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Rotation #107 Bowling Green (-4) 2-Stars at -4 or less, 3-Stars at -3.
Bowling Green started at 3 pm Pacific and was the first game released on the release page at 2:45 pm. Rotation #116 Cincinnati (-9) 3-Stars at -10 or less, 2-Stars up to -13 1/2.
Rotation #120 Illinois (-4) 2-Stars at -6 or less, 3-Stars at -3 or less.
Rotation #149 Nebraska (-3 1/2) 3-Stars at -4 or less, 2-Stars up to -6 1/2.
Rotation #176 Nevada (-7) 2-Stars at -7 or less.
Rotation #182 Oregon State (-12) 3-Stars at -13 1/2 or less, 2-Stars at -14.
Rotation #192 Oklahoma State (-4) 2-Stars at -5 or less, 3-Stars at -3.
Rotation #214 Middle Tennessee St (-12 1/2) 3-Stars at -14 or less, 2-Stars up to -15.