We'll all have to recycle eventually, just like we all have to halt at a red stop light.
This means you'll just have to get off your fat wobbly american ass slightly more often, that's all.
Sorry 'bout that.
Apparently our society needs three planet earths to sustain our present rates of consumption, so something's going to give.
Our fat pampered asses have a small price to pay.:grandmais
well oil is the issue longer term
till we starting building more nukes, wind, solar, geothermal etc....our footprint won't change and recycling won't do a damn bit of difference
nukes very viable option right now dirt cheap, no carbon emmisions, but the libbies always getting in the way
our entire global infrastructure is so dependent on oil that you need to overhaul the entire system to get there so not something that's gonna happen overnight
eventually down the road i dunno when oil prices will reach a point where all this shit will make even more economic sense than it even does today
right now we just had a near term spike due to having an easy credit bubbly global economy that wasn't rooted in sound fundamentals
but at same time oil at 40 dollar a barrel days are over IMO....we are running outta cheap easy to tap oil...we have to dig harder and use more technology/energy input to get it outta the ground....
will be interesting to see where oil goes over the next 30 years or so and how it affects the marketplace