Shocker: NFL Ratings Tank (Politics and Greed are ruining America's Game)


New member
Mar 10, 2012
Well let's just stop mentioning Hitler all the time too if you don't believe there are boogeymen

That's one way to look at it. On the other hand, I think the guy born on third never wants or needs to learn how to hit, and genetics being equal the guy starting from the batters box is going to be the better ball player.

Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, etc. all came from nothing and that undoubtedly drove them. Then to say those who are born in better circumstances have a better chance at succeeding while dismissing the fact that they are in that position because their parents were genetically responsible and intelligent also is a chicken or the egg argument at best.

Bottom line I think you are ignoring that the poor Henry Ford is driven to greater things than the rich Henry Ford, but everyone isn't Henry Ford and you can't force them to be.
Vitturd why can't you just have an intellectually honest argument? I write the post above, and you want to focus on one line that is obviously referring to the many general references by liberals and all people to Hitler as a boogeyman, and you proceed to ignore the rest of the post and decide to interpret that one line to mean you personally have been referring to Hitler as the boogeyman and argue you have not been doing that. Is that all you do, post fallacious arguments? Come on, drop the act, you are a paid traffic driving troll, right?
Jan 14, 2007
Not a liberal, and actually haven't voted for a dem my entire life.

And if some nut in Alabama #rolltide is what you need to prove your point to yourself, then I think you've already made my original point.

Aww, so cute. You must be a liberal.

<header class="page-section-title three-column" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: auto; position: relative; clear: both; overflow: hidden; color: rgb(128, 128, 128); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;">Are National Anthem Protests Costing NFL Viewership?

September 20, 2016 10:46 AM</header><section class="page-column two-column columns-left" style="width: 628px; margin-bottom: 15px; float: left; color: rgb(128, 128, 128); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;"><section class="column-item" id="main-story" style="clear: both; margin: 0px 0px 15px; overflow: hidden; padding: 15px 0px 20px; position: relative;"><article class="article-bucket content" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">By Christy Strawser

(WWJ) James Olson, a Sports Illustrated subscriber since fourth grade, watches action-packed NFL games on TV to escape from the endless round of political bickering playing out on other channels.

But with more national anthem protests cropping up, he feels like politics has taken over his favorite sport, too. So he’s tuning out.

“I want to say to these guys ‘If you weren’t playing in the NFL, you would be working at McDonalds. I think people have had it,” said, Olson, a Birmingham, Mich., resident. :):)

He’s not alone.

The NFL opener, a Super Bowl rematch between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers, brought 25.2 million viewers — which is an astonishing number of eyeballs.

“For comparison, The Walking Dead averages around 14 million live viewers as TV’s most-watched show,” Forbes wrote.

But that’s down 8 percent from 2015 and 6 percent from 2014. Sunday’s numbers, Forbes added, were down 13 percent from last year.

“This also marked the lowest overnight season-opening rating in seven years,” Forbes found.

In a hot and heavy political season with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton lobbing verbal bombs at each other seemingly all day, every day, while the media breathlessly follows along, it’s just too much, Olson said.

“Sports used to not be a stage for this, and now it is, so I’m turning it off,” he said. “I refused to watch the Chicago-Philadelphia game because they were going to protest …You start to figure out you can get along without football, there are other things out there I can do.”

He spent his Sunday, instead, watching part of a soccer game, spending time outside, and then working out.

The #boycottNFL hashtag on Twitter has hundreds of participants who are urging others to send a message to NFL owners and Roger Goodell by sitting out games, turning off the TV and refusing to buy merchandise.

<twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="778233750559653888" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 420px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></twitterwidget>“We’re also pissed that the owners aren’t doing anything, that the coaches aren’t doing anything and the coaches aren’t doing anything,” Olson said. “You can do this on our own time. Rent a stage somewhere and see if you can get a crowd of 70,000 people.”


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Vitturd why can't you just have an intellectually honest argument? I write the post above, and you want to focus on one line that is obviously referring to the many general references by liberals and all people to Hitler as a boogeyman, and you proceed to ignore the rest of the post and decide to interpret that one line to mean you personally have been referring to Hitler as the boogeyman and argue you have not been doing that. Is that all you do, post fallacious arguments? Come on, drop the act, you are a paid traffic driving troll, right?

You have used that "paid poster" thing a few times. Add that to the list of things you've been wrong about. It's growing every day.

1) Vitterd says people are racists here often
2) Vitterd must be gay because he didn't comment on a woman in a bikini
3) Vitterd must stop including Hitler when talking about a boogeyman
4) Vitterd must be a paid poster.

Youre really struggling under the centaur should use one of your other handles. This one is taking a horrible beating.

A little advice .....start being honest and actually take the time to read my posts and then you won't look so stupid when making these false claims. Now here, you'll get away with this kind of stuff because right wingers are about 6:1at this site....and truth doesn't mean much to them. But outside of will struggle acting the way you do.

Dec 12, 2006
I don't know, was listening to a sports talk show last night driving home and they were discussing this very topic. The host said that it surprises him, but that he couldn't think of any other reason for the decline other than all of this political crap going on in the NFL. If the ratings are down with NE this Thursday, the Cowboys on Sunday, and then on MNF, then it's very possible this is the cause.

New member
May 13, 2016
I am having a hard time believing it but maybe it is true....many people are into sports that want to get away from their jobs, politics, etc and when you mix it, turns them off...more I think about it, the more possible it seems.

New member
Mar 10, 2012
You have used that "paid poster" thing a few times. Add that to the list of things you've been wrong about. It's growing every day.

1) Vitterd says people are racists here often
2) Vitterd must be gay because he didn't comment on a woman in a bikini
3) Vitterd must stop including Hitler when talking about a boogeyman
4) Vitterd must be a paid poster.

Youre really struggling under the centaur should use one of your other handles. This one is taking a horrible beating.

A little advice .....start being honest and actually take the time to read my posts and then you won't look so stupid when making these false claims. Now here, you'll get away with this kind of stuff because right wingers are about 6:1at this site....and truth doesn't mean much to them. But outside of will struggle acting the way you do.
LOL why be so obnoxious? Anyone with a brain can see that you rely on fallacies to deflect and distract from your weak arguments.

1) Vitterd says people are racists here often Where did I say often? Did you include that to backtrack because you know there are quotes in which you did?
2) Vitterd must be gay because he didn't comment on a woman in a bikini I didn't say that but that won't keep you from making it up to deflect and distract so I have to disprove your made up bullshit
3) Vitterd must stop including Hitler when talking about a boogeyman More made up bullshit. I didn't say you personally said it, I said "we all" to refer generally to how Hitler is the ultimate boogeyman in our society
4) Vitterd must be a paid poster. Must be? I didn't say must be and you know it. I asked the question though, because you and everyone else knows there are paid or employee devil's advocate trolls in these forums.

Anyone with a brain sees what you do. Make up statements and act ignorant about the meaning of others so your adversary has to waste time clarifying their argument and disproving your accusations. It's a spineless, intellectually dishonest way to behave, but if you had a shred of integrity or self awareness you wouldn't be the obnoxious liberal you are. Now go ahead and pick out a few words of this post and cook up another fallacy while everyone with some reading comprehension laughs at you.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What thecentaur said:

Wrong. Everyone has the opportunity to be the best they can be in this country. What libs incessantly point to as obstacles (poverty, family issues) have time and time again proven to be motivation for great Americans throughout our history. The disagreement is libs think it's wise to disrupt everyone else's chances in order to increase the chances for a segment they wish to see succeed.

What if the NBA let little Conor O'Shea wear ankle rockets to increase his speed and jumping ability so he could succeed? Does that really benefit the game of basketball or improve his game? Better yet, what if the NBA made everyone wear 5 pound ankle weights but Conor? That more accurately describes the situation when you dumb down curriculum or force unqualified people into high positions.

What's crazy about all this is there are a few powerful people like George Soros who do not like America and what it stands (or used to stand) for so they do all they can to disrupt and create chaos, and they have created zombies like you to mindlessly aid them in their goals with your liberal trolling.

What vitard heard:

George Soros!
George Soros!
George Soros!


Yep, definitely a paid troll but also dumber than a bag of hammers.

We know how you feel, the centaur.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not a liberal, and actually haven't voted for a dem my entire life.

And if some nut in Alabama #rolltide is what you need to prove your point to yourself, then I think you've already made my original point.

My original point is valid - these ignorant spoiled lib football players 'protesting' god-knows-what and wearing pig socks are driving away fans > viewers > advertising revenue.


A new Yahoo Sports/YouGov survey indicates that Americans remain deeply divided about the ongoing national anthem protests in the NFL, with 44 percent of fans claiming they would actually stop watching the NFL if the protests continue.

What's your point again?

Jan 20, 2002
Everyone in this country has opportunity to move up the ladder. Hard work, study, discipline and drive will get up ahead. However, many people want everything handed to them. Take a look at Haitians. These people work their asses off and you don't see them complaining and frankly you don't see them committing violent crimes.

Jan 15, 2010
I am having a hard time believing it but maybe it is true....many people are into sports that want to get away from their jobs, politics, etc and when you mix it, turns them off...more I think about it, the more possible it seems.

Exactly. Sports is my escape from all the bull shit I have to deal with 90% of the day. I bet on monday night football put the score up on my computer and watched something else.

New member
Jul 26, 2008
Some people start on third, some on second, some on first base ... of that, there is no doubt and equally of no doubt is the fact that making this not the case cannot be socially engineered.

The difference between capitalism and socialism (Individual freedom and centralized power, if you will) is that in Capitalism you get an actual AT BAT to find your way home. It has been proven over and over again that upward (and downward for that matter) mobility is far more accessible in free market, capitalistic, decentralized power atmoshperes and that closed market, socialist, socially engineered, centralized power systems are characterized by having very little mobility to change the circumstances you were born into.

So basically three important facts of life to know:
1. All people are born into different circumstances
2. It is impossible to even the playing field for those born into lesser circumstances
3. Centralized Power, socialistic systems give those born into lesser circumstances, less opportunity to escape them.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Vitterd's 3rd base analogy blowing right up in his face kth)(&^azzkick(&^

huh?youre just making more things up. There is a sure fire way you know you lost the argument badly.....Sheriff Joe comes in and quotes your posts. Really bad news for you. Conspiracy/Con Man Joe is the biggest clown in forum history. And now he's your BFF:):)

but hey, he makes things up just like you.....perfect match!

Jun 4, 2015
Ratings down because a lot people cut cord with cable and stream games via internet.

Sep 21, 2004
LOL why be so obnoxious? Anyone with a brain can see that you rely on fallacies to deflect and distract from your weak arguments.

1) Vitterd says people are racists here often Where did I say often? Did you include that to backtrack because you know there are quotes in which you did?
2) Vitterd must be gay because he didn't comment on a woman in a bikini I didn't say that but that won't keep you from making it up to deflect and distract so I have to disprove your made up bullshit
3) Vitterd must stop including Hitler when talking about a boogeyman More made up bullshit. I didn't say you personally said it, I said "we all" to refer generally to how Hitler is the ultimate boogeyman in our society
4) Vitterd must be a paid poster. Must be? I didn't say must be and you know it. I asked the question though, because you and everyone else knows there are paid or employee devil's advocate trolls in these forums.

Anyone with a brain sees what you do. Make up statements and act ignorant about the meaning of others so your adversary has to waste time clarifying their argument and disproving your accusations. It's a spineless, intellectually dishonest way to behave, but if you had a shred of integrity or self awareness you wouldn't be the obnoxious liberal you are. Now go ahead and pick out a few words of this post and cook up another fallacy while everyone with some reading comprehension laughs at you.

One of the most accurate posts ever! Spot on!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Panthers and Broncosdrew 25.2 million, down eight percent from 2015 (Steelers-Patriots) and six percent from 2014 (Packers-Seahawks).

Also, Sunday night’s game between the Patriots and Cardinals generated an audience of 23.1 million. Despite the game being decided at the last second, the audience fell by 14 percent, in comparison to last year’s Giants-Cowboys Sunday night opener.

Maybe because some dudes named Trevor Simien and Jimmy Garoppolo were starting instead of Peyton Manning, Ben Roethlisberger, and Tom Brady.

The league is about star power. No Tom Brady/Gronk Pats against the Cardinals simply do not draw the crowds that a long time rivalry like Giants/Cowboys.

So not sure if these numbers really reflect the state of the NFL... and it's definitely not because some idiot is kneeling and liberals. Hahaha.
Jan 14, 2007
I think the tide is turning a bit with the league in terms of the urgency to watch games. If you have red zone and/or Sunday ticket it's one thing. But if you simply have the regular cbs and fox games on a Sunday afternoon, there's really no appeal.

You get two games, and one at 4. It is literally nothing but commercials, and they never go to other games or even show highlights of other games. Totally disconnected with everything going on. And if it's not your favorite team playing, why even bother. Redzone or nothing imo, and that doesn't translate to individual game ratings.

i have directv and didn't buy ticket this year (which means no redzone). It's brutal. Literally was out grocery shopping and some errands by 3. Had zero interest.

Sep 21, 2004
Whoopsie. As usual, a Casper thread blows up in his face:

[h=1]Ratings up for Week Three Thursday night game[/h]Posted by Mike Florio on September 23, 2016, 11:05 AM EDT
Getty Images
The bad news is the game stunk (except for Patriots fans). The good news is that the numbers didn’t.
Via John Ourand of SportsBusiness Daily, Thursday’s Texans-Patriots game generated an overnight rating of 12.5. That represents an increase of five percent over last year’s 11.9 for the Week Three game between Washington and the Giants.
While not a major jump, it’s a welcome sign for the NFL following a string of seven prime-time games featuring dramatically lower ratings than the apples-to-apples comparisons from 2015.
The trend could continue on Sunday night, given the presence of the Cowboys in the main prime-time game of the week. Come Monday night, however, the viewership for Falcons-Saints undoubtedly will drop, perhaps dramatically, as the game conflicts with the first presidential debate.

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