LolYes it should be illegal without a doubt.
Those who burn the American flag should be imprisoned or deported immediately.
I dont agree with everything our govt does of course, but if you despise our country that much, your azz needs sent back to where you came from, or locked up...
I think it is strange that people actually think like this. A person who burns a flag should be killed because other countries would do the same? Odd that you think our laws should mirror countries that you hate...Do you realize what would happen to a Caucasian, black person, or American, if they went to Mexico or a Muslim country & burn that countries flag in public?
They wouldn't live to tell about it.
Why do you believe those ppl should have the right to do so here?
Because of free speech??
Well maybe its time they edit & detail what pertains to free speech & what one can & cant get away with.
Its very simple & easy to understand.
You come to the United States for freedom. dont speak out or act against the EXACT THING & PLACE THATS GIVING YOU THAT FREEDOM.
You dont bite the hand that feeds you.
Time to alter the laws & make ppl like that pay the price..
Deployed multiple times to the Middle East and will retire from active service soon so I've sacrificed a bit.
I feel I serve so people can voice their opinion in this nation. It's why we are known to be the greatest country on earth with the most freedoms known to mankind. I encourage people to protest peacefully and voice their opinion too. As for the flag? I love it too more than most but will not intervene with a person's right to practice their 1st Amendment rights. Again, it's why I serve. I don't like it but it's why we exist.
No, what would lead to our downfall is stripping away freedom, and allowing for totalitarianismSome day, it will come down to which is more important:
A. The survival of this country
B. Catering those who get away with too much because of their 'freedom'
Pretty sure we all know which will win.
We may all be dead & gone, but gonna happen one day ...
easy. Make a cheesecake that SUCKS the SHIT and decorate a national flag on it....creative icing ..........then toss that fucker in the trash can!!!!!!!!!!.................dagone...........
You're the fascist idiot that advocates Concentration Camps. You'll make a great camp guard. Zieg Heil Baby.
You're a self admitted fake Religious fraud. In serious competition for the vilest of the vile. You fit in perfectly with the coming Fascist Country we're about to become. A lying, fake, fraud, who despises religious freedoms. Enjoy, you sick racist vermin.You are the forum pariah, and along with Vitturd, the biggest fucking idiots around here.
We took out the trash baby, and you were in it. You vile shit-stain.
You're a self admitted fake Religious fraud. In serious competition for the vilest of the vile. You fit in perfectly with the coming Fascist Country we're about to become. A lying, fake, fraud, who despises religious freedoms. Enjoy, you sick racist vermin.
You're the fascist idiot that advocates Concentration Camps. You'll make a great camp guard. Zieg Heil Baby.
The actual liar and fraud is the one who typed this. It wasn't me, it was the Lying Vermin Festering Zit.Everything you post is a lie, that is who you are.