Service Plays Thursday 3/24/11


Sep 21, 2010
bones1980, I'm not questioning your post as you have paid and posted kelso for a while. Today's sd st & total play came from someone else and from all I've seen kelso didn't advertise a total. Uconn was posted from a source that has been posting kelso for a while and without a total, this led me to lean towards the uconn play and away from the sd st + total post.

krh7, there was no funny business with my post today and there never will be. I spend countless hours in these forums trying to bring the members as many services as possible, are they all confirmed? of course not, but a lot more are. Can posters make mistakes? of course, but we don't do it intentionally. Unfortunately you have winners and losers and the winners will be happy and the losers will be pissed. I apologize to anyone that lost fading my corrected kelso post.
LASTLY...this post doesn't suggest any wrong doings or point fingers at anyone that posted kelso today as it was posted on a few streets. I made the decision to post a correction based on all the info I saw and if it was wrong I apologize.
I need to step in here.
I own a site like this and help out CPAW whenever I can. I will not promote my site to dishonor my friendship with CPAW or use the RX as a platform.
With that being said. Shit happens !
CPAW and many of us post all the plays we can. When you win. Nothing extra is ever said and we don't expect it.
But when bogus plays are posted. Please don't shoot the messenger. If we didn't post all plays, then we would be bagged for that.
CPAW, TheRX or my site have nothing to gain by lending out bad info. Maybe some sites do. But not here and not at my shop.
When CPAW and I feel something is wrong, we talk about it and try to fix it.

The only way to confirm a play is to buy it. Sad part is only 10% of the people that view these threads do that.
So if 99% of the plays are right. That's a pretty good deal.
If your argument is you follow a capper and that cost you money. Then buy them.
Then figure in the package price in your wagers

It's easy to bitch about a wrong play every now and then. But takes even less to say thanks to the people that work hours bringing them to you.

Apr 12, 2006
bones1980, I'm not questioning your post as you have paid and posted kelso for a while. Today's sd st & total play came from someone else and from all I've seen kelso didn't advertise a total. Uconn was posted from a source that has been posting kelso for a while and without a total, this led me to lean towards the uconn play and away from the sd st + total post.

krh7, there was no funny business with my post today and there never will be. I spend countless hours in these forums trying to bring the members as many services as possible, are they all confirmed? of course not, but a lot more are. Can posters make mistakes? of course, but we don't do it intentionally. Unfortunately you have winners and losers and the winners will be happy and the losers will be pissed. I apologize to anyone that lost fading my corrected kelso post.
LASTLY...this post doesn't suggest any wrong doings or point fingers at anyone that posted kelso today as it was posted on a few streets. I made the decision to post a correction based on all the info I saw and if it was wrong I apologize.

appreciate everything you do here. without your efforts, i wouldn't be able to bet like i do.

just thought maybe different plays were reported to different consensus reports and that's why there was confusion.

Jan 20, 2011
I am not questioning u cpaw! Just saying I went back and looked and it was sd st 100 unit. There was no total! Maybe he gave out both teams who knows. I liked uconn anyways so I didnt play the game
May 19, 2007
I am not questioning u cpaw! Just saying I went back and looked and it was sd st 100 unit. There was no total! Maybe he gave out both teams who knows. I liked uconn anyways so I didnt play the game

Thanks bones! I'm glad you went with your instincts and didn't play sd st. I know you weren't questioning me and krh7 wasn't either. I just felt like I had to clear the air and give some type of explanation for my post.

Thanks for your posts & contributions to the Rx.


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Jan 28, 2011
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