
SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Is there any chance of you paying him? It's not too late to do the right thing. Pay him and we move on, misunderstandings happen all the time.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You have never emailed me once. like I said you had my address. So yes that is in fact a cheap shot. And I always pay what I owe. Period.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you limit some people to $50 and even $1000 limit shows you got no bankroll or no balls.anybody that plays with this kind of operation deserves to get stiffed so go ahead

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I don't wish to argue with you. I sent it to your company, what would they do to e-mails addressed to "Pino" in the title? In a million years I did not think none of them would get to you, geez. Let's quit clinging to an excuse for what is going on here, all I care about is if the player will be paid. Can you pay this fellow or not? If you pay him everything is fine, I will take all the blame for it.

I am not here to posture for others, just trying to help someone out. Thank you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
answer the question peanut, i mean pino. are you going to pay mcirish's player.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I know you are still reading so want to give you some advice, pay the man and move on. First knock off the "wrong" e-mail address excuse. These people are smarter than that and can see right through you. This account is 5 months past due and you have known about it all along. Once someone pointed you to this thread you saw me mention where I sent it to support@safaricasino instead pino@safaricasino and you have latched on to that with both arms. That is the e-mail addy on your site and if your book is that incompetent than you don't need to be open anyway. Let's knock off the e-mail crutch and get down to whether or not you will pay this man.

Here's what I want you to think about, is $939 really worth it? I have your communications with this player going back to December of last year. The excuses you used back then are the exact same one's you are using now. It would be funny almost if it wasn't true as I read the exchanges between you two. You are slow to move lines, this guy is like others and bet those lines. You were within rights when you cut limits and all that but you can not keep his money. You were even accusing him of being some sort of betting syndicate playing $300 a game. LOL. He isn't the only one to figure out how you do the lines and how slow they move. You have closely monitored this guy the whole time and cut his limits which was your right, when he posted about a slow pay it pissed you off and you decided you would show him who's boss. You can't do that and then try and wiggle out of all this. This is a serious situation and players are going to rightfully want to know about this. You are going to ruin your reputation over this? I almost feel like paying the player myself this is so foolish Pino.

In closing I will not get nasty with you over it no matter what you do. If you choose not to pay there is nothing that can be done. I will work and try to get someone to give him a break somewhere else. I believe the player has already begun to realize you are not going to pay him but I have to alert others about the situation. The thing is whatever you do I am not against you and neither are a lot of the posters. You think DocDekay is the only one who felt he was treated fairly by you? There are plenty others and it is not worth this amount of money to lose their respect. You aren't going to fool anyone with excuses, you either pay or you don't pay. Even I am pulling for you to do the right thing because this was a player sent to you in the NAB bail-out program and you were nice enough to lend some support. I hate to see a good deed go bad like this. I know you are sensitive about the forums but don't let that cloud your judgement, who cares if he complained in the past. Unless the bankroll is too short to pay this or you have already decided to go out of businss it makes no sense to not pay this man. Mostly you should pay though because it is the right thing to do. Swallow your pride Pino. Is revenge worth being known as a deadbeat and a stiff? Let me know if I can help in any fashion. Thanks Pino.

[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on August 10, 2003 at 03:51 AM.]

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
If you`re the sole rep re. CS for this Co.? they`re in trouble. You`ve got a smart mouth, and can`t seem to give Pat a straight answer. Did you pay the frigging debt or not?? BTW it really makes no difference for you now as no player w/half a brain would take a chance on this book. If you`re not the owner, whoever is should can your wise ass and start over!

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
If Pino refuses to pay this player to prove a point and/or teach this guy a lesson it is unnacceptable.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The problem with many here is that if players are involved in some type of scam everyone feels they should still be paid. He was notified about his betting patterns. He said he was not associated with anyone else yet logs show otherwise. He was paid out over $10,000 prior to I getting confirmation of what was going on. I stalled on the last $953 until I had proof in my hands. Unfortunately he got 90% of his winnings and I am the one without recourse. But no one here really cares so why do I have to justify myself.Would anyone here care to help me get my money back. I did not think so. He is lucky that the reports of his logs did not come back earlier. There are many customers here that know me and know how to get in touch with me if there is a problem. To those customers all I can say is judge me by my actions not by posts on this one sided board. Patrick was emailed yesterday and as of today did not asnwer my email. So it is easy for him to come on this board where he has a stronger following and critize me of not returning emails yet he guilty of the same offence. At least I used the email he provided me not and assume you will get it. By the way our payouts are now out in less than 7 days when a checks are issued. That puts us in line with some of the bigger sites. For those who care to try us out you are welcome. For those that perfer to just take cheap shots at me go right ahead. I am still here after 6 years. The same can not be said for many sites out there. I can please some people some of the time but I can not please everyone all of the time. But I will continue to try.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
This guys post about says it all, stay away from this book until further notice! We will bump this thread everyday if neccessary.

He will not even tell us how this guy cheated them! My guess is that he was on the up and up

The World Is My Playground!!
Sep 21, 2004
Bad decision Pino...stiffing a player for any reason is a serious offense and deserves an explanation...why would anyone respect you or play with you if you won't even offer up an explanation as to how this guy has scammed you?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Keep it alive all you want gentlemen. Cheats will be dealt with in a more prompt manner in the future. I was on new software so I got caught. I was not as prepared as I should have been. I am much more on top of it now. I asked this gentleman if he was betting in unison with other idividuals. He assured me he wasn not. Logs show that 20 to 30 wagers all came in within minutes of each other even after he was warned. If Patrick would like to try to settle this on behalf of the player he is more than welcome to email me as long as all discussions remain in confidance. Other than that the decision I made remains. Like I said I do not intend to win this battle as I seldom win any unless I come out and expose guys like journeyman that try to blackmail you or try to scam cash from you. The problem here is this board is all about people bad mouthing one another. Scamming one another. Bonus abusers. And a couple of legit players. What real infor have you provided the average player lately. Blackmailing books like me into paying scammers so I do not get blackballed on this site worked up to a point. I have sent out the info on my list of scammers to books I deal with and respect. I guess that is the method of dealings that I have chosen and I will stick to it. So as long as you want to keep this thread alive I am all for it.

[This message was edited by on August 10, 2003 at 09:34 PM.]

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Pino - I am not interested in exchanging insults with you but please knock off the stuff about your e-mail addy. I am losing all respect I had for you. Do you honestly think that is going to fool anyone? You are saying you would have resolved this 5 month dispute long ago but I sent it to your company instead of directly to you? Are you telling me 5 different e-mails and you haven't seen one of them or knew anything about it? If true than your company is hopeless Pino! How many people work there? I can ask and find out but you shouldn't be mad at me, be pissed at whoever works there who shitcanned 5 e-mails all addressed to you. Funny thing is Jeff at FutureBet even tells people to contact you at - LOL. In fact when I look now you have responded back on e-mails sent to you at support just as well as the one's directed to Pino. Must be some sort of selective passage on which e-mails get through to you. You own the company but if it is sent to your address on your website (with your name in the title) those will get lost, only one's directed solely to you get through? Please for the love of God knock off the story on where the e-mails were addressed as to why you won't pay. A strategy of groping blindly on anything you can does not play out very well on the forums.

Since that excuse has been played out I see you are now trying to say the player is a cheat? Please forward that to me or post it here Pino. To save embarrassment keep in mind I have communications with you and him going back to December of last year. I don't take these things lightly, I research as much as I can. Reading them you do not seem to understand much about gambling. If you have the best number on a game people are going to bet with you. If I have 5 accounts and you have the best price I will bet with you at your place. If you get 10 people or 1000 people betting that same game it is not because they are in cahoots but because you have the best price available!! That's how this works in case you don't know. If you want action on a game have the best price and they will hit it every time. This guy was flattered when you cut his limits to $300 and he was very supportive of you to do it. He understood completely and even got a kick out of it. Now he is a cheat?

Pino, we have worked through the excuse you never saw the 5 e-mails, we have gone through the excuse this site is only here to harrass innocent people like you, now we are to the excuse the player is a scammer. Please post why he is a cheat and more importantly why after paying "the cheat" all that money you are suddenly stiffing him out of the rest of it. I have known a million guys like you, stubborn as a mule. You are upset he was beating you to begin with and you got pissed off when he posted about a slow pay on the site. You decided right then not to pay him so that is why we are here with you throwing out stuff about lost e-mails, being a victim of a RX witchhunt and now we are left with the old standby the guy is a cheat. I am sure you are not going to pay (and the player realizes it too) but please just say that so we can accept it and move on. These smoke screens are making you look bad. Thanks.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Oh and BTW you can send me e-mails confidentially if it pertains to the case, I deal with books all the time and have never posted anything I have agreed not to post. However I will not respond back to insults like the one you sent me today. I won't waste time on that. I am not interested in calling you names or trying to run you down for anything other than your actions in this case.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Pipe - thanks bud. I believe this has came down to more a personal vendetta (or pissing contest) than anything, just my opinion. Makes no sense any other way. Pay him 10k and then lose everything over $939? Boot him but pay him on the way out. Reading the notes Pino is very sensitive about how slow he pays and when this guy posted about it that sealed his fate. The fact is this is not how you punish someone for offending you, I have tried to tell Pino that. This is a serious thing when you do not pay someone what is owed. No matter the amount of money it is stealing if you take what is not yours.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
pino just tell people you don't give a f*ck about their posts.i don't think there is one good player that a bookie would want out of this forum nothing but bonus whores.i personally wouldn't give two f*cks if they bad mouthed me

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