I am glad you have never baited or switched Johnny. Could you answer the rest of my questions, time slot handicapping does clarify one area, but how do you cap these time slot games? Do you handicap, or have a staff, is that a trade secret? Here are the rest of my questions. Thanks Johnny...OF posted August 25, 2004 12:54 PM
When I grow up I want to be just like my favorite tout, Johnny DeMarco. Would you say you are a Statistical, Situational, Technical or Fundamental handicapper? Will you be entering the Hilton Contest? In your business, are capping skills or sales skills more important? Do you utilize high pressure sales tactics?
When I grow up I want to be just like my favorite tout, Johnny DeMarco. Would you say you are a Statistical, Situational, Technical or Fundamental handicapper? Will you be entering the Hilton Contest? In your business, are capping skills or sales skills more important? Do you utilize high pressure sales tactics?