It's not a problem BULLY. You just borrow some of McCain's ready supply of Depends and slip 'em up under your skirt
I never figured out the point of this post..(yes i admit to a total brain freeze)
I was speaking with a friend of mine and he has a girlf friend who is dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to politics..
She heard us laughing about the story and i showed the link to her.
She simply said the story is fake.
She was so adamant about it, we asked her to explain.
Shesaid its impossible for a woman to do what Palin did or even think that way.
Matter of fact it is absurd for any man even with a doctors blessing to get on to a plane with a woman whose water broke a couple of hours before for an 8 hour trip.
LEt me explain something here. This girl we are talking about cant name the VP or even the secretary of state. She has no idea that people are running around saying that this baby belongs to Palins daughter. Matter of fact until today she didnt know Palin was the VP candidate..(she just knew it was some one from alaska.)
Is there any one on this forum who would think of getting on a plane with their wife after her water broke?
You wouldnt pay a single poster to do something that stupid.
That woman is totally lying. I dont care if you are some far left liberal chained to a tree or a right wing nut dreaming of the worst tortures for Obama after you capture him, but you have to be a complete moron to believe the crap that this woman did afer her water broke and that her husband stood by her all this time..
Any man would have a nervous break down and run away screaming before he would get on a plane with a pregnant woman whose water just broke.
NOt to mention, there is no woman stupid enough to do all that crap and not even go to one hospital.
I am not one for conspiracies...Fellas ask your wives if this story can be remotely concievable..lets see what they say.