SCAMDICAPPER Johnny DeMarco admits he can`t win, somehow justifies charging money, incredibly some Rx posters thank him!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
RobFunk & Moon 88


Once you've sat in a room with about 50 feds from 5 different departments trying to dice you up - a sit down with the "Journeyman" (whoever he is) is a joke.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
I never attacked the guy, just disagreed with one of his assertions, and have never paid for touts, as JD seems of some remorse?..and a good family man.

I just wish that most touts would be more genuine to the sheep, in trying to pick winners when they come naturally, and not in the form of ads in schedules months in advance, thus forcing plays/picks on "tv/action" games(or flames) that draw the moths..sheep just gotta have a side to MNF!

Real pros often pass many tv games, they may have their best plays on non-televised affairs(softer lines/less eyes on this spot), and may or may not bother to check the score upon returning from the restraunt or theatre that night.

I'm not gonna be sanctimonious nor naive, as the same sheep that make millionaires of touts, are the backbone of the industry for those that get paid more than not, but do they have to treat Canada Bill Jones' motto as their 1st Commandment?

P.S. Thanks JD for your forthrightness!..enjoyed the read.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

you are very much correct when you talk about TV or hot games. As a tout you have to play them. If not you will have zero business. I really do try and win for people-but over the long haul, myself and anyone else as far as I'm concerned will be in the red. The juice is an insurmountable figure and you cannot over-come it.

Sep 20, 2004
I just got caught up on this....FunkMoney, are you an idiot? You think Demarco looks good in this thread? You must be the type of loser who pays for this crooks picks lol..

Demarco has three losers in this thread telling him "atta boy Johnny" and this moron keeps bumping the thread thanking people...I guess he`s hoping to cash in here...Johnny your a criminal, you have no morals, you admit you can`t win, lie to everyone about your record, but somehow justify it all...And you got three fans in this thread buying it..
Funkloser I had more respect for you pal...Quit speaking out of turn..

Maybe some of your fans here Johnny will send you 25 tonight pal...Now stop bumping this thread thanking your 3 posters who somehow think your "ok" HAHAHA! CLown!

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
journey i was being sarcastic. you should already know how much i hate the idea of this thread.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
JMan... you do even know what a REAL interview is. The mark of a true interviewer is asking questions that will allow the public to form their own opinions. Calling posters in the thread losers just because they may not agree with you is dumb IMO. So it changing the title of the thread. Seriously what did you expect to hear from him? That he pours over stats and has a workforce of 100's and has connections with all sports teams and organizations. Most are smart enough to know touts are just gamblers that take advantage of the player that doesn't know better or hasn't learned the ropes yet. They may have been one themselves at some point.

My two cents


Sep 20, 2004
Big Raga, Plasma -HTRC...I changed the title because this clown keeps bumping the thread 'thanking' people lol..He actually thinks he has support here...The whole thing is a 'bit' a JOKE, jesus christ some of you guys take these things way too serious, Mr Demarco obvious feels he has some fans here as he keeps 'thanking' people who somehow support him...

Funk -whatever, yawn...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jman.. once again your last post shows the type of person you really are. Do you think that attacking me will make you feel better, if it does then continue on. One day you may actually learn to attack a post and not a poster.


Sep 20, 2004
What are you talking about? I did NOT attack you...I realize you do get attacked alot on the forums and may be a bit defensive, considering the scandal with your very own brother ( a known sportsbook owner) but I was not attacking you...look, your the one coming in the thread like some authority on how to conduct an interview, like I`m interviewing someone respectable? The guy is a criminal, I could care less what your opinion is on this.. ...stop taking yourself so serious, I realize your a big shot and all but spare me the drama...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you asked the questions, he gave the answers, if you don't like the results you weren't asking the right questions.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Journeyman:
What are you talking about? I did NOT attack you...I realize you do get attacked alot on the forums and may be a bit defensive, considering the scandal with your very own brother ( a known sportsbook owner) but I was not attacking you...look, your the one coming in the thread like some authority on how to conduct an interview, like I`m interviewing someone respectable? The guy is a criminal, I could care less what your opinion is on this.. ...stop taking yourself so serious, I realize your a big shot and all but spare me the drama...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Journey... you still don't get it. First why do you feel the need to refer to me with three names? So I post at peep's as Plasma.. big deal.

Secondly... don't have a brother that owns a sportsbook, have one that owns a forum with very few posters but thats about it. Finally, never said I was a big shot... you did!

Why is it you feel necessary to confront everyone that doesn't agree with you, is it a self esteem problem?


Sep 20, 2004
Who said I didn`t like the answers? I thought he answered honestly, I 'hoped' he would have atleast some defense for why he scams unsuspecting customers...I 'hoped' he would atleast say something valid in his defense...
But he had nothing, he even chimed in with the ridiculous statement that "nobody wins gambling"... the only problem I have with the whole interview is a few guys decided because he was "honest Johnny" in this thread that somehow he was off the hook,lol...and Johnny boy kept bumping the thread thanking his each his own

New member
Sep 21, 2004

We all know that journeyfu(kup is all talk and no action. He's just another suck-up loser looking for a free hand out. I could break him down and show him what a "real" interview is and not the "fluff" pieces that he does in a matter of minutes.

I will tell you that his dick is probably getting hard seeing and reading about "journeyman" in the RX. Too bad that he's just another piece of shiat that needs to be "pooper-scooped" into kitty litter heaven.

Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Jan 21, 2004
No revelations in this thread. The guy does what he does. Suckers will lose their money somewhere. (I think its a rule) It's seems to me at least 20% of the Net is scamming in one way or another, maybe much higher. Doesn't make it right, but others out there are doing much worst than JD.

He could probably start a site and name it, claiming outlandish winning percentages and draw members. Hate to say it but buyer beware, everywhere. Thread wanted to put this guy on his heels with him denying everything. Yet he told it pretty much just like it is.

Would the handicapping/player world be better off without scamdicappers? Hell yes, but that ship has long since sailed. I saw one site, fool was claiming a record of something like 1023-17. (Goldberg or Goldstein?) And I'll bet he has sign-ups.

When all is said and done, I'll join forces with the mod, "Scamdicappers quit it."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wow! Jman is right on the money on this one.

Big fukin deal JohnnyD is now being open/honest about ripping people off.

The fuker took advantage of suckers with his BS claims.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Amen Judge Wapner, just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

Circle K donates millions to Jerry's Kids every year, made from peddling cigs to smokers, booze to drunks, porn to pervs, and ice cream to the obese..yet the cops outside it's doors bust thugs dealing dope.

It's all the same shit(poison), just man has decided which and by whom this poison can be dealt.

P.S. JD, I can name at least 15 to 30 guys here at the RX(let alone wise-guys) that you could back for a service(not 800 #), that could produce winners to football or basketball, that would be a win/win situation for you and the public.

Until you take the attitude that winning is possible, you will just toss half-hearted picks upon your callers..imho

800 number biz is too limited as you point out to win, as you put a gun to your head to pick games where you may have no feel, but winning in the service game is not just possible, but yet probable if you back the right people, and let them pick naturally without leaning on them for mass production.

GL to all this year!

Only time will tell....
Apr 20, 2003
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Horseshoe:
Amen Judge Wapner, just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

Circle K donates millions to Jerry's Kids every year, made from peddling cigs to smokers, booze to drunks, porn to pervs, and ice cream to the obese..yet the cops outside it's doors bust thugs dealing dope.

It's all the same shit(poison), just man has decided which and by whom this poison can be dealt.

P.S. JD, I can name at least 15 to 30 guys here at the RX(let alone wise-guys) that you could back for a service(not 800 #), that could produce winners to football or basketball, that would be a win/win situation for you and the public.

Until you take the attitude that winning is possible, you will just toss half-hearted picks upon your callers..imho

800 number biz is too limited as you point out to win, as you put a gun to your head to pick games where you may have no feel, but winning in the service game is not just possible, but yet probable if you back the right people, and let them pick naturally without leaning on them for mass production.

GL to all this year!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

great post! journey somehow you seem to be would be nice if you contribute now and then instead of starting all this gossip.

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