Sitdown #2 with National Tout Johnny Demarco


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004

I would like to thank you for coming on here and suffering through the slings and arrows of the questions here. It takes some balls to do that. Most scamdicappers would not show their face here.

Thanks for answering the questions from legitimate posters.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JohnnyDeMarco:
I had never even met them. Jeff and Duane know I had nothing to do with it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yea, right.

Sep 20, 2004
J.D. can take it, which is a good thing here IMO, some may even learn from this, we have a national Tout telling it how it really is, you have to atleast give him some credit for that...

He isn't telling anyone to buy his picks, read what he's saying...He's laughed all the way to the bank for a long time in this business.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
thanks Journeyman

this clown Lou Diamond cannot prove one single accusation.

In your opinion do you think Jeff & Duane were stupid for the way they operated? They sat and watched Paradise Casino get crushed and continued to operate with zero regard/awareness for what was going on next door. I do mean next door too. Kenny Hense (RIP) told them to knock it off-to do it in a different way but no-they didnt listen. They listened to a money laundering felon-David Tedder. They went down-not my fault at all. Waiting for your answer Lou. Let's see what you make up here.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Mo Mo Mo

typical day-actually everyday
2-3 hours gym
1-midnight- work.
ads, schedules, voice overs
battle with fags like Lou Diamond

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Why do i take it?

It is fun to battle with blowhards like sportsbet & lou the fag diamond. These guys try to act like they are on top of the gambling scene when the truth is they are both trying to dry out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Contrary to what some may think, let me tell you what I know. I do know that JD whether you like him or not was along with his main boy from PC was way ahead of the curve and literally marketing genius...the Sports Bible was the shit and it made them all a pocket of cash and anybody that was along for the ride. its a dirty business but he and his boy are two of the best that have ever come thru the sports service side of the business. This guy was way ahead of the times back in the 90's. I can only assume things are alot slower these days and that crew seems to lay alot lower, but they have always kept their piece of the pie on the other side of the counter so things arent that bad.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
thanks man. We had an awesome ride for a long long time and I promise you we'll be back.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JohnnyDeMarco:
thanks Journeyman

this clown Lou Diamond cannot prove one single accusation.

In your opinion do you think Jeff & Duane were stupid for the way they operated? They sat and watched Paradise Casino get crushed and continued to operate with zero regard/awareness for what was going on next door. I do mean next door too. Kenny Hense (RIP) told them to knock it off-to do it in a different way but no-they didnt listen. They listened to a money laundering felon-David Tedder. They went down-not my fault at all. Waiting for your answer Lou. Let's see what you make up here.


This is fact, literally one door down , in the same business in both ways, these guys mirrored each other (though GM was much smaller across the board) One goes down and then its just a matter of time before the other goes down.............

Scooping the money up in the states is what I believe was the biggest downfll of both.
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JohnnyDeMarco:
The Belch
Apparently you didnt read my whole thread/post. Why should I bet my own games when guys like you bet them for me? I spend more advertising then I could ever bet anyway-so that is a bet in itself. Call it slimy or whatever you want-that doesnt offend me at all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Guys like me" don't bet for you. I remember you trying to get my money awhile back - about '94 I think. I'm the one who kept telling you that you're going to do everything my way - including all payments being by cashier's check only. Remember? After about a dozen calls (lasting about a minute or two each before I hung up on you) you stopped calling. To answer your question, you should bet your own games because if you're as good as you claim then you'll make more money.

Let him type as much bs as he wants Journey. He makes his living lying to people. You don't think you're going to get the truth out of him here do you? He can say what he wants. He's the one that has to live with knowing what he did.

Say what you want John. I'll let you continue to drabble on with your idiotic ramblings. I've told you time and time again you are doing yourself no favors. You know who I am. I'll tell you exactly who I am if you stop lying to people and breaking every FTC truth-in-advertising law on the books.

Honesty is the best policy John!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JohnnyDeMarco:
being good friends with Jack Price has nothing to do with it Lou.

Tell me what could I have possibly offered the feds on gold medal? I had never even met them. Jeff and Duane know I had nothing to do with it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

JD was the point man in the states , he had for a fact ABSOLUTLEY nothing to do with any day to day in Antigua or Curacao. Maybe provide a score or two when Don Best was running behind, thats about all.

The proof was in the puddin with GM just like it was for PC.
How's your buddy John?

If you recently received a call from someone who sounds like Tony Robbins on crack, chances are it is Jack Price trying to sell his sports plays. Apparently Mr. Price has gotten his hands on another large list of offshore players.

The call starts out playing a recording of Jack screaming about how his plays are guaranteed to win and that he knows they will hit etc. Once he is done yelling about ridiculous promises and winning percentages he prompts you to “press 1” for his free pick..

The clerks must be receiving earfuls from their disgruntled audience and becoming agitated. When I was transferred to the clerk he answered, "Do you want the pick or not?" I asked to be taken off the list and said it was "for the 3rd time".

He called me a prick and hung up.

Players should be aware of this scammer. It should also be noted that Mr. Price lacks handicapping skills as well as sales ethics. Those who have tracked his plays report unprofitable results.

P.S. how is his web site holding up?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's just unbelievable that you would put this crook/slimeball scum on this forum. So he admits that he rips off his customers. What can I learn from this criminal? He and his opinion on anything other than lying and ripping off the public are worthless. His customers were all degenerate, desperate gamblers, some of whom are probably dead of their addiction. My estimation of the R.X. has just plummeted lower than a DeMarco caller's bank account. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Sep 20, 2004
Mos...the thread kind of explains the real goings on from a well known tout's perspective...seems some may learn something from this IMO...

I don't see any false claims in this thread...just a Pro Tout telling it like it really is.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

After reading your replys, it is very clear that you are a decent marketer of your product and thus can recruit a fair number of customers, but as to your ability to handicap and actually show a long term profit for your clients based on your own ability to analyze sports match-ups, believe it to be non-existent. Will respect your right to earn a living but disrespect the pretenses under which it is achieved.
Journey he's not going to get any business from us so he has nothing to gain by trying to sell anything on this forum. Even John isn't that dumb.

From Nover's article on the Florida bust:

"The handicapping industry unfortunately is polluted with fakes(John) and bad guys(John). They make it tough for the legitimate ones (Not John).

So this prosecution is good. The government is saying if you’re operating in such a sleazy, rip-off manner(John) we’re going to search for things to come after you(John).

Hyping things in an unrealistic and high-profile manner(JOHN) is a red flag to government. Tout services operating this way better not be hiding anything, because the government is going to search every nook and cranny to find something. Chances are they will."

Well they won't if you've cooperated with them and given them information they could use in other cases. But we won't go into details(right John).


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I can't believe I am doing this, but I have to defend JDM in a way. People make the mistake of bitching about his "handicapping" efforts, but come on even he will tell you it is all about marketing hype. Pure and simple. Sadly the vast majority of people that buy into this stuff usually don't care if they win or lose, but just that they get jacked up about putting in their action while they are "in the know". It is all a scheme to create hype and excitement among people that crave it.

Maybe it is that I have lived in Vegas too long, but people like this with businesses such as this are all over the place. The people that come to visit and a small percentage that come to live in town are after this stuff. They love the fantasy, they love the "come on" and they love to get excited by things. Maybe it is an addiction to excitement or whatever, but the bottom line is there is always going to be someone to serve them. And in JDM's case, he is right if not him, someone else. His repeat business is caused by the fact that his call for business has attracted this limited slice of the betting world. Indeed it is a situation where you just have to blame the customers because they create demand for people that offer this sort of service.

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