RR Humour


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Sep 21, 2004
A son and father went to see a doctor since the father was getting very ill. The doctor told the father and son that the father was dying from cancer. The father, who was an Irishman, turned to his son and said, "Son, even on this gloomy day, it's our tradition to drink to health as it is in death; so let's go to the pub and celebrate my demise."

Reluctantly, the son followed his father to the local pub. There, while enjoying their ale, the father saw some old friends and told them he was dying from AIDS. Shocked, the son turned to his father and said, "Father, it is not AIDS you are dying from. It is cancer. Why did you lie to those men?" The father replied: "Aye, my son, you are right... but I don't want those guys sleeping with your mom when I'm gone."


A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. The next week, the man realised that he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight to Chicago.

Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (AND LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me at 5:00 AM." The next morning the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and that he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't awakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, "It is 5:00 AM. Wake up."


Guy out on the golf course takes a high speed ball right in the crotch. Writhing in agony, he falls to the ground. He finally gets himself to the doctor. He says, "How bad is it, doc? I'm going on my honeymoon next week and my fiancée is still a virgin."

The doc said, "I'll have to put your penis in a splint to let it heal and keep it straight. It should be okay next week." So he took four tongue depressors and formed a neat little 4-sided splint, held together with surgical wire. It was an impressive work of art. The guy mentions none of this to his girlfriend. They marry and on their honeymoon night in the motel room, she rips open her blouse to reveal a gorgeous set of breasts. This was the first time he ever saw them. She says, "You are the first, no one has ever touched these breasts." He pulls down his pants, whips out his splinted cock and says, "Look at this beauty; it's still in the CRATE!"


Little Johnny had become a real nuisance while his father tried to concentrate on his Saturday afternoon poker game with friends and relatives. The father tried every way possible to get Johnny to occupy himself... television, ice cream, homework, video games...but the youngster insisted on running back and forth behind the players and calling out the cards they held. The other players became so annoyed that they threatened to quit the game and all go home.

At this point, the boy's uncle stood up, took Johnny by the hand, and led him out of the room. The uncle soon returned back to the poker table without Johnny and without comment, the game resumed. For the rest of the afternoon, little Johnny was nowhere to be seen and the card players continued without any further interruptions. After the poker game ended, the father asked Johnny's uncle, "What in the world did you do to Johnny? I haven't heard a peep from him all day!" "Not much," the boy's uncle replied. "I just showed him how to jerk off."



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Sep 21, 2004
Papa Henhouse was lying in his coffin with little Hen and Mama Hen staring down at him.

The only friend Papa had (go figure) came up to Mama and baby Hen and inquired how Papa died

"Gonorrhea" replied Mama Hen

The friend gave further codolences and retreated.

"Mama--you know Papa died of diarrhea not gonorrhea"

"Yes" replied Mama-'but I wanted him to be remembered as a sport-not the dribbling shit ass that he was!" .

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Moral of the story--like father like son.

btw--I have it on good authority that Papa Henhouse was a night watchman at a cranberry silo for 40 years.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Guy out on the golf course takes a high speed ball right in the crotch. Writhing in agony, he falls to the ground. He finally gets himself to the doctor. He says, "How bad is it, doc? I'm going on my honeymoon next week and my fiancée is still a virgin."

The doc said, "I'll have to put your penis in a splint to let it heal and keep it straight. It should be okay next week." So he took four tongue depressors and formed a neat little 4-sided splint, held together with surgical wire. It was an impressive work of art. The guy mentions none of this to his girlfriend. They marry and on their honeymoon night in the motel room, she rips open her blouse to reveal a gorgeous set of breasts. This was the first time he ever saw them. She says, "You are the first, no one has ever touched these breasts." He pulls down his pants, whips out his splinted cock and says, "Look at this beauty; it's still in the CRATE!"


Thorn and Myrddin were sitting in a bar, and Myrddin was complaining about his current live-in girlfriend. "I'm telling you, Thorn, I've about had it with her. She keeps bringing her work home night after night. I'm seriously considering just moving out and ending the relationship."

"Well," replied Thorn, "I can see how that could indeed be very annoying. But having a girl who's interested in her career is hardly a reason to break up." "It is if your girlfriend's a hooker." Myrddin maintained.


In a mental institution, a nurse walks into a room and sees a patient acting as if he's driving a car. The nurse asks him, "Charlie! what are you doing?" Charlie replied, "Can't talk right now... I'm driving to Chicago!" The nurse wishes him a good trip and leaves the room.

The next day the nurse enters Charlie's room just as he stops driving his imaginary car and asks, "Well Charlie, how you doing?" Charlie says, "I'm exhausted, I just got into Chicago and I need some rest." "That's great,"
replied the nurse, "I'm glad you had a safe trip."

The nurse leaves Charlie's room, and goes across the hall into Bob's room, and finds Bob sitting on his bed masturbating vigorously. With surprise she asks, "Bob what are you doing!?" To which Bob replies, "I'm screwing Charlie's wife - he's in Chicago!"


Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he's walking with a limp.

"What happened to you?" asks Sean, the bartender. "Jamie O'Conner and me had a fight," says Paddy. "That little shit, O'Conner," says Sean, "He couldn't do that to you, he must have had something in his hand."

"That he did," says Paddy, "a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin' he gave me with it." "Well," says Sean, "you should have defended yourself, didn't you have something in your hand?" "That I did," said Paddy. "Mrs. O'Conner's breast, and a thing of beauty it was, but useless in a fight."


New member
Sep 21, 2004
A man goes to the doctor's with a lettuce leaf hanging out of his ass. The doctor says "Oh dear, now this looks like nasty." "Nasty?" says the man, "It's just the tip of the fvckin' iceberg!"


A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied, "No ma'am, they're dead."


A little boy was awakened in the middle of the night by strange noises coming from his parents' bedroom, so he decided to investigate. He nudged the door slowly forward and as he entered his parents' bedroom, he was shocked to see his mom and dad screwing for all they were worth.

"Dad! Dad!" he shouted, "What are you doing?" "It's OK son", replied his father, "Your mother wants to have another baby, that's all." The little boy was immediately excited at the prospect of a new baby brother, so he went straight back to bed with a smile on his face.

Several weeks later, the little boy was walking past the bathroom and was shocked to discover his mother on her knees sucking furiously on his father's penis. "Dad! Dad!", he shouted, "What are you doing now?" "Son, there's been a slight change in plans," his dad replied. "Now she wants a BMW."


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Mr. Smith goes to the doctor's office to collect his wife's test results. The lab technician says to him, "I'm sorry, sir, but there has been a bit of a mix-up and we have a problem.

When we sent the samples from your wife to the lab, the samples from another Mrs. Smith were sent as well and we are now uncertain which
one is your wife's. frankly, it is either bad or terrible!"

"What do you mean?" said Mr. Smith.

"Well, one Mrs. Smith has tested positive for Alzheimer's, and the other Mrs. Smith has tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is your wife."

"That's terrible!" said Mr. Smith. "Can we do the test over?"

"Normally, yes. But you have Blue Cross Health Care, and they won't pay for these expensive tests more than once."

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?" said Mr. Smith.

"Blue Cross Health Care recommends that you drop your wife off in the middle of town. If she finds her way home, don't fvck her."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A guy is walking along the strip in Las Vegas and a knockout hooker catches his eye. He strikes up a conversation and eventually asks the hooker, "How much?"

Hooker replies, "It starts at $500 for a hand-job."

Guy says, "$500 dollars! For a hand-job! No hand-job is worth that kind of money!"

The hooker says, "Do you see that Denny's on the corner?"


"Do you see the Denny's about a block further down?"


"And beyond that, do you see that third Denny's?"


"Well," says the hooker, smiling invitingly, "I own those. And, I own them because I give a hand-job that's worth $500."

Guy says, "What the hell? I'll give it a try."

They retire to a nearby motel. A short time later, the guy is sitting on the bed realizing that he just experienced the hand-job of a lifetime, worth every bit of $500.

He is so amazed, he says, "I suppose a blow-job is $1,000?"

The hooker replies, "$1,500."

"$1,500? No blow-job could be worth that".

The hooker replies, "Step over here to the window, big boy. Do you see that casino just across the street? I own that casino outright. And I own it because I give a blow-job that's worth every cent of $1,500."

The guy, basking in the afterglow of that terrific hand-job, says, "Sign me up."

Ten minutes later, he is sitting on the bed more amazed than before. He can scarcely believe it but he feels he truly got his money's worth. He decides to dip into the retirement savings for one glorious and unforgettable experience.

He asks the hooker, "How much for some pussy?"

The hooker says, "Come over here to the window. Do you see how the whole city of Las Vegas is laid out before us, all those beautiful lights, gambling palaces and showplaces?"

"Damn!" the guy says, in awe, "You own the whole city?"

"No," the hooker replies, "but I would if I had a pussy."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
One night a man has some friends over after a night of drinking. As he's showing everybody around his place, one of his friends notices a massive brass gong in the master bedroom.

"What's the story on the gong?" inquired the inebriated friend.

"Oh, that's not a gong," replied the host, "it's a talking clock."

As puzzled looks ensued, the host said, "Here, lemme show you how it works."

With that, he picked up the mallet, leaned back and slammed the gong with all of his might. The gong's tone reverberated through the room, the apartment, and the guests' skulls for a full ten seconds before dying out. Just as the tone finally dissipated, a voice came from the other side of the bedroom wall:


"See," said the host. "Half past three. Talking clock."

<-- Looks a bit like a talking clock.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The Mortitian arrived at the Mortuary one morning and was
aproached by his assistant.

"Anything interesting happen over-night", asked the mortitian.

"Yes", replied the assistant, "The most gorgeous 18 year-old
blond came in last night. Dead of course"

"What was the cause of death", enquired the mortition.

"I'm not sure",replied the assistant. "But she's got a Prawn
stuck up her cunt!"

"Are you sure", said the Mortitian.

"Yes, come and have a look for yourself" ,said the assistant
opening the body bag.

The mortitian closely examined the beautifuly trimmed snatch.

"That's not a prawn you stupid wanker", he responded, "That's
her clitoris"

"Are you sure", said the assisitant, "'Cos it certainly tasted
like a prawn".

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A few years ago, the Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presenting an alternative to Wyoming ranchers for controlling the
coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true methods of shooting and/or trapping the predator--the tree huggers had a more humane solution.

What they proposed was for the animals to be captured alive, the males castrated and let loose again and the population would be

This was ACTUALLY proposed to the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Grower's Association by the Sierra Club and the USFS.
All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes.

Finally, an old boy in the back stood up, tipped his hat back and
said,"Son, I don't think you understand the problem.Those coyotes ain't screwin' our sheep - they're eatin' 'em"

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