Tiz, you make the typical mistake when looking at this.
What level of intelligence do you think homeschool parents usually have? What level of intelligence do you expect a homeschool kid to have?
How many dumb parents attempt to homeschool their kids?
Is it any surprise that home school kids outperform public school kids?
I mean this makes perfect sense. The chickens are making the eggs.
you give nature too much credit IMO
regardless you don't need to homeschool to raise an intelligent kid
i feel i'm fairly intelligent
i wasn't homeschooled....public schooling
but my mom took an active roll with my education.....sitting down with me when i was having trouble with a subject or what not, helping me with homework etc.........positively reinforced my education and actively supported me
regardless of who's doing the teaching whether its parent, public schooling, or private schooling....if the parent doesn't take an active role in supporting a kids education chances are they gonna end up getting a crappy one
by the way before the days of computer used to enjoy going to the public library with my mom as a young lad to sift through the stock charts and such at the public library
now you have a better understanding where tizgloom and doom comes from....
parents set the course for where their kids end up....not schools