Breaking Bad Snob
You know FZ, she dosen't even piss me off. Because of democrats she does not know any better.Poor girl probably 3rd generation welfare.Honestly, my heart goes out to her.The Democrat party is the party of the leeches and cock-roaches of society. Just like that corrupt witch Pelosi said, vote for Obama and his ObamaCare and you can quit your job and let someone else pay for your healthcare. It's class warfare, and the Democrats are pandering to all the lazy fucking leeches looking for more and more government handouts.
Good he earned his money.
You fuckin assholes, you should be striving to give your children the same thing.Fuckin helpless faggots.
I don't know about some of you fuckin weirdohs.When I play golf or anything I always like to play with someone better than me so I have a goal to get better. I mean what the fuck, do some you guys got cunts between your legs? Have some fuckin pride in yourselves fuckin pussys....wah wah wah he got more than I do wah wah wah. Act like fuckin men will ya..ya pathetic fucks.
As opposed to having a president who never ran as much as lemonade stand.And got his money through goverment grants.Fuckin affirmitive action president.
No I don't and i never said that.It is OK to hate the people below you economically
More like the folks who are above me who try tell ME how to live who wouldn't be anywhere without govermnet grants I tend to dislike.like the folks who get their money "through goverment (sic) grants,"
yes it does. you want what they want go earn it. don't cry about it,quit making excuses.millionaires are made everyday. I know a guy who is probably a millionaire with a high school education who started of mowing lawns part time to help support his wife with cancer who had to quit her job.Does he cry about how much money Romney has? No.He is to fucking busy getting his own. I admire those guys.but it makes you a "fuckin weirdoh (sic)" if you hate the people above you economically?"
No I don't and i never said that.
More like the folks who are above me who try tell ME how to live who wouldn't be anywhere without govermnet grants I tend to dislike.
yes it does. you want what they want go earn it. don't cry about it,quit making excuses.millionaires are made everyday. I know a guy who is probably a millionaire with a high school education who started of mowing lawns part time to help support his wife with cancer who had to quit her job.Does he cry about how much money Romney has? No.He is to fucking busy getting his own. I admire those guys.
Not only are you not a patriot. You are a complete fuckin idiot.
Haha, Vit, the "footy pajama" guy.
Hey JMac and Vit, you hate on people who have more than you?
Wow. Did you guys miss the fact that this is the most free country in the world. A country where a cultivated brain, hard work, honesty, and a good attitude will get you whatever you want. This country is the definition of opportunity for it's citizens.
Keep stoking that class warfare boys. You are sure to get ahead with that attitude.
What. You just get out of bed you fuckin wretch.
Get out of your fuckin footie pajamas and put some pants on and go look for a job.
OK footsie pj. Keep hatin' on me.
Boo hoo. Vit hates me. Boo hoo.
Would that be a hate crime? There must be a government agency that will advocate for me. I'll get Barack to start one. You in trouble Vit. Boo hoo.
Originally Posted by Pat Patriot
What. You just get out of bed you fuckin wretch.
Get out of your fuckin footie pajamas and put some pants on and go look for a job.
Maybe in a few years if the mood strikes me. I have no need right now. Life is too good.
You keep grinding away and collecting....you are a drain on society.]
I hate on you....and I know I have more than you.
Good for Romney...I could care less if he has billions....the fact that you and terrorist pat are both idiots and can't figure that out is funny to me.
I could sleep all day if I wanted to. Too busy though. Wife, gym, poker, sports betting, going to sixers games fills up the day and I need an early start. My seats are in sect 102 at wells fargo....in case any you internet tough guys gonna threaten me again. That's my favorite.
Never have to work again or rely on anyone to live a great life. Blows away the repub theory on dems doesn't it?
If you got so much $, why you live in a dump like Philly?
The Democrat party is the party of the leeches and cock-roaches of society. Just like that corrupt witch Pelosi said, vote for Obama and his ObamaCare and you can quit your job and let someone else pay for your healthcare. It's class warfare, and the Democrats are pandering to all the lazy fucking leeches looking for more and more government handouts.
You know FZ, she dosen't even piss me off. Because of democrats she does not know any better.Poor girl probably 3rd generation welfare.Honestly, my heart goes out to her.
What pisses me off is healthy college educated men jeaslous of what other men went out and worked for.
I grew up with nothing but I have a lot more than what grew up with and could have had a lot more if I didn't have lazy streak in me longer than the national debt.But I don't blame anybody but myself.And I admire people that are succesful.I'm not jealous of them.Some these cowards ought to stop looking at what everybody has and start looking in the mirror.
The way I look at it I don't want anything from anybody especially the govt. because that way I feel like I owe em.