bones1980, I'm not questioning your post as you have paid and posted kelso for a while. Today's sd st & total play came from someone else and from all I've seen kelso didn't advertise a total. Uconn was posted from a source that has been posting kelso for a while and without a total, this led me to lean towards the uconn play and away from the sd st + total post.
krh7, there was no funny business with my post today and there never will be. I spend countless hours in these forums trying to bring the members as many services as possible, are they all confirmed? of course not, but a lot more are. Can posters make mistakes? of course, but we don't do it intentionally. Unfortunately you have winners and losers and the winners will be happy and the losers will be pissed. I apologize to anyone that lost fading my corrected kelso post.
LASTLY...this post doesn't suggest any wrong doings or point fingers at anyone that posted kelso today as it was posted on a few streets. I made the decision to post a correction based on all the info I saw and if it was wrong I apologize.