

New member
Sep 21, 2004
First..I am an independent book that rents space from Bet On Sports..I have had a long standing relationship with the principles there, and when i took my book offshore these people were good enough to allow me to hit the ground running..We will have a Neteller account by 5/28/03..

Second...Mr. Suetoneous..Have you ever heard the phrase.."The other side of the story.."I would not know you in a crowd of one..We have never had a business relationship where you can have the right to say..Stay Away..I have a situation here with a gentlemen who feels he has been wronged..I thought this player and I had put this matter to bed..

Third..As I have said in this forum before, I am a legitimate book..Mr. Slash got paid because he won..Winners get paid....I am looking to build a post up business..

Four..In response to MikeD429..All I can say is, I have been called many things in my life, but never a thief..Maybe one day we will do business, and you will apologize for that statement..And Mr. MikeD429..I am in the office all day..the business is my passion..I only hope you enjoy your work as I do mine..

Five..Mr. Stone Cold..You hit the nail on the head..This has been one eye opening, educational experience..

Six..Mr. Drunk..I am partially at fault here with all the points you make..My point is this..
I spoke to the player at length about this problem. At that point I told him to stop wagering, he did not comply with my request. He told me to mind my own business. The agent was a scam artist, and all part of my learning curve. I never said I was perfect... When the dust settled, I was contacted by the player and he was irate. This is where we are today.

In conclusion, I believe I am a quality guy running a quality book. If you wish to judge me on one complaint, so be it. There will be those who understand and those who don't. The gentleman who brought this on knows who I am and who he is, and knowledge of the truth. I tried in this situation to help the player and at all time deal with damage control. I did the best I could.

Barry Clark
SDS Manager

[This message was edited by SDS Manager on May 22, 2003 at 03:25 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barry, I truly did not mean to drum up any negative publicity on your book. As I stated in my post, I tried to bring up your site thru yahoo’s search engine. The only thing that came up was a link to BettorsChat. I simply reported here what I found. In regards to my comment “stay away,” I only said that because you disappeared from bettorChat failing to answer what I thought were some legitimate questions. And one is: Why didn’t you simply freeze this player’s account until the “problem” was resolved?

Anyhow, Barry, my gut feeling is that you’re an honest guy. I wish you the best of luck.

p.s. I still might post up - I like that bonus

Oh, ya might want to provide your URL in the 'Site Promotion' section on the home pg here.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
They player continued wagering. Why didn't you just lock his account until the problem was resolved. Looks to me like you were hoping he'd just lose back the money. Its your book, the agent was a scam, close the players account and tell him to call his agent and settle his dispute. There is not one excuse you can come up with as why you didn't just lock the player's account.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barry Clark,

Today Jon contacted me through e-mail basically stating that you never responded to my posts on my site, because the player in question used the word "shit". My response back to Jon is why didn't you e-mail me and answer the questions that I asked of you way back on 4-29-03? I will contact the player and ask him if everything is square, because from what I know he's still owed money.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Mr. Suetoneous
Mr. Drunk
Both you gentlemen make perfect sense when you say the account should have been frozen..I never booked a man in my life that was up $ and I held payment to hope he lost it back..NEVER..In my world we offer three things..
1. Good will
2. Professional customer service..
3. Timely payouts
In response I must reiterate that I spoke to the player and reccommended that he refrain from wagering..His response was I should mind my own business and that he would work it out with the agent..In hindsight your strategy would have been the way to go..Everyday we learn..I appreciate the constructive criticism..
Barry Clark
SDS Manager

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barry, you might want to consider a third party mediator to help you resolve this problem here. Sounds like Bettorstalk wants to help. I know MajorW**GER offers such a service. Don't know if the Rx does. But anyone doing a search for your sportsbook... is bound to come across this situation, just like I did.

Again, best of luck to ya. And SBR hasn't 'Blacklisted' you, so that's a good sign

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barry Clark you stated:

"I thought this player and I had put this matter to bed.."

Not the case at all as the player is telling me he hasn't gotten paid anything. He even states that you allowed him to play online and that he has tickets showing that which he won even more money. I will shoot you or Jon an e-mail back today.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why even bother..Stay away from this book and you won't have a problem. Why signup witha book that is having a dispute before the even establish sds rule's page) Safe Deposit Sports Betting reserves the right to refuse payment to anyone that is found to be party to any organized wagering syndicates dedicated to changing and manipulating the odds available at Safe Deposit Sports Betting......So if you beat them to a line your a WISEGUY and they won't pay you either..NASA BUILDING>>>>NASA RULES>>> Why even bother with this place with so many other solid shops around.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The fact of the matter is that the player had never posted up one penny. Even so the owner of SDS is willing to let a mediator handle the dispute. What else can you ask? Players who were stiffed by other books such as Little Nasa/Omni never had the luxury of having a mediator involved. Give the man from SDS a break. Some posters need to chill out.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Drunk is right, why even bother? There are many other reputable, established books available for a player to play at.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Go2guy..Thanks for the support..I appreciate the jab..We never met and yet you spar with me verbally and say I am not a reputable book..I can take a punch as well as the next guy..Before you sit in judgement, why dont you test my services..I think you may be pleasantly surprised..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ok guy, were all going to send you money so when we win we don't even know if we will get paid. Explain your wiseguy rule. why don't you give us all credit and put your trust in us and when we lose we'll send you the money.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
SDS Manager,

I just sent a e-mail to Jon and a Private Message on my forum to the player in question to see if there's an amicable resolution that can be worked out. I look forward to hearing back from you and the player.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
SDS Manager,

My suggestion to you is, dont get connected to BOS in anyway, if you still want business from this or other sites. Their reputation is down the drain.

Safe Deposit Sports Betting reserves the right to refuse payment to anyone that is found to be party to any organized wagering syndicates dedicated to changing and manipulating the odds available at Safe Deposit Sports Betting......

And this rule really suck. It make me feel that the sportsbook can do anything they want when they get beaten.

Just my 2 cents

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You were introduced by who?
roll over dog Ill rub your belly a little- dont pull this shit over here- we are not clowns

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hello guys i just wanted to drop couple of lines i have been dealing with SDS or Barry for about 6 years and until this day i have never had and issue on getting paid when he was in New York and we dealt with agents now i deal with western union or neteller I trust Barry with my money and i woukldn't judge the hole operation on just someone claiming they had a bad experience which we dont now if is true.

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