Rude and insulting posts.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
LOL All you degenertes crack me up.

I think it has been proven that games have been fixed. It happens in all sports. Fixes are a fact in sports betting. Anyone who says otherwise is either stupid or just naive. We just have to be on the right side of the games that are fixed.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Deer hunting (which I'm assuming you are referring to) is necessary to thin the herd.

I take it you anti-hunting folks don't eat meat (beef or chicken). Those animals are slaughtered in a much more brutal way than 90 percent of the deer taken in the forest.

I've already countered this whole population control myth that is going around.

Post #54 delves into this topic a bit.

And for the record I'm vegan. No animal products dairy eggs animal flesh.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Point taken. At least you have more credibility than many who are anti-hunting, but have no problem eating meat that's nicely packaged up in the grocery store.

That said, regarding the overpopulation issue, I would dispute many of your contentions. Here in Wisconsin right now, we have a major herd control problem. In some areas this overpopulation is contributing to the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in the deer. The past several years we have had erradication zones where hunters are allowed extra tags to thin the heard.\

One of the reasons for the overpopulation of deer in this state is that we have a perfect mix of farmland and forest. The fact that we are building yuppy housing developments on old farmland and woodland doens't help facts either.

My take is that the overpopulation of the herd here is due to many factors, the greatest of which is the "Iron Fist" rule of the state Department of Natural Resources that has occurred for many years.

OK, we have farmland and housing that contributes to the illusion of "overpopulation" and more deer actually being born. My talk about how more food = more deer plays into this. This coupled with the eradication of the natural predator leads to what humans call overpopulation. We are the cause of this so isn't it our job to get rid of the actual cause of the problem rather then "play nature" and kill a bunch of animals, which only bandades the supposed problem. Hunters actually weaken herds by attacking the strongest buck rather than the weakest, smallest deer like would happen in nature. We throw off the balance more than re aline it like we claim to do. Not to mention breeding programs that allow plenty of animals to kill. A lot of these animals would not even be here if not for the government breeding and relocating them. This is done for profit. Hunting is a big business.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Oh, and for the record - every one of those birds went a good home in which the family was very poor and in necessity of birds. Over 225 of them went to a local church who filled up the poors freezers.

How about the amount of food that becoming vegan creates? I talked on how up words of 80% of our soy, wheat and other products go to produce meat. This would create food for the country 5X over if we eliminated meat from our diet. I guess since you care about the poor and hungary so much you'll cut out meat now.

Or how about what companies you support. Do you support P&G, Starbucks, Nestle or other big coffee companies? The "free" trade practices of these companies leave nations in poverty instead of offering fair trade for their natural resources. There are many things that you can do that I'd be willing to bet that you simply pass over because it does not fit your level of convenience. Hunting though, that you like so you are willing to do something with that.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
I dont mind certain hunting, but I dont like hunting Wolves or Bears. I think thats cruel. Let those animals live out in the wilderness, they are cool as fuck let them be! Shooting a wolf is like shooting a dog in my eyes. No Bears should be shot either besides Rex Grossman

So the "coolness" of an animal either dooms it or saves it in your eyes? What about humans, is a level of "cool" a determination of who lives or dies. If that is the case half you nerds on here would be dead.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
I don't care about hunting, but the real reason most hunters hunt is because they enjoy killing other things. Nothing neccesarily wrong with that, we are mammals ourselves. Look at human history and tell me that we don't enjoy even killing our fellow human beings.

Than you agree with killing other people? You are correct about our behavior, we have killed each other since time began. We have not killed animals since the start of time.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
No not that there cool but I just dont think they should be killed. Deer ok whatever there are millions of them or birds who gives a fuck but a Wolf is a DOG!!

So because society had given you expendable animals to kill it is ok? Even though they feel the same pain, feel the same emotions and live life the same way?

New member
Sep 6, 2007
I'm just telling you how it is. The Romans had the coliseum where gladiators killed each other to 50k applauding fellow romans. I guarantee if they had gameshows or shit like the coliseum it'd sell out every week. Human being is essentially an ape in a suit, you cannot deny your animal instincts though. Why else do you think thousands of people are murdered every year. Animals kill for fun to, and food.

You are correct, we do have a drive to kill. But since the human body is not designed as an omnivore or carnivore we don't have a desire to kill animals for food. That is done out of taught behavior.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
But since the human body is not designed as an omnivore or carnivore we don't have a desire to kill animals for food.

Wrong, it's instinct. We may not have originally been designed to hunt, but we adapted and now it has been bred into us over thousands of years.

That is done out of taught behavior.

Yes, as it is with all animals. Taught behaviour becomes instinct as it is passed down through the genes. Cats no longer need to be taught to hunt; they do it instinctively. As do humans.

Even though they feel the same pain, feel the same emotions and live life the same way?

Animals kill other animals. It's extremely naive to view our relationship with other animals separately from how the rest of the other animals interact with each other.

We have not killed animals since the start of time.

Of course we have. Territorial reasons, and also our primate ancestors weren't strictly herbivores. Hunting with tools also goes back tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. We probably hunted before we even thought to pick up a stick and use it as a weapon. Hunting is in our blood.

We were not originally designed to hunt because we were not originally designed to eat meat. Our body structure is made up like an herbivores, from intestinal length to stomach acid strength to our sophisticated sweat gland system, not to mention countless other characteristic traits that link us to herbivores. Man exploring out of our natural warm climates into colder climates forced us to do the unnatural. We learned to kill animals for food from watching other animals do it. We do not have an instinct to kill animals. This is why slaughterhouses are kept out of public eye. The meat industry knows that they need "an out of sight out of mind" thing going on to keep it going. You don't look at a cow and want to eat it like you would an apple. Anyone saying otherwise is a liar.

Do you know the difference between taught and instinct? You may need to learn how to hunt but you do have a natural instinct to do so. Humans that go out hunting is taught, not instinct.

Yes, some animals kill other animals but not all animals. Why do we have to be compared to the animals that kill? You don't see herbivores out there killing others unless there is a fight over territory.

So we hunted before tools????:ohno: I guess we used our claws and strong jaws and sharp teeth and speed and strength to do this. If you think this than you are not simply uninformed, you are an idiot.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
What the hell do you eat for Thanksgiving dinner?

I had a Tofurky with green beans, mashed potatoes w/gravy, biscuits, pie, apple dumplings, stuffing and a couple of other things. We made so much food I can't remember it all. Great dinner.

New member
Sep 6, 2007

Well, I'm a well educated person that has studied nutrition and body structure for 16 years and have undeniable scientific facts behind my statement but since you're a hillbilly that says "bullshit" I guess I'll believe you.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Why do you feel the need to call for the hunters to be killed. You are such a smart guy but you want to kill a group of people that hunt for food. I'm guessing you are not a big fan of Ted Nugent.

WHy not just live your life and let other people choose to life life the way they see fit. Hunting is a legal thing to do.

Man made laws should not be acknowledged when they are morally wrong. It is not our right to kill another. Wishing the death of hunters is wishing for the safety of the "game" animals.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Nothing like leftover Tofurky, so many different things you can do with it. Seriously though, where you obviously have researched your position and have some intelligent arguements, you lose credibilty with me on a couple of different fronts. Firstly, you confuse passion about a cause with anger and animosity. On most of your posts you can practically see the veins in your head popping out. You advocate violence to people who don't agree with you. You would want to harm me if I simply pulled up beside you in a pickup truck with a gunrack. You even said the entire human race should be wiped off the face of the earth. How do you expect reasonable people to look past such foolishness for any logic there might be in your post?
Secondly, you profess that animals are just as important as people. God certainly didn't set things up that way, as He gave humans dominion over all other living creatures of the earth. He could have chosen to give animals brains as developed as ours, then they could have invented guns and shot back at us. Not the case.
I could not disagree with your position any more, yet I don't hate you because we disagree, and I certainly don't wish you any harm.

You can't bring god into this because this is a faith, meaning that you believe it but it can't be proven. I'm talking about provable facts, not what a supposed god says. I'm not going to get into an entire different topic by going into religion but you need scientific proof, not fairy tale arguments.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Our dentition is that of a vegetarian. Our earliest ancestors may have relied heavily on root foods such as yams. Yams refer to a group of tuber bearing plants that includes about 600 species. They grow in moist hot climates and are today a major food crop in tropical countries. The starch tuber grows underground and would have to be dug up. A group of people, called the Banda have left remains of tools, identified as hoes or picks and dated as up to 75,000 years old. They lived in the region between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. Such wild plants would have represented an unexploited resource before early humans found that some of them were edible (and others toxic).

If you look into our very beginning we were not omnivores nor hunters. We adapted to other ways of life because of our movement into cold climates.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
I pretty much asumed this is where you were coming from. We're definitely too far apart in our belief systems to find any common ground. By the way, I like how you try to make a point by spelling God with a lower case "g". Even if you don't believe in Him, "God" is still a proper name...warranting upper case. I don't believe in Rudolph the reindeer, but I don't feel compelled to write it as "rudolph".

I don't hate religious people. I'm not saying that I don't believe in God. I don't know if there is a such thing and it can't be proven, so I don't waste my time worrying about it. The only thing that pisses me off is when religious people use the their holy book to justify wrong doing.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Um. You know nothing about me, and I am as far from a hillbilly
as can be, but keep resorting to your ad hominem argumentation.

Your whole attempt to justify your ludicrous position on killing
hunters has to be one of the most asinine things I've read in
these forums.

I have never shot a gun in my life (other than skeet shooting once),
and I don't have much desire to - but I support hunters rights 100%.

Are there idiot hunters out there? Sure. There are idiots in every area
of the population.

You posted a response to a fact based post of mine with "bullshit". You did not then, or now, counter one thing that I said. That shows me an uneducated person. Or at the very least a person that is ignorant to the topic at hand which should make your view on it worthless. As for killing hunters, if it is their right to kill animals, shouldn't it be the right of others to kill them? You defeat your own argument. Yet another sign of an uneducated person. Get angry if you want but I am just calling it how I see it.

New member
Sep 6, 2007
Prove that man was originally an herbivore.

I assume you are an evolutionist. Prove it. I'm really interested in
seeing the transitional fossil forms.

Oh, by the way, evolution is a religion. It takes as much faith to
believe in evolution as it does to believe in creation.

(Here we go.... )

As for the herbivore thing.
1. man has a lengthy intestinal track (12X the length of our body) which any omnivores' digestive track is right around 3X the their length. This is because meat needs to pass through a system quickly or it decays and fills a body with bacteria.
2. we have a sophisticated sweat gland system. omnivores and carnivores sweat through their tongues, not bodies. This is because most hunters do a lot of it at night and tend to rest more during the day.
3. No claws
4. teeth do not fit an omnivore
5. we are effected by cholesteral which does not effect meat eating animals.
6. our stomach acids are around 20X weaker then any omnivores. this is because we don't need to break down the harsh bacteria in meat. which leads to #7. we need to cook our food.

I can go on and on about the countless things that make us herbivores. Now give me a couple things that make us omnivores.

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