Vandy was my largest play of the year. EVERYONE had a game of the year or big play on Kentucky. Fade of the year. Fade all big plays(when multiple service are on the same side) the last 4 weeks of the year and you will win every november. Been doing it for years.
Congratulations if Vandy covers and you bet them big.
That being said, in all fairness, anyone can come up here AFTER the game starts and say what they had.
I am not saying that it wasn't your biggest bet of the year, but unless you posted it before the game started, it is meaningless to anyone now.
Next time tell us that it is your biggest game of the year before it starts.
ps if you did post it before, I apologize.
Also, I do agree with your premise in general of fading big plays when the world jumps in.
As much as Iave a ton of issues with Phil Steele/NC, to be fair he does have an outstanding record in the College GOY-something like 22-6 over the years in has been in business.
Also imo you should NEVER crow about any game in any sport until it is over especially at the half!