Part of the reason I voted for Trump was I wanted the person that all of these miscreants didn't want. I made up my mind after the disruption of the Trump rally in Chicago. Of course it turns out that the disruptions were orchestrated by the DNC. The handouts have to stop and the illegals need to be kicked out.
Thats a YUGE factor, a thing many many Voters shared with you.
And that I have yet to hear any Media cite.
Stunning that the Vote that gave Trump The White House may easily have been comprised of 26% Earnest Desire for Donald Trump and 74% REJECTION of SnowFlake WhinyBitches constantly whining like 2 Year Old children, rejection of OBAMA and saying "
Hell to The NO" to Hillary (Continued Corruption).
I feel like your Vote to Reject The Agendas of The Miscreants was a thing many Trump voters found themselves motivated by also.
Funniest Part of all is we have all these Attention Whores out in the Streets play-acting like they are Revolutionaries and an Actual Revolution took place
that was a rejection of
THEM and their dumb as fuk ideas, beliefs!!!!
Of Course they are Mad.
Participation Medal Snowflakes whining is what Social Media has brought us.
Parents raising their kids in a coddling manner and then Colleges continuing to Coddle us this.
Some College somewhere, in response to students being so upset about the Trump Win.....bought the students Pizza.
That was the school's response.
"Lets Coddle the little whiny bitches."
SnowFlakes are not gonna do well in the real world.
It gets Hot, quite the real world. These Parents & Colleges are doing these kids a terrible dis-service.