Hondo, Gambler's Data, and the Mighty Quinn; now there's a three of a kind--they all touted the Boston Red Sox; as Johnny Carson would say, "o-ooom, bombo!" For days, I've seen people begging to get Ben Burns' picks and were ignored. I know Burns is too expensive, so know one buys him--including me. I'm not a shill for Burns, but he at least has an idea about sports betting. The rest of these guys are throwing darts. None of these touts can win in the long term putting out 5-8 picks a DAY to take your money (including Burns!), but if you center on Burns' 10 stars, you can narrow them down to one or two a WEEK that look logical and at least have a CHANCE to win. I am spending $350 this Friday to buy Burns' selections for the month; I will share them with all. Again, not all of his 10 stars win, but he is head and shoulders above the rest of this motley crew. I know I should post this in a different thread, but it gets frustrating to see people who know who the best tout is, but they simply can't afford his $40 per pick selections.