Secret service rushes Trump off stage.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I don’t agree with that entirely. I like trump policy but first and foremost I believe in free speech at all costs and all voices . I don’t like the way Trump belittles every one he’s been running against although it’s amusing it lacks respect. But first and foremost when it comes to picking winners and losers no politician should have that much power. I don’t like tariffs free trade is free trade. I don’t like how he talks about deportation. As much as I agree with closing the boarder you’re gonna scare a lot of people talking like this. As a small business owner in the service industry I can easily share my frustration with middle class America and hope for change in the White House. But honestly there is supposed to be limited power and more importantly then commander we need checks and balances to work or power is not limited . Thank god the appeals court shut down student loans because once again it’s wrong that any president or politician gets to pick winners and losers .As far as main stream media I watch Brett Baier mostly read Aier and national review.
1. Brett Baier LOL.

2. You keep talking about free speech....Since when has Trump tried to stop it?
Just like you blathered about BOZO and free speech, no one here has tried to censor him or tell him what he can say, in fact its the opposite, he cries to the mods when people post things that hurt his feelings.

3. What EXACTLY about how Trump talks about Deportation offends you or "scares people" as you claim?

4. The other thing you seem obliviious to is this
You like Trumps policies but prefer someone else to implement them....

That wont happen because they are either too weak or too compromised to follow through
Get it ....ONLY TRUMP can make those policies happen.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
For the MAGOOS of this world ...Brett Baier is a clown, controlled opposition at best, the very definition of a RINO establiment "reporter"
Like Chris Wallace he is anti Trump and his goal is to keep Cuckservatives in check and in the dark....You will get very few HARD truths from this guy.

Dont forget he denied the voter fraud for as long as he could


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
1. Brett Baier LOL.

2. You keep talking about free speech....Since when has Trump tried to stop it?
Just like you blathered about BOZO and free speech, no one here has tried to censor him or tell him what he can say, in fact its the opposite, he cries to the mods when people post things that hurt his feelings.

3. What EXACTLY about how Trump talks about Deportation offends you or "scares people" as you claim?

4. The other thing you seem obliviious to is this
You like Trumps policies but prefer someone else to implement them....

That wont happen because they are either too weak or too compromised to follow through
Get it ....ONLY TRUMP can make those policies happen.
Sorry this offends some here , but I want all deported that came in illegally. No excuses.

Brett Baier. The news you're supposed to hear from the top.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sorry this offends some here , but I want all deported that came in illegally. No excuses.

Brett Baier. The news you're supposed to hear from the top.
We can pretty much assume any media personality who got caught in the election fraud sting is either dead or under submission "playing themselves" in this movie.

Even President Trump at times lamented it taking way too long hoping to be back sooner.

Shit happens.

Although it was never up to him.


Dec 11, 2006
The most EVIL Deep State actors have already been eliminated.

500,000++ sealed indictments coming your way!

👇 👇 👇

View attachment 94114


What are these "cases", Joe?

PS The structure of the government itself is corrupted. Eliminating the Dept of Education would be a good first start. But at least streamlining ALL the other government agencies is sorely in order.

How did the Center for Disease Control help / prepare us for COVID? They didn't complete failure. You know that they "employ" about 25,000 bodies. Doing what?

I could go through each and every other gov't agency and point to massive failures where they are / were needed. How'd our Secret Service agency do last weekend when they were actually needed?

The government needs a massive purge. Vivek is the man for the job.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What are these "cases", Joe?

PS The structure of the government itself is corrupted. Eliminating the Dept of Education would be a good first start. But at least streamlining ALL the other government agencies is sorely in order.

How did the Center for Disease Control help / prepare us for COVID? They didn't complete failure. You know that they "employ" about 25,000 bodies. Doing what?

I could go through each and every other gov't agency and point to massive failures where they are / were needed. How'd our Secret Service agency do last weekend when they were actually needed?

The government needs a massive purge. Vivek is the man for the job.
These aren't "policy differences", we are talking actual crimes.

Treason, sedition, Crimes Against Humanity etc.

Off the top of my head?

mass shootings
Child trafficking
Human trafficking
Drug trafficking
Election fraud (the real Insurrection)
Jan 6th

Here are the #s before Covid and the election fraud stings.


"Only" 45,000 (avg year about 1000)

Up to 99 people per one indictment.

As you can see, the number has exploded since then (now over 500,000) so in answer to your question, the majority will be Covid and election fraud stings in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Local, state, federal... All levels.

Not everyone has been prosecuted, but the worst Deep State players have already been tried and executed at Gitmo, per Dod Law of War manual.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry this offends some here , but I want all deported that came in illegally. No excuses.

Brett Baier. The news you're supposed to hear from the top.
so I watch Brett Baier after work big deal . For the most part I read. Please explain how the deportation thing will work? I’m all for it but that’s more idealism. You realize how much money is pumped into social security by people that can never collect on it. Im Subjected to it every day at work. My shop rent my liability my workers comp my auto my health insurance then payroll tax and so on. How do you compete against someone who pays nothing . It’s a false market and most clients think you’re ripping them off because of this. They Don’t want to hear about your overhead they don’t give 2 shits. . So how is Trump going to deport people and at who‘s expense. I would love to see it happen but where in the make believe budget is this coming from?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
so I watch Brett Baier after work big deal . For the most part I read. Please explain how the deportation thing will work? I’m all for it but that’s more idealism. You realize how much money is pumped into social security by people that can never collect on it. Im Subjected to it every day at work. My shop rent my liability my workers comp my auto my health insurance then payroll tax and so on. How do you compete against someone who pays nothing . It’s a false market and most clients think you’re ripping them off because of this. They Don’t want to hear about your overhead they don’t give 2 shits. . So how is Trump going to deport people and at who‘s expense. I would love to see it happen but where in the make believe budget is this coming from?
I guess we'll have to find out how it can be done. I have nothing to do with it, so can't give you how it will be done. I'm in support of mass deportation however it gets done.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
so I watch Brett Baier after work big deal .
No big deal , if you enjoy being lied to and having the truth obfuscated then by all means continue to watch this clown and his cohorts.
For the most part I read.
Fake and/or controlled news , what difference does it make if you watch it or read it or listen to it on a podcast?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I guess we'll have to find out how it can be done. I have nothing to do with it, so can't give you how it will be done. I'm in support of mass deportation however it gets done.
Im sure Trump and Company have it figured out..... but here is some cursory research to show that it likely pays for itself ,
150 billion per year cost

This is from an article in 2015 that shows what the cost is to deport

An analysis by the Center For American Progress estimates deporting 11.3 million people would cost $10,070 per person, or $114 billion. That only covers the “direct cost of physically deporting unauthorized immigrants.” The conservative American Action Forum, considering the total cost to the economy, estimates mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants would cost between $420 billion and $620 billion and take 20 years.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I guess we'll have to find out how it can be done. I have nothing to do with it, so can't give you how it will be done. I'm in support of mass deportation however it gets done.
I pretty much gave up on Fox News after the last election. You could see the BS they were peddling
Im sure Trump and Company have it figured out..... but here is some cursory research to show that it likely pays for itself ,
150 billion per year cost

This is from an article in 2015 that shows what the cost is to deport

An analysis by the Center For American Progress estimates deporting 11.3 million people would cost $10,070 per person, or $114 billion. That only covers the “direct cost of physically deporting unauthorized immigrants.” The conservative American Action Forum, considering the total cost to the economy, estimates mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants would cost between $420 billion and $620 billion and take 20 years.
If Trump is indeed an asshole as some claim here, mass deportation should be a piece of cake for him. 😁

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I pretty much gave up on Fox News after the last election. You could see the BS they were peddling

If Trump is indeed an asshole as some claim here, mass deportation should be a piece of cake for him. 😁
He will probably use the Cabal's own money from the assests seized...Its soooo weird trying to explain shit to MAGOOS and Fox News Bros ....they lie to you and NEVER show you this stuff and the fools keep watching them

A guy like Joe shows you this stuff that is public domain info and people are screaming "conspiracy theorist"
The IGNORANCE AND LAZINESS from guys who pretend to want to know the truth is mindboggling at times.

They will doubt and debate you on SHIT THEY wont even take the time to research.


my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
He will probably use the Cabal's own money from the assests seized...Its soooo weird trying to explain shit to MAGOOS and Fox News Bros ....they lie to you and NEVER show you this stuff and the fools keep watching them

A guy like Joe shows you this stuff that is public domain info and people are screaming "conspiracy theorist"
The IGNORANCE AND LAZINESS from guys who pretend to want to know the truth is mindboggling at times.

They will doubt and debate you on SHIT THEY wont even take the time to research.

yeah ok tell me who to send money to for post up maybe Willie that Trump deportation. Doesn’t happen . Come up with the terms and were not talking about a couple thousand people

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
He will probably use the Cabal's own money from the assests seized...Its soooo weird trying to explain shit to MAGOOS and Fox News Bros ....they lie to you and NEVER show you this stuff and the fools keep watching them

A guy like Joe shows you this stuff that is public domain info and people are screaming "conspiracy theorist"
The IGNORANCE AND LAZINESS from guys who pretend to want to know the truth is mindboggling at times.

They will doubt and debate you on SHIT THEY wont even take the time to research.

And please explain how this isn’t an executive order . You are not in favor of limited power ?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
And please explain how this isn’t an executive order . You are not in favor of limited power ?

DUH .....who said it WASNT an EO......are you ALWAYS this simple simon minded....I was simply showing you one potential method of acquiring funds.

This is just one EO that will allow for asset seizure of the Cabal.

I also showed you that it might be cheaper to deport than to keep paying out to these illegals..

If Trump says that they will deport them , there is NO reason at this time to doubt him....

Dec 15, 2017
Pretty bad speech by Trump

Seemed like he was fine at first until the teleprompter part was over and he went into rally mode

90 minutes is way too long. People leaving before it ended

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