I can't believe I am doing this, but I have to defend JDM in a way. People make the mistake of bitching about his "handicapping" efforts, but come on even he will tell you it is all about marketing hype. Pure and simple. Sadly the vast majority of people that buy into this stuff usually don't care if they win or lose, but just that they get jacked up about putting in their action while they are "in the know". It is all a scheme to create hype and excitement among people that crave it.
Maybe it is that I have lived in Vegas too long, but people like this with businesses such as this are all over the place. The people that come to visit and a small percentage that come to live in town are after this stuff. They love the fantasy, they love the "come on" and they love to get excited by things. Maybe it is an addiction to excitement or whatever, but the bottom line is there is always going to be someone to serve them. And in JDM's case, he is right if not him, someone else. His repeat business is caused by the fact that his call for business has attracted this limited slice of the betting world. Indeed it is a situation where you just have to blame the customers because they create demand for people that offer this sort of service.