Secret service rushes Trump off stage.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anons have known for some time that power and internet outages are coming.

Blackrock in the crosshairs πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡




Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Crowdstrike is so untouchable for the DNC that President Trump once got impeached for asking about the CrowdStrike server located in Ukraine in his phone call with Zelenskyy circa 2019.

Now the Crowdstrike CEO simulates a mass blackout one day after President Trump secures the Republican nomination after the assassination attempt failed.

Probably a dry run for the elections.


Total panic in the DNC/Blackrock.

Sep 12, 2022
After extensive analysis, I've reached the conclusion that the whole shooting incident was fake and gay. The evidence is simply too overwhelming. But so what? It's going to get Trump elected, so the end justifies the means.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
After extensive analysis, I've reached the conclusion that the whole shooting incident was fake and gay. The evidence is simply too overwhelming. But so what? It's going to get Trump elected, so the end justifies the means.
The election doesn't even matter since White Hats are in control no matter what happens. In fact, SBD swears there won't be one. I'm 50/50 on that.

Anyone paying attention saw the images in the DC Swamp after Jan 6th and the months that followed - the military just took over.

Since that time, they have:

πŸ‘‰Installed a fake President and administration for three years

πŸ‘‰Manipulated the media at all levels.

πŸ‘‰ Staged DOZENS of false flag events

πŸ‘‰Replaced God knows how many politicians, actors, CEO’s and media personalities with doubles, clones or CGI...along with many others "playing themselves" under submission.

- and MUCH more

Remember what Ezra Cohen Watnick said, a name Q dropped years before anyone had heard of him.

Clearly there are many people that haven’t studied the Secret Army of 60,000 or the DoD Law of War manual, or simply haven’t thought through how incredibly complicated this Psychological war is.

Someone questioned the "morality" of playing the "assassination" card.. using God, the fake Trump ear shot and the claim that someone died.

I told him it's 5th Generation Warfare and there are no rules in war. It's about deception and controlling the pieces on the chessboard. Q told us it had to be done by the book (Law of War manual), not in accordance with our personal moral standards.

The White Hats are doing what's necessary to achieve the desired outcome of the psyop which is to convince the public that this "attempted assassination" was a real event (inside job)....

People can believe whatever the hell they want. Just expect to encounter neverending contradictions and dead ends because, like you said, the whole thing is fake and gay... Like everything else.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
CrowdStrike Outage Halts Businesses and Grounds Flights

What Is CrowdStrike?

CrowdStrike’s cybersecurity software is used by scores of industries, including airlines, hospitals and retailers, to prevent hacks and data breaches.

Rebuttal By Mike King

Once again, a name frequently dropped (19 times, to be precise) in Q posts dating between 2017-2020 is in the news, and in a very bad way. What a "coincidence," eh? From the article:

"On Friday morning, flights were canceled, broadcasters went off air, trains didn’t run and medical procedures were delayed around the world. Frustrated workers were confronted with blue computer screens and no obvious way to get back online.
The root of the problem? CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company dedicated to preventing exactly this sort of global outage.
CrowdStrike, which was founded in 2011, is a cloud-based cybersecurity platform whose software is used by scores of industries around the world to protect against hackers and outside breaches."

CrowdStrike Holdings is based in Austin, Texas. The company has assisted in several fake investigations of high-profile cyberattacks -- including the 2014 "hack" of Sony Pictures (falsely blamed on North Korea) -- the 2016 cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee (falsely blamed on Russia) -- and the 2016 email leak involving the DNC, which led to the murder of whistleblower Seth Rich.
We need not be concerned about these characters because, as "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has been saying for several years now: "Patriots Are In Control" -- and they are giving Normiedom a small taste of what the Deep State really had in store for us. But exactly where this latest plot twists goes remains to be seen -- but understand this: It is indeed part of the movie.


Q linked Deep State company Crowdstrike to many nefarious activities, including murder.


1. The Crowdstrike name and predatory falcon logo suggest that the company's ultimate purpose was to cyberstrike us? / 2 & 3. Company founders George Kurtz of New Jersey (Jewish Mafia) and Dmitri Alperovitch, a rabid Putin-hater originally from Russia (Jewish Mafia).

Working the other side of the street, across from Q, was Commander Trump -- who also attacked this shady company. An excerpt from a 2019 Associated Press article titled: Why Trump Asked Ukraine's President About Crowdstrike:
"In his now-infamous July phone call with Ukraine’s president, President Donald Trump referred briefly to a long-discredited conspiracy theory that tries to cast doubt on Russia’s role in the 2016 hacking of the Democratic National Committee.
Some Trump backers who circulate unsubstantiated rumors have latched onto some version of the theory to support claims he’s being persecuted by β€œthe deep state,” also known as the federal bureaucracy, as the House of Representatives begins an impeachment inquiry. The issue arose anew Thursday, when White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said he had β€œabsolutely” heard Trump mention β€œthe corruption that related to the DNC server.”

In broad outline, the theory contends β€” without evidence, of course β€” that the DNC hack was a setup based on fabricated computer records and designed to cast blame on Russia. One key figure in this supposed conspiracy: CrowdStrike, a security firm hired by the DNC that detected, stopped and analyzed the hack five months before the 2016 election."
That pretty much tells us all we need to know about Friday's big blackout event.

It's just another day, another Q proof -- though we can't discern yet what the precise purpose of this orchestreted Crowdstrike, or "Crowdstrike," outage dominating todays news is, just yet.
Trust the plan.




In the above Q Post from January 2020, Q made public the Democrat payments to corrupt Crowdstrike -- and promised eventual exposure of it all.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Here are your Patriots behind the latest FALSE FLAG, including 100k masks, fake identities etc...all the "crazy conspiracy" stuff we've been telling you for years.


Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army​

Published May 17, 2021

spying secret undercover army signature reduction

Inside the largest undercover force the world has ever known: the one created by the Pentagon, with tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians and contractors operating under false names, on the ground and in cyberspace....

The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

The unprecedented shift has placed an ever greater number of soldiers, civilians, and....

Blah, blah, blah...

"I will totally obliterate the Deep State" - Commander Trump

Happy Reading and enjoy the rest of the movie.


my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Trump is only an asshole for the many that follow the mainstream media.
I don’t agree with that entirely. I like trump policy but first and foremost I believe in free speech at all costs and all voices . I don’t like the way Trump belittles every one he’s been running against although it’s amusing it lacks respect. But first and foremost when it comes to picking winners and losers no politician should have that much power. I don’t like tariffs free trade is free trade. I don’t like how he talks about deportation. As much as I agree with closing the boarder you’re gonna scare a lot of people talking like this. As a small business owner in the service industry I can easily share my frustration with middle class America and hope for change in the White House. But honestly there is supposed to be limited power and more importantly then commander we need checks and balances to work or power is not limited . Thank god the appeals court shut down student loans because once again it’s wrong that any president or politician gets to pick winners and losers .As far as main stream media I watch Brett Baier mostly read Aier and national review.

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