SCAMDICAPPER Johnny DeMarco admits he can`t win, somehow justifies charging money, incredibly some Rx posters thank him!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Interesting thread. But getting mad at this guy for talking about his business is like getting mad at Charles Manson because you see him interviewed.

The facts are that touts DONT WIN at any greater percentage than non touts. Period. So when he says:

1. He lies about his record
2. He does or doesnt give out both sides of a game
3. He owed taxes
4. He cant do better than 50%

HOW DO YOU GET ANGRY WITH HIM? DIDNT YOU KNOW ALL OF THIS BEFORE HE EVEN SAYS IT?? Does his admission somehow make it harder to swallow?? Did you somehow hold out hope that touts really do go 80-5 every month of the year and have inside information? I dont get it.

This is the business he is in. He is a snake and if he can live with it - so be it but how does it make you angry to hear him say it? You started this interview and its almost like he said everything you wanted to hear and now you are mad?!? If you have a problem with touts in general that is understandable - but to be mad at one for admitting his trade secrets is ludicrous - unless you beleive in Santa Claus.


Sep 20, 2004
Why thank Rob? He basically called you out..
I am trying to be fair, I am very surprised at your responses, you have been very open, which is admirable but at the same time, you have this way of making light of what some people would classify as completely criminal...Its hard to find the good in anything you have admitted, thats all...I try to like everyone, put myself in their place, it must have been alot of fun for you...I couldn`t even imagine some of the luxury`s a big time scamdicapper must have...But with everything you have said in a nutshell you are selling meaningless information...Yes there are many worse things a man could do...Maybe you could buy a real handicapper`s picks and sell them , atleast your customers could come out on top...Seriously?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
JD you were all class in this thread. Can't say the same for most of the rest.

John I told you before this was a losing battle! This board is as much a watchdog looking out for bad books and shady players as it is for exposing touts. I'm surprised we haven't heard more from Winky in this thread.

Please don't insult the intelligence of the board by trying to justify your actions over the years. You know the kind of people you worked with and are associated with and no one in their right mind should give you an ounce of credit or respect here. Where are Duffy and Feiner to chime in on your behalf
(we know Price wouldn't have the cahones to come here and defend himself or you...I still wonder why you would stand up for him considering the kind of bs he's pulled over the years).

Do we have to go back to 1-900-RIPOFFS again to enlighten the crowd? It's really getting old at this point. You and the people you do business with give the REAL HONEST working guys in this business a black eye. But you could give a rat's ass because you make money the old fashioned con it.

LOSING BATTLE've done too much damage over the years to claim otherwise!

Johnny you know I have to do it:

Meet Jack Price. He's here to bury your bookmaker. He once promised to blow his brains out if the football predictions he gave out to customers on his gambling-advice phone line were wrong. They were, but he and his brains are still with us.

If you think guys like Feiner and Warren will make you wish you have never installed your phone, Atlanta's John L. Edens, alias Johnny DeMarco, the Babe Ruth of 900 sales pitchers, will make you wish Alexander Graham Bell had never been born. According to published ads and taped phone calls, Edens:

Got on his 800 line and told listeners to call his 900 line for $25, "and if the game loses, there'll be no charge." That, of course, is a lie. Once a call is made on a 900 line, the charge is automatic.
Told customers of one of his phone services that his special guest-selector that day was "a former six-time NBA basketball All-Star who wishes to remain anonymous due to security matters." The anonymous "All-Star" then got on the line and offered his inside information on "three big plays, tonight."
Told his customers on another occasion, "Sporting Illustrated magazine calls the Handicapping Hotline the Number One value in sports." Remarkably, there is no Sporting Illustrated.
Wrote in a print ad, which appeared in the schedule of games he sent out to customers in early 1991, that his service was rated "the very best available by the Interstate Sports Commission, the nation's only legitimate monitoring service." The ad failed to mention that the ISC is owned by a company with which, DeMarco acknowledges, he is "affiliated."
Got on his 800 line in March 1989 and said he had spoken with then N.C. State coach Jim Valvano and had "key" information on the Final Four. Valvano says he has never spoken to DeMarco.

Luckily for all of us, DeMarco/Edens has good intentions. "OK," he says, "so you go berserk on your ads-and some of the those are a little ridiculous-but if you can get people under your belt, you can help them more than you hurt them. Most gamblers are losers. You slow the guy down so he's only betting a couple of games, not the whole board." Hey, if this guy made a hole in one, he'd probably write down a zero.

From SI's 1-900-RIPOFFS...does this clear it up a little bit for everyone?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Don Marco,
Johnny Demarco is is my old girlfriends uncles name. I trade-marked it a long time ago. Interesting you would say it is stupid. Why is it?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I want to make it very clear that I have never given out both sides of a game-never. As far as owing taxes-at one point or another almost everyone has owed taxes-maybe not as much-but something. I could of Bkd like a lot of people do but I didn't. I wish I would have.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
thanks. I told it like it is.

One thing I have to say here and I bet no one will respond. Why all the fake names? What is everyone hiding here? It is real easy to hide behind a nickname and call someone out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i really dont understand all the hoopla. if so many people thought johnnydeMarco was such a bad guy, and what he was doing constituted fraud they why didnt he go to jail or at least the laws changed so he could be punished.

it looks to me he found some loopholes and took advantage of them to the max. i only wish he had a public company so i could have invested 15 years ago. i think johnnyD. might have missed his calling tho. it seems wall street or politics would have been a natural path for him to travel.

i imagine the lib's in the audience are saying "but that's not fair", lol, yet they sit by and watch our country being destroyed by people with real power (no offense johnnyd but i dont consider you very significant in the larger scheme of things)

anyways thx for being honest here jd. it wouldnt surprise me if your a good family man and an asset to your community that you live.

i dont know but a few sites or people on the web that try to turn people into winners yet they proclaim to do just that; im glad you dont speak the same bullshit

anyways i hope you take some of that money you made and really try to make this world of ours a better place.

good luck

ps. i hope you start advertising in site promotions and posting GOY winners, you will fit right in at the rx

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I dont use a tout service but some of you guys really went after this guy pretty hard, and i read this entire thread JD answered all your questions in what seem to be honest answers. you got to give him respect for that, And i say good luck in your business JD and may you make 12 million more.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JohnnyDeMarco:
thanks. I told it like it is.

One thing I have to say here and I bet no one will respond. Why all the fake names? What is everyone hiding here? It is real easy to hide behind a nickname and call someone out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don Marco,
Johnny Demarco is is my old girlfriends uncles name. I trade-marked it a long time ago. Interesting you would say it is stupid. Why is it?

I think i spoke to quick above,

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Koo Koo
I make no scret my real name is John Edens to anyone. Johnny DeMarco is the 900 name. I asked about posters with fake names because they are quick to criticize because they hide behind fake names.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

JD really showed you up. You made an offer and he responded honestly. Then you tried turning the tables and it really blew up.

Who is the scammer?

Good job John Jr.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Jhonny, you are the man. no matter how retarded everyone gets in this thread, you seem to handle it with such grace.
it's remarkable.

Only time will tell....
Apr 20, 2003
in my opinion i think journeyman is a clown and he actually dates women he meets over the net using his web-cam..

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
hehehehehe! what the hell else would he do with those 20 inch biceps and 9000 posts

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