Guesser: As you can see I do my homework. I do not simply lurk on this forum waiting to dispense name calling and attempting to kill the messenger like Vitard. There may not be a right or a wrong when it comes to fact checking but there is a right and a left when it comes to political issues. No I do not drink kool aid, that would be Vit. The lack of research he does in proportion to the amount of time he spends lurking speaks for itself. I read, I research, I form my own opinions. I am also not an Obama hater but I do hate the way he has divided this country and that is reflected on this forum. Vit refutes anything anti-Obama and he classifies anything anti-Obama as anything that even slightly hints that Obama has screwed up or is not doing his job as well as it could be done. Vit is always on the defense because Obama has not been successful in regards to the economy, unemployment, the deficit, or over spending. He blames the parts who has the House instead and anyone who tries to defend them. Just trying to point out that Vit tries to increase the separation and I am merely trying to separate myself from him as much as possible in terms of contributing to the forum without mindless name calling and lack of real contribution. You seem to be doing the same. BOL
No doubt you do your homework, but IMO, you go in with a POV, and then you find and believe sites that agrees with your POV above all else, and then try to paint respected, objective sites as non objective because they don't have that POV. And then you assign equivalency between a site like snopes and a site like breitbart, when there is none. If you want to compare breirbart to the Daily Kos, you'd have a case for equivilency.
As for Vit, he does not refute anything anti-Obama. He has, like I have, called Obama a mediocre President. He does, as I do, as do some others, defend Obama when the attack has no basis, or is so off the wall it's laughable.
As we can see from the bumped threads before Obama, this Country was divided, and always will be divided. The vitriol against Obama is more stark, the hatred more visceral, and we can only speculate why that is?