But it makes us feel good about ourselves for recycling and saving energy and the environment.:missingte
It's actually NOT funny because this feel good socialist horse shit costs people (esp the ones on the economic fringes) money -- LOTS of money.
Look at government regulation this way:
You have a list of a 100 things you want to buy. For every regulation or tax put into place, scratch off another item on your list.
For example, you want to buy a lawnmower. The price is $200. But wait, there's a govt regulation that MANDATES a safety guard on every lawnmower cause some idiot cut his toes off. This adds additional costs to the lawnmower. So now instead of paying $200 you know have to fork over $220 -- $20 of YOUR money you can't spend because some arrogant bureaucrat knows what's best for you.
And this but the tip of the iceberg -- a microcosm of what ails our economy, and why just about EVERYTHING (education, medicine) govt touches is rotting to the core and making the country go BANKRUPT.
"There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts."
-- President Ronald Reagan
The United States was founded on FREEDOM -- NOT European-style socialism.
And the loony left wonders why other emerging markets (China and India) are taking us to the woodshed?