology through overwhelming force, and education. American children need to know who we are fighting, and why we are better than them.

Yes, we are a civilized nation. But we have to stop fighting the ideology of barbarism with platitudes. We have to coin it. And destroy it. Teach our children 21st century modernity trumps (no pun intended) 7th century barbarism. This starts with our CIC!

THEN, when that is all done we can start debating how to reduce common gun crimes again. First comes ideology. Through ideology intent to kill forms. Then the weapon by which to kill is chosen. We have to start fighting back at the top first. Dead jihadis can't get AR-15s.

Short version: Do as the Israelis do.

(sidenote: Bibi's true intentions will be revealed once a Republican gets into office)

Sep 21, 2004
What if you significantly decrease the number of people from "problem countries", is that religious based if the problem countries are Muslim countries?

Like I said, not all Muslim backgrounds are created equal. There is a difference between growing up in war torn Syria and being an Indian doctor. My heart goes out to those growing up in Syria right now but it isn't very practical for the US to take them in.
The US is taking so few of them in from Syria, relatively, and it's a Humanitarian thing. I'm fine with it as long as they are heavily screened and vetted.
Our system already allows for Country immigration ceilings, and I would not be against adjusting those, if necessary.

Jul 14, 2007
The US is taking so few of them in from Syria, relatively, and it's a Humanitarian thing. I'm fine with it as long as they are heavily screened and vetted.
Our system already allows for Country immigration ceilings, and I would not be against adjusting those, if necessary.

That is essentially "banning Muslims" though, not all but greatly curtailing those from problem countries that could be radicalized.

It's just said in a more measured and tactful way.

Aug 6, 2006
Plenty are exporting the views from the Muslim world.

I'm not trying to have an emotional reaction to one incident, but that worldview isn't compatible with western civilization. It is a problem best left contained.

And I'm not saying no Muslims should be allowed here, but the vetting process just needs to be way better. A Pakistani or Indian with an M.D. is wayyyy less likely to do something like this than someone whose dad wanted to run for president of Afghanistan and was a Taliban sympathizer.

If you take a full picture of the info that we now have on this guy he was a ticking bomb. I'd rather our efforts went into getting our intelligence agencies more coordinated in rooting out these guys than having this fruitless and neverending gun debate. Not saying for sure someone failed but he slipped through the cracks and mass-murdered. The US needs to focus efforts on stopping these guys between the time they radicalize and the time they murder. The UK Daily Mail had more on this guy and his papi than the FBI did.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Because I want to hit them back, and hit them first, at the core of their ideology. Fight the enemy, not his ever changing weapon of choice. Destroy his ideology through overwhelming force, and education. American children need to know who we are fighting, and why we are better than them.

Yes, we are a civilized nation. But we have to stop fighting the ideology of barbarism with platitudes. We have to coin it. And destroy it. Teach our children 21st century modernity trumps (no pun intended) 7th century barbarism. This starts with our CIC!

THEN, when that is all done we can start debating how to reduce common gun crimes again. First comes ideology. Through ideology intent to kill forms. Then the weapon by which to kill is chosen. We have to start fighting back at the top first. Dead jihadis can't get AR-15s.

I don't disagree with what a lot of what you're saying.....but when speaking of this specific me, it's criminal that this guy can arm himself for a small war. We have to have safeguards against the easy access to weapons he used. I'm shocked that this isn't considered common sense.

I consider temporary ban common sense because we have no idea who is coming into this country as well. I mean, aren't these both a no brainer?

Sep 21, 2004
If you take a full picture of the info that we now have on this guy he was a ticking bomb. I'd rather our efforts went into getting our intelligence agencies more coordinated in rooting out these guys than having this fruitless and neverending gun debate. Not saying for sure someone failed but he slipped through the cracks and mass-murdered. The US needs to focus efforts on stopping these guys between the time they radicalize and the time they murder. The UK Daily Mail had more on this guy and his papi than the FBI did.
We had enough on this guy to know if he tried to purchase an assault weapon, serious alarm bells should have gone off. That is, if we had a common sense, gun purchasing system. Having the info and using it are 2 different things.

Sep 21, 2004
That is essentially "banning Muslims" though, not all but greatly curtailing those from problem countries that could be radicalized.

It's just said in a more measured and tactful way.
It's in a way our laws allow, and what our Country stands for. We don't discriminate based on Religion, period.

Aug 6, 2006
I don't disagree with what a lot of what you're saying.....but when speaking of this specific me, it's criminal that this guy can arm himself for a small war. We have to have safeguards against the easy access to weapons he used. I'm shocked that this isn't considered common sense.

I consider temporary ban common sense because we have no idea who is coming into this country as well. I mean, aren't these both a no brainer?

Vit all I'm writing here is what I've learned thru 20 years of studying the jihadi mindset. I understand that mass gun killings are a problem. I also know the gun lobby is strong. There was a press conference with the owner of the gun store today. Don't know if you caught it. He is remorseful that the guy committed these mass killings. But not to blame for selling the guns.

Our resources are limited. I'd rather work on the screening process than the laws themselves. Obviously this killer's background was a hell of a lot worse than his background check. I think the gun lobby will be harder to beat than the tobacco lobby. But our main efforts have to be limiting the number of jihadis who can kill us here by taking the fight to their strongholds. And educating our children here that Western values are better than their backwards culture. There are many countries where we'd be murdered if we held this talk over the net.

Let me get hypothetical for a second. Let's say this guy decides he wants to murder a bunch of gay people. He tries to get an AR-15, but due to laws you want to enact now being in effect he can't. BTW I do not believe the kissing story. It's BS from the kid's father, another POS. So here he is, all this hate still boiling. Can't get an AR. What's he going to do now? Well, every nightclub that's popular has an entrance where bouncers card people. Lines are long. Drive a Ford F 150 through that crowd and you probably kill 10-30. How about a gay pride parade. Put a bomb in a Ryder like Tim McVeigh. You may slaughter 100. So this is why I emphasize - fight the jihad. Wipe it out to the best of our capabilities. Then fight the AR. And the gangs in Chicago, etc.

Aug 6, 2006
We had enough on this guy to know if he tried to purchase an assault weapon, serious alarm bells should have gone off. That is, if we had a common sense, gun purchasing system. Having the info and using it are 2 different things.

See you're right, but you're wrong. We had enough, collectively. But the way our agencies are outfitted it is not all amassed in the same place. It's like I might know my neighbor's daughter is a lesbian, and another neighbor might know she's also an excellent cook. But neither of us know both. We had the same issues with 9/11, really. This is why some things are not political. The president changes. Other things, like intelligence gathering, are more status quo.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Gun laws don’t deter terrorists

Destroy radical Islam, not the right of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves.


(Photo: Mark Humphrey, AP)

Americans were shocked and disgusted to learn of another act of terrorism on our soil, this time in Orlando. In the aftermath of this terrorist attack,President Obama and Hillary Clinton renewed calls for more gun control, including a ban on whole categories of semi-automatic firearms. They are desperate to create the illusion that they’re doing something to protect us because their policies can’t and won’t keep us safe. This transparent head-fake should scare every American, because it will do nothing to prevent the next attack.

The terrorist in Orlando had been investigated multiple times by the FBI. He had a government-approved security guard license with a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security. Yet his former co-workers reported violent and racist comments. Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s political correctness prevented anything from being done about it.

Radical Islamic terrorists are not deterred by gun control laws. The San Bernardino terrorist attack wasn’t stopped by California’s so-called “assault weapons” ban. The gun ban in Brussels didn’t prevent the terrorist attack there. And France’s strict gun control didn’t stop the two attacks in Paris, committed with fully-automatic rifles and grenades.

Repeating the same thing but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Law-abiding gun owners are tired of being blamed for the acts of madmen and terrorists. Semi-automatics are the most popular firearms sold in America for sport-shooting, hunting and self-defense.

Congress banned their manufacture for 10 years, from 1994 to 2004. The law also mandated an independent study on its effectiveness. The study proved the ban had no impact because criminals and terrorists are not deterred by gun control laws. To suggest otherwise provides a dangerous sense of false security. We don’t need false promises. We need real leadership.

It’s time for us to admit that radical Islam is a hate crime waiting to happen. The only way to defeat them is to destroy them — not destroy the right of law-abiding Americans to defend ourselves.

Chris W. Cox is executive director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action.

Sep 21, 2004

[h=1]Orlando Shooter Was Reportedly a Regular at Pulse and Had a Profile on Gay Dating App[/h]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74902)]Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 6:35pmFiled to: [COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74902)]PULSE ATTACKS[/COLOR]




Early Sunday morning, Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, perpetrating the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Mateen, his father explained the next day, had repeatedly been angered by the sight of two men kissing. But according to witnesses, Mateen was also a regular at the club and exchanged messages with at least one gay man on a gay dating app.


[h=6]Orlando Nightclub Gunman's Father Says Son Was Angry After Seeing Two Men Kissing[/h]An MSNBC staff writer spoke with the father of Omar Mateen, the gunman who shot and killed at least …Read more

“It’s the same guy,” Chris Callen, who performs under the name Kristina McLaughlin, told the Canadian Press. “He’s been going to this bar for at least three years.”

Ty Smith, who also goes by the name Aries, also said he’d seen Mateen being escorted drunk from the club, Pulse, on multiple occasions.
“(He’d get) really, really drunk... He couldn’t drink when he was at home—around his wife, or family. His father was really strict... He used to bitch about it,” Smith told the Canadian Press.
“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” Smith also explained to the Orlando Sentinel, which spoke with at least four clubgoers who remembered seeing Mateen at Pulse at least a dozen times. “We didn’t really talk to him a lot, but I remember him saying things about his dad at times... He told us he had a wife and child.”
Both Callen and Smith, who are married, tell the Canadian Press they stopped speaking to Mateen after he threatened them with a knife, apparently after someone made a joke about religion.
“He ended up pulling a knife,” Callen said. “He said if he ever messed with him again, you know how it’ll turn out.”
Mateen, who was married in 2009, was abusive and unstable, his ex-wife says. They were married for just a few months before her parents rescued her from their home in Florida, leaving most of her belongings behind. It’s still unclear if he was married again after their divorce was finalized in 2011.


[h=6]Ex-Wife of Alleged Orlando Shooter Says He Was Unstable and Abusive[/h]The Washington Post spoke with the ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, who says he…Read more

MSNBC host Chris Hayes also says he spoke to a man who claims both he and a friend received messages from Mateen via a gay dating app. The full story is set to air tonight on Hayes’ show, All In.

Sep 21, 2004
See you're right, but you're wrong. We had enough, collectively. But the way our agencies are outfitted it is not all amassed in the same place. It's like I might know my neighbor's daughter is a lesbian, and another neighbor might know she's also an excellent cook. But neither of us know both. We had the same issues with 9/11, really. This is why some things are not political. The president changes. Other things, like intelligence gathering, are more status quo.
That NEEDS to be fixed. The whole formation of DHS after 911 was to ostensibly better communication between agencies. It failed miserably, and at the time, I worked for an agency that was put under DHS, and we all knew it was a failure. Good intentions, horrid execution. Again, it NEEDS to be fixed

Aug 6, 2006
Short version: Do as the Israelis do.

(sidenote: Bibi's true intentions will be revealed once a Republican gets into office)

There are as many useful idiots %wise in Israel as there are here. The dream of peace with the Arabs. The wish of being loved by the Arabs, burns stronger than the reality that Arab hate spreads from one generation to the next through manufactured grievances. The Leftys in Israel still think they're fighting a territorial conflict. The IDF still goes out of its way to fight a pinprick war of precision, whether the PM of Israel is hawk or dove. I'd like to be wrong on this. But Joe I'm sure you remember the Israelis surrounded Arafat's compound after 3 mass murders. Bush 43 told the Israelis to get out. He probably felt sick saying it, but he said it. He listened to Powell, who must have decided shock and awe was a US term only.

Aug 6, 2006
That NEEDS to be fixed. The whole formation of DHS after 911 was to ostensibly better communication between agencies. It failed miserably, and at the time, I worked for an agency that was put under DHS, and we all knew it was a failure. Good intentions, horrid execution. Again, it NEEDS to be fixed

Every time I go thru the Lincoln Tunnel I just wanna GTFOUT ASAP. Why I put this here I do not know. Just thought of it.

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